It does everything I need but I barely use it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to me.
Did you get the r6? If so I’m jealous. And what sold you on the r6 instead of the r5?
I still have my 5d which I truly adore. For glass I have 100-400 f/4.5-5.6, 50 f/1.4, 85 f/1.8, and my everyday 24-105 f/4.
Did you get a new lens or are you using the adapter for EF’s?
Yeah, I got the R6 over the R5 pretty much only for cost reasons. The boost in megapixels would have been nice, but $4k for a camera is a little too much. The 5D and its subsequent revisions are all still incredible cameras. And those lenses will work flawlessly adapted to an R mount camera if you ever decide to get one. I've used the 100-400mm and 85mm f/1.8 adapted to the R6 and they all work as if they were natively mounted. Even better really, since they can take advantage of the improved autofocus capability of a mirrorless camera. As for native lenses, I only have the RF 35mm f/1.8 right now since the cost of Canon RF lenses is absolutely nuts (albeit with improved image quality across the board over their EF counterparts). I actually considered switching to Sony and an a7IV recently just because the E mount has so much 3rd party support, including Sigma's incredible line of affordable lenses. But rumors have it that Sigma will finally be developing RF lenses next year, so I guess I'll stick with Canon for now. Next lens purchase will probably be the RF 16mm f/2.8.
If you wanted to just try out mirrorless before dumping a bunch of cash on an R6 or R5, you could go with an RP. It's tiny for a full frame camera and very affordable with incredible ergonomics. Canon should have another cheaper RF camera coming out soon too, hopefully with similar specs to Nikon's Z 5.