As mentioned a number of times on this site, if you actually watch the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars of the zodiac, they all follow the same basic path. During the equinox, they are all directly overhead people living along the equator. During the solstice, the full moon and the sun follow the opposite paths, namely the moon will be over the tropic of capricorn in June and cancer in December. The new moon follows the exact same path as the sun. The planets are always in one of the zodiac constellations and Mercury and Venus follow the sun generally and the other planets do not. So all these heavenly bodies bounce around between being overhead of the people between the two tropics. I do not seen how one can say any of them have different orbits. They all behave the same way, only their cycle times are different. One of the zodiac constellations is always overhead someone on the equator. The flat earth model has a very complicated zipping around behavior to explain. As noted by me many times, if a flat earther is forced to admit that some people might live south of the equator, these paths are basically impossible to map. So long as we stay in England, we can make a model that works for anyone that matters. A geocentric round earth makes sense from a simple observational perspective a lot more than a flat earth and that is why the heliocentric model was so difficult to win people over with. To the person that simply watches the night sky closely without complex instruments, a geocentric round earth pretty much works. If you watch the night sky closely a flat earth just makes your head hurt trying to figure out what you are seeing.