Oh well if Google says so it must be true.
Nope, I figured it out all by myself, and you could too if you had the guts.
Dr Rowbotham already said it drops only a foot. That's it. End of.
Called it! Here is what I wrote earlier: "And am I right when I assume that you have no intention whatsoever of addressing my original topic, the expected straight horizon? Am I right when I assume that you have dug in, and it's going to be 'the Nile drops one foot' from here on out?"
In another post you wrote that Rowbotham should be honored and respected and that he was a visionary scientist ahead of his time and so on. That's how I spell 'guru'.
This 'FE movement' bears all the hallmarks of a cult. The old, visionary leader, the 2-3 bumper sticker slogans and the unwillingness to even consider the counter arguments presented... This has nothing whatsoever to do with the shape of the Earth, it's all about being in a community, where the faithful believers are special and argue contrary to what 99.9999999% of the rational beings on Earth know is true. You are the chosen ones, the few who see the real truth, you fight oppression and ridicule, but together you stand strong, and nothing, nothing at all, will ever be allowed to convince you that you are wrong.
PS: Rowbotham was not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination. If you disagree, please tell me where he got his degree.
I know... 'The Nile drops one foot and Professor Doctor Rowbotham, PhD spake the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. Amen!!!'