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Messages - StinkyOne

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Flat Earth Investigations / Re: NASA Live Stream
« on: April 26, 2018, 12:35:47 PM »
Interest in FEH is growing. That doesn't mean belief in FEH is growing. I've mentioned this site to several people and they had all heard that there are still misguided individuals that think the Earth is flat. Some even knew details of the hypothesis by googling it. Not a single one thought it was real. Many laughs were had. Further, while traffic to this site is up, other FEH sites I looked up were actually down. Is there some consolidation happening? The jury is still out, but to claim the "majority is rapidly shrinking" is a bit premature. I'd put money on the fact that this will eventually fade as all conspiracy theories do.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: NASA Live Stream
« on: April 25, 2018, 12:14:10 PM »
Now im really confused, i was strongly leaning towards flat earth theory but after seeing this live stream of earth now i dont know what to believe. A lot of points made a lot of sence on flat earth theory but this has made me question everything.

It cant be CGI its a stream, can it?

here is the video

I understand your concerns but it is obviously CGI. It's just another plot by nasa to convert us to Globeheads. Stay Strong Brother- Keith

Do you really think NASA gives a crap about FEers? I mean honestly, you're a tiny minority of the population and most people think you are idiots. They wouldn't go through the expense of faking a live feed. That would cut into their profits and expose them to getting caught as it would require an effects studio to pull it off.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Flat earth map is wrong
« on: April 25, 2018, 12:09:46 PM »
so strange that we dont see evidence of the flat earth

Here you go.

 It's a 7 year long research done by many scientists to find the real shape of our earth. They're either all very good liars or we actually live on a flat earth where  BIGGER LIERS  have constructed a false "Global" reality to hid something from us.  I wouldn't be surpised, ONE BIG LIE (Moon landing) and all the puffed up pride  has just led to series of lies that have gone too far (that's it's not funny anymore).

You should watch his video where he shatters a plate with his mind. He was visited by aliens when he was a kid and now has super-powers. OR...he is charlatan making a quick buck off the gullible. Typical FEer, believe anything that agrees with your POV without investing any time to see if it is factually accurate.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: NASA Live Stream
« on: April 23, 2018, 12:28:39 PM »
A good exercise would be to start looking at everyday tech that relies on satellites and ask yourself how it would work on a flat Earth. Then ask yourself if all of the private companies that use space are in on the conspiracy. Make sure to include foreign entities. FEers are very good at making things about FEH SOUND good, but when you start really looking at things, it starts to fall apart.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Chemtrails and Toothpaste
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:45:42 AM »
Fluoride is a highly toxic compound and anytime the .gov is pouring bags of the crap in my water then I prefer to filter it back out. I've taken the fluoride out of my drinking water for close to 7 years now and see the flat horizon much much clearer. How's the alzheimer's epidemic working out for you?

If you grew up in the 60's and 70's you would remember blue skies and no chemtrails. Instead, today you're still living in mommys, basement playing on the internet all day.

Yeah...chemtrails.  Just no.
Pic from the 70's. What are those lines in the sky???

El Stinky are you a .gov plant on this site? Couple things gave it away, one I have been going to the Las Vegas Hilton since ELViS was alive and performing there. Two the light pole is bent in the foreground meaning the picture has been doctored by the globalist to fool the gullible chemtrail sniffers.

This picture is of the LV Hilton with a second building overlayed, chemtrails added for fun, for the James Bond movie.
Nice try stinker, you have now proved to the world your "Evil" ways....So easy to slay !

LOL - it is just an old picture. I did an image search on 1970s sky. You should get back on your meds.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: FET and Global Positioning System
« on: April 20, 2018, 05:31:14 PM »
My apologies - I forgot that you guys will jump at even the smallest error in phrasing.

This made me laugh. You literally DMed me once because I misspelled a word. Turnabout is fair play and all that.

Thanks. Geez, that took a struggle for you to concede.

What did I concede? I never argued that cell phones didn't supplement their GPS data. That can be pretty important if you don't have line of sight to the sky. I said let's take them out of the mix because you're trying to use them as a straw man of sorts. You're arguing a losing position. We all know GPS works very well. You can try to cast doubt on that, but it isn't reality. Then again, neither is a flat Earth and you're still trying to defend that so maybe you're just a contrarian?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: FET and Global Positioning System
« on: April 20, 2018, 01:54:32 PM »
I already provided an explanation of how positioning systems work in relatively populated areas. I can't help you "see" it any more than that.

No, you tried to obfuscate the issue. Yes, cell phones do augment GPS data, so we should throw that out. While we are at it, let's ditch cell phones all together. Let's focus on GPS devices in remote areas. They work and are extremely accurate. No way to muddy those waters. Unless you can show them being wholly inaccurate a large percentage of the time, your claim is mere opinion.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: FET and Global Positioning System
« on: April 20, 2018, 12:18:10 PM »
Your schtick is extremely transparent, as always. Nobody is questioning that GPS works in certain areas, and that it can, on occasion, be accurate.

Would you mind telling us where, beyond the obvious non-line of sight to the sky, GPS doesn't work? Also, can you show GPS being inaccurate more often than it is accurate? You make a ridiculous claim, would love to see some data on it. Otherwise, it is just your uninformed opinion.

Flat Earth Community / Re: When did you start?
« on: April 18, 2018, 12:29:06 PM »
As a child I was told that stars were suns in distant galaxies, I knew instinctively that was garbage.
I was also told we evolved from apes and I thought to myself "no we didn't"
I eventually succumbed to the relentless round earth programing but rejected the ape stuff.
Becoming a FEer was like coming back full circle, it was easy for me and the localised sun was the clincher.

Well, you did get one thing correct - the stars you see are not in distant galaxies. All the stars you see are in the Milky Way. Distant galaxies are much too far away to see individual stars. You can barely see the faint white smudge of the Andromeda galaxy with the naked eye, but it really is just a smudge. This does, however, point to something important. You didn't have the required information to make an accurate judgement. You based your opinion off of inaccurate facts. It's similar to creationists saying we didn't evolve from apes and then pointing to the fact that no apes are evolving into humans today. (we share a common ancestor)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Using airline flight data.
« on: April 17, 2018, 05:41:53 PM »
Find and show the doppler data that verifies that GPS is accurate. "It's been done" doesn't get you very far. You need to show, not tell.

Tom - I've used GPS to track my position when I've been far outside of cell phone range. I can tell you it is very accurate. Accurate enough for me to risk getting lost in back country, which could prove fatal. I have another trip scheduled in late July. If I remember, I would be happy to record it's accuracy. (not that you would believe it) Your continual denial of it's accuracy when it is used in critical system daily just hurts your argument. I'd be willing to bet you've used it on more than one occasion.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Speed of The Sun
« on: April 16, 2018, 08:38:40 PM »
It's not one guy, and I'm not aware of them saying they can explode glass with their mind.

And the recent YouTube video by Brazilian scientists also verify the waters being flat.
That seems pretty unlikely but can you provide the link to that?

The guy posting this was shown to be a charlatan due to his other posts. The only thing he verified is that he is using the gullible for money. Even Tom had to admit the guy was a liar.

It's NASA's way of keeping tabs on them, officially it will be to help, but in reality its so they can track where they go and what they do with regards to the ice wall.

Yeah, lots of commercial flights fly to the mystical ice wall. Does the military need planes to broadcast their presence locally in order to spot them? Last time I checked, radar works. Honestly, do you people even think about what you're posting?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Speed of The Sun
« on: April 16, 2018, 12:46:55 PM »
Yet somehow he was able to calculate the true distance, despite lack of technology.

Great! So, have his calculations been confirmed by direct measurement?
Of course, he did the measurements himself.

I think you've missed my point. Have his calculations been confirmed by direct measurement (i. e. using a radar, a laser, ...)? Also confirmed means that someone else measured it and his readings were the same as Rowbotham's.

Rowbotham performed the experiments many times over a 30 year period. His results were also vetted by a journal dedicated to that purpose called The Earth Not a Globe Review. Today we can also see water convexity experiments on Youtube, including different experiments with lasers. Check them out.
Water being convex shows the curve of the earth.
Dr Rowbotham was able to demonstrate the flatness of the waters by conducting his experiments.

And the recent YouTube video by Brazilian scientists also verify the waters being flat.

Do you mean the same Brazilian "scientist" that claims to be able to explode glass plates with his mind? Yeah, we've completely debunked that dude. Even Tom backed off his support.

So it is part of NASA's mission to improve the air traffic control systems of foreign nations now? Why can't Airservices Australia maintain their own systems or call upon on one of the many companies who specialize in that?

The fact that NASA is involved in the air traffic control systems in Australia creates distrust with the accuracy of Australian flight data.

Sigh, Tom... ADS-B makes the data ATC receives more accurate and provides an picture of local traffic to pilots. I know you want to tie this into a conspiracy, but the planes are still visible on ATC radar. It doesn't change their location. Also, it works via satellite, which means satellite data has been confirmed by radar. (win for RE)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: On a globe Earth the horizon should not curve
« on: April 13, 2018, 05:51:11 PM »
Figured it out by using Google? I have the guts, I just don't need to 'figure' anything out, Dr Rowbotham has already done it.

I don't know where you got the idea flat earth movement is a cult. All we do is accept that earth isn't a globe. Yes, Dr Rowbotham was the founder of the zetetic movement, but its not a cult. We don't worship him in any way whatsoever.

And no, its on you to prove he wasn't a doctor. I referred to him as one, you stated it as an absolute fact he wasn't. I didn't say to you that he absolutely was. So it's on you to prove he wasn't.

Rowbotham didn't figure out the Nile drops 1 foot in 1 thousand miles any more than you did. He never went to the Nile to measure anything. Your troll game is showing cracks. No one would blindly follow a quack from 150 years ago.

As for that Dr thing, call him what you want. You know, I know, everyone paying attention knows he did nothing to earn the title of Dr. If I run around calling myself a Dr and have it put on my headstone, does that mean anything at all? All it means is I was delusional or a liar. I'll let you decide which it was for Rowbotham.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: satellite hoax
« on: April 12, 2018, 02:47:36 PM »
The 2000 year old documents suggest the dome is of sapphire stone which we all know has tremendous communication features. Also has aluminum oxide contents, where do we hear of those also? Chemtrails, those nano particles you suck in and eat everyday. Thanks for playing stinker.....

So now it is sapphire and not glass? Why do we need chemtrails to bounce radio waves off of if we have a sapphire dome that does the job? Would you like to make any more weird unfounded pronouncements?

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: satellite hoax
« on: April 12, 2018, 12:20:51 PM »
When you know where the information bounces off the dome, it's very easy to require someone to use that area to broadcast their signals. Charge them 10's of millions for satellite time or even a whole one blasted up to this imaginary space in the universe. Point your round funny disks at the reflection and boom, futbol.....

Who would know the diff?

Not any of the knuckle draggers here.

You can't bounce radio waves off of glass. They pass right through glass. Ever wonder how you're able to listen to the radio in your home? The radio waves passed right through the wood and glass of your house. You should stick to things you know about instead of just spouting nonsense. The spouting makes you look unintelligent and hurts any point you're trying to make.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Theories is all we have
« on: April 11, 2018, 12:56:39 PM »

You sure you want to stick with this map? If so, can you explain to everyone why the Sun doesn't race across the sky in the southern hemisphere. The Sun supposedly orbits the north pole and just like the rim of a wheel moves faster than the axle, the Sun would have to move faster the further south you go.

You also stated the sun is 700 miles up. You're going to need to explain how the sun can appear overhead in Sydney, Australia. And while on the subject of Australia, do you want to claim that it is 3x the size of Canada.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Chemtrails and Toothpaste
« on: April 07, 2018, 11:15:29 PM »
Fluoride is a highly toxic compound and anytime the .gov is pouring bags of the crap in my water then I prefer to filter it back out. I've taken the fluoride out of my drinking water for close to 7 years now and see the flat horizon much much clearer. How's the alzheimer's epidemic working out for you?

If you grew up in the 60's and 70's you would remember blue skies and no chemtrails. Instead, today you're still living in mommys, basement playing on the internet all day.

Yeah...chemtrails.  Just no.
Pic from the 70's. What are those lines in the sky???

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Lunar Light Lunacy
« on: April 06, 2018, 01:49:40 PM »
I have a feeling this started when someone observed that when the moon was shinning bright, temps dropped. Now we know that clouds trap heat in from the Sun and keep the temps a little higher. Long ago, they probably didn't realize the impact cloud cover had and wrongly assumed the moon made things cooler. The fact that anyone thinks this is true to day just goes to show how willfully ignorant people can be.

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