After hearing ChrisTP worked on the game, it inspired me to make a thread for it. It's one of my top 5 games of all time. Some of you may have heard of it, and fewer have probably played it. It's, essentially, a sandbox, ship to ship and first person PvP game with light PvE elements. You make your pirate, and get thrown into a sandbox world where you try to collect treasure for various trading companies who will pay you in gold coins and doubloons which you can then use to buy cosmetic items. It's somewhat unique for an online RPG-type game in that progression is cosmetic only. The character you start with will be just as effective in battle as a character that has been played since release, player skill being equal.
One of the end-game activities is to reach "pirate legend" status, which opens a new set of voyages and cosmetic items. I played the beta and a few months into release, but it was light on content then so I stopped for a long time and never reached pirate legend. I've since picked it up again and have been playing constantly for a couple months, and I am now only a couple reputation levels away from pirate legend. They've added quite a few new features and it's a more complete game now. Has anyone else played, or is anyone interested in playing? I can't give you in-game items, but I can help you get treasure and complete voyages.
Here's a picture of my pirate:

And here is a picture of my sloop decked out in Gears of War livery. There are three classes of ships, the sloop being the smallest and most maneuverable.