Also, I just want to point out the wiki also has you subscribing to the theory that Thomas Baron was killed for being ready to speak out. If they're willing to kill a man to keep things secret, why the hell would they leave these 6 alive after claiming they were killed? Seems a far simpler answer that they would have simply killed them all themselves, does it not?
The difference is that Thomas Baron was actively trying to get Apollo shut down by Congress and the Columbia astronauts were NASA loyalists in a bad spot not of their doing. Does it make sense why their lives would be spared?
Nope, none at all. There's no reason not to quietly do away with them unless this is a Hollywood movie. It's funny in a way, you're assuming a group that has managed to pull the wool over basically the entire world, is stupid enough (and not cut throat enough) to just leave these people alive as loose ends. You're giving them the qualities of a Hollywood villain, because they have to be that incompetent. But they somehow arranged a train to run over Thomas Baron. >.> Sure.
No. We shall not.
We have a Francis Richard Scobee doppleganger, and now we see that CEO-Scobee's wife is a look-a-like to NASA-Scobee's wife. What an amazing series of coincidences. Same name, same face, same wife...
Holy crap, a blonde blue eyed woman can look similar to another blonde blue eyed woman with the same last name, and thus potentially similar lineage. Who would have guessed. Also, for the record, June Scobee Rodgers (you know, the dead astronaut's wife) is alive and well. Your evidence for this conspiracy appears to boil down to "well damn this guy looks a lot like this guy over here" and supposing people smart enough and competent enough to kill someone
with a train in an apparent accident thought leaving loose ends like this around would be alright, when half of them have become extremely public figures. Do you have
anything more concrete than what amounts to hearsay?