Trying to Understand FE
« on: March 22, 2018, 01:52:34 AM »
I'm new to the forums, and to FE's challenge of Earth's rotundity. I'll admit, right now I wholeheartedly accept the view that the Earth is round, due to its plausibility in relation to my understanding of science and physics. I'm sure I'll be met with the argument that I've been brainwashed, and rightfully so. From a young age, society has fed it's members an understanding of the universe that would support the round Earth. The concept of a round Earth has become so ingrained in people's minds, that few would think to challenge it. That's not what I have an issue with, however. The Earth could very well be flat, and I wouldn't know it. I've associated myself with FE's belief that something can only be true if you see it for yourself. That's why I'm not denying the possibility of a FE by any means, however, I'm not downplaying my belief in a RE. I don't have the resources to prove the existence of a FE to myself, and it's doubtful I ever will. I present a challenge to the theory that NASA and other space-capable nations have conspired against the rest of the International community to hide the existence of a FE. The simple reasoning I have comes in the form of a question. What would be the goal of this conspiracy? If Earth is really accelerating upwards at a speed of 9.8 m/s^2, then what is the motive to hide this fact? If the sun is only 36 miles across, why cover it up? What's the point? Through all my perusal of FE forums and other resources, I have found no plausible motive. I'd appreciate an explanation, so I can decide for myself whether or not the FE is something I should really believe in.


Offline Beorn

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2018, 02:54:28 PM »
As with all conspiracies, the motive is money. Some have hypothesised that there are immeasurably valuable resources close to the edge. Personally, I think that it started with a space travel conspiracy used to funnel money to the NASA, especially during the cold war. Nowadays the conspiracy might not be necessary anymore, except that confessing that we have collectively been lied to for such a long time about something so fundamental as the shape of our planet could well topple most of the current governments.

Hence, the goal now is to preserve a relative stable and peaceful climate. If there is ever a big shift in governing bodies ( e.g. due to WW III), I believe chances are high that the truth will finally come out.
Am I in the right place?

Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2018, 04:59:38 PM »
That's another issue I have, if the only motive for the conspiracy is based on a hypothesis, then doesn't that challenge the validity of the conspiracy theory?

Offline Parallax

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2018, 08:03:10 PM »
That's another issue I have, if the only motive for the conspiracy is based on a hypothesis, then doesn't that challenge the validity of the conspiracy theory?
What Dr Samuel Rowbotham revealed to the world was the revelation that earth was not round but infact was flat. But the scientific community just dismissed it. However, when the cold war was in full swing, technology had massively advanced. But what they found would have blown science apart. The Antarctic treaty was created to hide it. NASA kept being funded to astronomical sums and the government's kept a secret. It wasn't hid for money, it was hid because of how much the science books would have to have been rewritten.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2018, 08:16:33 PM »
That's another issue I have, if the only motive for the conspiracy is based on a hypothesis, then doesn't that challenge the validity of the conspiracy theory?
What Dr Samuel Rowbotham revealed to the world was the revelation that earth was not round but infact was flat. But the scientific community just dismissed it. However, when the cold war was in full swing, technology had massively advanced. But what they found would have blown science apart. The Antarctic treaty was created to hide it. NASA kept being funded to astronomical sums and the government's kept a secret. It wasn't hid for money, it was hid because of how much the science books would have to have been rewritten.

So wait, they hid it and spent trillions so they didn't have to change science books?? Well, that certainly is a novel theory. (pun intended)

No, Rowbotham wrote a book that was wrong in almost every assertion and wasn't remotely well researched. If it had merit, the scientific community would have picked it up and run with it. That is how science works. No, he just rehashed ancient theories and proved nothing.

Here are the articles of the Antarctic Treaty. What part of it is related to a flat Earth???

Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes;
Article 6 – Includes under the treaty all land and ice shelves but not the surrounding waters south of 60 degrees 00 minutes south;
Article 7 – Treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given;
Article 8 – Allows for good jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states;
Article 9 – Frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations;
Article 10 – All treaty states will discourage activities by any country in Antarctica that are contrary to the treaty;
Article 11 – All disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the International Court of Justice;
Articles 12, 13, 14 – Deal with upholding, interpreting, and amending the treaty among involved nations.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2018, 08:33:32 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

Offline Frocious

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2018, 08:43:54 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

That's not how science works. Countless experiments have been done to try and disprove Einstein's theory of relativity, for example. Challenging assertions/findings is how science moves forward.

The FET community is welcome to do the same by putting forth papers for peer review.

Offline Parallax

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2018, 08:51:12 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

That's not how science works. Countless experiments have been done to try and disprove Einstein's theory of relativity, for example. Challenging assertions/findings is how science moves forward.

The FET community is welcome to do the same by putting forth papers for peer review.
Yes that's true, but Dr Rowbotham challenged something that was regarded as fact and its easier to ridicule it. Almost like it wasn't worth the effort for them to do it, but clearly worth yours.

And Eric Dubay, the leader of the flat earth movement, has put forth many arguments blowing the doors off arguments by 'experts' such as Tyson.

Offline Frocious

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2018, 08:53:45 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

That's not how science works. Countless experiments have been done to try and disprove Einstein's theory of relativity, for example. Challenging assertions/findings is how science moves forward.

The FET community is welcome to do the same by putting forth papers for peer review.
Yes that's true, but Dr Rowbotham challenged something that was regarded as fact and its easier to ridicule it. Almost like it wasn't worth the effort for them to do it, but clearly worth yours.

And Eric Dubay, the leader of the flat earth movement, has put forth many arguments blowing the doors off arguments by 'experts' such as Tyson.

If the evidence is so strong, I would suggest that Mr. Dubay puts forth his evidence for peer review.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2018, 08:56:03 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

Saying science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo shows you literally have NO CLUE what you're talking about. Go read a book on science history and you'll be treated to battle after battle of ideas, data, and egos. Rowbotham was a joke. I read ENAG. It is poorly written, poorly researched, and contains error after error. I suppose you think moonlight makes things cooler...

Given that both sides would have known, you space race comment makes no sense. It would have been more advantageous to build systems that take advantage of how the Earth is really shaped. (which they did)

I never mentioned anything. I copy and pasted the treaty. It says the military CAN be there for PEACEFUL reasons. Doesn't say they are or aren't. Nor is it relevant to FEH.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

Offline Parallax

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2018, 09:04:11 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

That's not how science works. Countless experiments have been done to try and disprove Einstein's theory of relativity, for example. Challenging assertions/findings is how science moves forward.

The FET community is welcome to do the same by putting forth papers for peer review.
Yes that's true, but Dr Rowbotham challenged something that was regarded as fact and its easier to ridicule it. Almost like it wasn't worth the effort for them to do it, but clearly worth yours.

And Eric Dubay, the leader of the flat earth movement, has put forth many arguments blowing the doors off arguments by 'experts' such as Tyson.

If the evidence is so strong, I would suggest that Mr. Dubay puts forth his evidence for peer review.
A little difficult to be taken seriously when the status quo don't want to even acknowledge you.

Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

Saying science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo shows you literally have NO CLUE what you're talking about. Go read a book on science history and you'll be treated to battle after battle of ideas, data, and egos. Rowbotham was a joke. I read ENAG. It is poorly written, poorly researched, and contains error after error. I suppose you think moonlight makes things cooler...

Given that both sides would have known, you space race comment makes no sense. It would have been more advantageous to build systems that take advantage of how the Earth is really shaped. (which they did)

I never mentioned anything. I copy and pasted the treaty. It says the military CAN be there for PEACEFUL reasons. Doesn't say they are or aren't. Nor is it relevant to FEH.
They dismissed Dr Rowbotham at the time. They dismiss him now. They dismiss flat earth out of hand and say its a load of rubbish yet won't shut up about it.

Dr Rowbotham created a revolutionary book that was expertly researched and conducted. By 'poorly written', I'm assuming you are unaware that they wrote books that way in 19th century Britain. So it's not. And I'd like to see error after error.

As for moonlight, Dr Rowbotham only wrote the facts. He didn't make any errors. The man was a visionary, and should be respected as such.

Offline Frocious

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2018, 09:25:02 PM »
Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

That's not how science works. Countless experiments have been done to try and disprove Einstein's theory of relativity, for example. Challenging assertions/findings is how science moves forward.

The FET community is welcome to do the same by putting forth papers for peer review.
Yes that's true, but Dr Rowbotham challenged something that was regarded as fact and its easier to ridicule it. Almost like it wasn't worth the effort for them to do it, but clearly worth yours.

And Eric Dubay, the leader of the flat earth movement, has put forth many arguments blowing the doors off arguments by 'experts' such as Tyson.

If the evidence is so strong, I would suggest that Mr. Dubay puts forth his evidence for peer review.
A little difficult to be taken seriously when the status quo don't want to even acknowledge you.

Dr Rowbotham wrote a revolutionary book but science dismissed it because science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo. He researched it over many years, in great detail, and dedicated his life to it.

And yes, they spent trillions, its about control. They can't have the science books rewritten, not during a space race especially.

And notice you mentioned military in that treaty. I never said they were weapons testing, proving my point that they are there.

Saying science dismisses anything that isn't part of the status quo shows you literally have NO CLUE what you're talking about. Go read a book on science history and you'll be treated to battle after battle of ideas, data, and egos. Rowbotham was a joke. I read ENAG. It is poorly written, poorly researched, and contains error after error. I suppose you think moonlight makes things cooler...

Given that both sides would have known, you space race comment makes no sense. It would have been more advantageous to build systems that take advantage of how the Earth is really shaped. (which they did)

I never mentioned anything. I copy and pasted the treaty. It says the military CAN be there for PEACEFUL reasons. Doesn't say they are or aren't. Nor is it relevant to FEH.
They dismissed Dr Rowbotham at the time. They dismiss him now. They dismiss flat earth out of hand and say its a load of rubbish yet won't shut up about it.

Dr Rowbotham created a revolutionary book that was expertly researched and conducted. By 'poorly written', I'm assuming you are unaware that they wrote books that way in 19th century Britain. So it's not. And I'd like to see error after error.

As for moonlight, Dr Rowbotham only wrote the facts. He didn't make any errors. The man was a visionary, and should be respected as such.

Have you considered that it may not have been dismissed out of hand, and was instead particularly easy to disprove?

And if you think moonlight cools things off because Rowbotham said so I thinl you may be beyond help.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2018, 09:43:36 PM »
Not really, it's just dismissed. In fact Dr Rowbotham was dismissed out of hand.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2018, 11:19:34 PM »


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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2018, 02:51:36 AM »
It was disregarded because we know otherwise. We have proof of otherwise. We have documented otherwise extensively, there is no logical reason to believe the earth isn't round*.
Rowbotham wasn't a genius, he was a twit unwilling to trust the proven and solved.
The only reason that notion exists here is that all that proof and documentation and knowledge is thrown away dismissively (sound familiar?) because the people whose job it is to research space had the gall to research space and communicate what they found. Shame on them. ;) 

*The only logic I've found is 'it looks flat' and nothing more. Not exactly earthshaking evidence, is it?
The espionage crustacean strikes again.
Spycrab, you're the best memeber on the fora. Thank you for being born.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2018, 04:02:28 AM »
It was disregarded because we know otherwise. We have proof of otherwise. We have documented otherwise extensively, there is no logical reason to believe the earth isn't round*.
Rowbotham wasn't a genius, he was a twit unwilling to trust the proven and solved.
The only reason that notion exists here is that all that proof and documentation and knowledge is thrown away dismissively (sound familiar?) because the people whose job it is to research space had the gall to research space and communicate what they found. Shame on them. ;) 

*The only logic I've found is 'it looks flat' and nothing more. Not exactly earthshaking evidence, is it?

Also, it was never actually discarded out of hand. Rowbotham made his name by constantly arguing and debating his points. When he lost he tended to run from the debate, or claim that he was right regardless of the evidence proving him wrong, but there wouldn't be an ENaG if his ideals were discarded immediately.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2018, 04:22:01 AM »
As for moonlight, Dr Rowbotham only wrote the facts. He didn't make any errors. The man was a visionary, and should be respected as such.

You trolled too hard on that one. You were doing ok for awhile, but now you've blown your hand and made it clear you're just trolling. Later.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2018, 05:29:24 AM »
It was disregarded because we know otherwise. We have proof of otherwise. We have documented otherwise extensively, there is no logical reason to believe the earth isn't round*.
Rowbotham wasn't a genius, he was a twit unwilling to trust the proven and solved.
The only reason that notion exists here is that all that proof and documentation and knowledge is thrown away dismissively (sound familiar?) because the people whose job it is to research space had the gall to research space and communicate what they found. Shame on them. ;) 

*The only logic I've found is 'it looks flat' and nothing more. Not exactly earthshaking evidence, is it?

Also, it was never actually discarded out of hand. Rowbotham made his name by constantly arguing and debating his points. When he lost he tended to run from the debate, or claim that he was right regardless of the evidence proving him wrong, but there wouldn't be an ENaG if his ideals were discarded immediately.
Actually, he didn't run from the debate at all, I don't know where you got that from. In fact, he showed up many in the scientific community to be rattled and poor at handling someone who holds their own on controversial topics.

As for moonlight, Dr Rowbotham only wrote the facts. He didn't make any errors. The man was a visionary, and should be respected as such.

You trolled too hard on that one. You were doing ok for awhile, but now you've blown your hand and made it clear you're just trolling. Later.
Why is it trolling? Because I respect Dr Rowbotham? There is no trolling whatsoever thanks.


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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2018, 08:47:27 AM »
Yes that's true, but Dr Rowbotham challenged something that was regarded as fact and its easier to ridicule it.
As did Einstein, as have many people over the centuries who have completely changed our thinking about how the world and universe works.
Otherwise we'd still be thinking that everything is made of the 4 elements earth, air, water and fire.
Lots of people have come along and revolutionised science and understanding of things, Newton and Einstein are but too.
Rowbotham COULD have been one, his ideas were indeed revolutionary. Trouble is they were demonstrably wrong.
And there's the difference, Newton and Einstein's ideas stood up to scrutiny so became accepted, Rowbotham's didn't so he was consigned to relative obscurity.
There's no conspiracy here. I know you guys love a good conspiracy but his ideas were simply and demonstrably wrong.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


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Re: Trying to Understand FE
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2018, 03:10:15 PM »