It is never about winning in the middle fora. It is about exchanging ideas.
I feel God must exist, and He must exist because we exist. And people need God. No civilisation has become anything without a God of sorts. There are no atheist civilisations that rose up anywhere on the planet at any point in history. And that is because religion sets all the ground rules of co-operation. Don't kill other people, don't steal, don't be hurting people unnecessarily ... order from anarchy. And you enforce this by telling people they will face some kind of afterlife retribution if they don't comply (all gods are omnipotent - coincidence?) ... because it is difficult to watch everyone all the time if they live say in a jungle. But if they think God watches them, they behave better. Those with a readiness to accept religion (to comply) survive, and those who don't will be labelled heretics or whatever and killed by everyone else ... because they are doing wicked things. So I'd conclude a predilection towards religion is probably innate in humans.
And then that makes me think, should I believe in God? Its a choice? Am I happier with or without a God? I'm not talking about a rigid religion, I'm talking about being spiritual. And I like the idea that the universe was created. A fluke makes everything you do seem so irrelevant. I like that we are the most important things in the universe and that Gods and Angels or whatever ... we are in their image. Because being on a tiny dot like a grain of sand again for the blink of an eye makes anything do you not important.
And so I don't think anyone can actually be truly atheist ... because you'd kill yourself. Because there is no point in any of the effort you put into anything if you truly believe it is all a fluke and we are meaningless. Even the most ardent atheist must think there is some point to their existence, even if they won't admit it. Because true atheism is absolute nihilism. People do value each other, they value love, they value their lives. They don't think they are worthless. And I think that comes from evolution. Once you are smart enough to think outside of instinct, you need a reason to bother.
Atheism doesn't bring comfort, or happiness, or well-being, or a sense of self-worth. I don't believe in God because it is the correct answer. I believe in God because it is the answer that makes me happy ... and the answer that must be most compatible with my biology. Spirituality is hardwired into people. It is probably a survival instinct (preventing suicide for example). And sometimes being happy is better than being right.
So back to your OP, I don't see what aliens would bring to a religion, because they would create us for their own ends and they wouldn't care about the actions of any particular individual. We would no longer be important ... just a disposable science experiment. So even if it was the 'right' answer, it isn't the 'best' answer.
I appreciate your comments. I have a few questions:
"I feel God must exist, and He must exist because we exist."
Why? Why does the existence of humans imply an existence of God?
"I believe in God because it is the answer that makes me happy ..."
I want to believe things that are true, or most likely true. I think that if I believe as many true things as possible and not believe as many false things as possible, then the decisions I make will align best with reality. Hence, the intention of my decisions will have a better chance of matching the outcome, on average. What do you think is the benefit to believing things based on present happiness?
"And so I don't think anyone can actually be truly atheist ... because you'd kill yourself."
I think you may be confusing atheism with nihilism. I am an atheist, and I do not think about killing myself at all. It may be that we are using different definitions of what an atheist is. My definition:
An atheist is someone who rejects the God claim.
From my understanding, there are four options:
Gnostic theist: you believe in god, and claim knowledge of this belief.
Agnostic theist: you believe in god, but do not claim knowledge in that belief (hence faith is required...most Christian religions fall into this category).
Gnostic atheist: you do not believe in god, and claim knowledge of this belief. In other words, you believe evidence exists which disproves god (some call this anti-theism, or strong atheism).
Agnostic atheist: you do not believe in god, but do not claim knowledge in that belief.
I am an agnostic atheist. The last one. So can I NOT believe in God but also not have knowledge of this? Well, we call this the null hypothesis. When it comes to existence, the null hypothesis is: things (by default) do not exist until we can prove their existence. This includes: bigfoot, the lock ness monster, the flying spaghetti monster, universe-creating pixies, dragons, etc.
In my view, the only rational position is to assume things do not exist until proven otherwise. Imagine what kind of world we would live in if we assumed anything exists until disproved. It would be chaos.