If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?

Well, it seems simple enough to me. Right? Most flat earth theorists (myself included) believe traveling to the "south pole" is off limits to people. I get that there was amundsen who THOUGHT he made it to the south pole, but why haven't round earthers in modern times with more advance technology gone to the "south pole" to prove us wrong in a more precise way?

Round earthers have no excuse. They have the funding and do not believe they would be denied entry to the south pole. So, why have they never gone to the south pole to debunk us? Maybe because flat earth theorists are correct and the round earthers know it? They demand us with our little support, funding, and backing to perform such an elaborate and expensive endeavor. How ludicrous! We're literally incapable of doing such due to our status in society. But what exactly is stopping the round earthers?
Hi y'all. I am a typical GENIUS girl who does NOT follow the masses and who does NOT blindly accept what is told to me without EVIDENCE. That being said, I don't believe in a lot of "facts" (the quotations mean they're NOT actual facts) including evolution, the holocaust, and the globular earth HYPOTHESIS.


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If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?

Well, it seems simple enough to me. Right? Most flat earth theorists (myself included) believe traveling to the "south pole" is off limits to people. I get that there was amundsen who THOUGHT he made it to the south pole, but why haven't round earthers in modern times with more advance technology gone to the "south pole" to prove us wrong in a more precise way?

Round earthers have no excuse. They have the funding and do not believe they would be denied entry to the south pole. So, why have they never gone to the south pole to debunk us? Maybe because flat earth theorists are correct and the round earthers know it? They demand us with our little support, funding, and backing to perform such an elaborate and expensive endeavor. How ludicrous! We're literally incapable of doing such due to our status in society. But what exactly is stopping the round earthers?

I don't really have the time or the money. If I did, and I made a post about it, I suspect flat-earthers would dismiss it or cast vague aspersions like they do with every other independent who has made this journey while on vacation, or even while on a legitimate, scientific expedition, for instance.

For that reason, even if I did have the time and money, I'd be even less inclined to try because it seems like a foregone conclusion.

How about you?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 08:58:54 PM by supaluminus »
When an honest man discovers that he is mistaken, either he will cease being mistaken...

... or he will cease being honest.

 - a loyal slave to reason and doubt

If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?

Well, it seems simple enough to me. Right? Most flat earth theorists (myself included) believe traveling to the "south pole" is off limits to people. I get that there was amundsen who THOUGHT he made it to the south pole, but why haven't round earthers in modern times with more advance technology gone to the "south pole" to prove us wrong in a more precise way?

Round earthers have no excuse. They have the funding and do not believe they would be denied entry to the south pole. So, why have they never gone to the south pole to debunk us? Maybe because flat earth theorists are correct and the round earthers know it? They demand us with our little support, funding, and backing to perform such an elaborate and expensive endeavor. How ludicrous! We're literally incapable of doing such due to our status in society. But what exactly is stopping the round earthers?
Plenty have already been, but you don't appear to believe them. Why would any of us on this forum face a different fate? Even presuming I personally had the cash and time, the fact I've been told point blank the equivalent of my posted observations are worthless, leaves me with no inclination to do such a thing. Not to mention simply proving the existence of a South Pole 100% conclusively does next to nothing, what's the point? The FES HAS a map for the possibility/reality of there being a South Pole and Antarctica as it's own continent. So there's little reason to go from that perspective too. I believe the general thrust of suggesting you go there yourselves is for those who believe it's heavily guarded. How would one disprove that idea conclusively? Doesn't seem reasonable compared to suggesting a FE trip to see it with your own two eyes.


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If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?

Well, it seems simple enough to me. Right? Most flat earth theorists (myself included) believe traveling to the "south pole" is off limits to people. I get that there was amundsen who THOUGHT he made it to the south pole, but why haven't round earthers in modern times with more advance technology gone to the "south pole" to prove us wrong in a more precise way?

Round earthers have no excuse. They have the funding and do not believe they would be denied entry to the south pole. So, why have they never gone to the south pole to debunk us? Maybe because flat earth theorists are correct and the round earthers know it? They demand us with our little support, funding, and backing to perform such an elaborate and expensive endeavor. How ludicrous! We're literally incapable of doing such due to our status in society. But what exactly is stopping the round earthers?
Doesn't seem reasonable compared to suggesting a FE trip to see it with your own two eyes.

Or we could simply do away with the usual solipsistic-paranoid hybrid argument of “I haven't seen it, and I believe there's a conspiracy to hide its true nature, therefore the prevailing scientific consensus is fake” and just have people perform the same experiments we’ve known for centuries to demonstrate the geometry of the earth.

But that would make too much sense, and would require going into the experiment open-minded, and NOT digging in your heels and REFUSING to see anything objectively. No offense to any flat earthers here, but this seems to be a problem with most I run into. I've even called out fellow globe-tards for doing the same and becoming dogmatic and condescending.

The point is, be honest, be open minded, and we'll get to the bottom of this... or else we can keep this enormous circle-jerk back-and-forth going until we're both blue in the face.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 10:54:09 PM by supaluminus »
When an honest man discovers that he is mistaken, either he will cease being mistaken...

... or he will cease being honest.

 - a loyal slave to reason and doubt

The South Pole is a tourist destination.


Trips are cost prohibitive and personal accounts are easily dismissed with the something along 'you were just taken somewhere on the ice wall that they told you was the south pole'. Some FE conjectures also include a South Pole.

As supaluminus correctly assesses, it's a waste of time and money to do it simply to debunk flat earth, as just going there doesn't.

The real question becomes what observation or experiment could be performed and documented at the South Pole, by an unaffiliated third party (that is someone not predisposed to debating the shape of the Earth) with little or no training at a reasonable cost that would provide sufficient evidence that the location identified as The South Pole is in fact, the southern pole of an axis of rotation running through the center of a very large and roughly spherical object?


Offline AATW

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I don't believe Mount Everest exists.
All photos of it have been Photoshopped.
Why don't one of you Flat Earthers who do believe in it climb it to PROVE it by climbing Mount Everest to debunk me?

Do you see how silly that sounds? Climbing Everest has been done many, many times now but it is not something anyone can just do. You still have to be a real climbing expert and plenty still die attempting the climb. The South Pole has now been visited many times but it is not something anyone can just do.

Here are a whole list of expeditions there.


I guess they are all lying/mistaken?
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"

I would suggest that every single one of the people listed here are round Earthers who have done just that.



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If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?
What would be gained if hundreds of those that believe the earth to be a Globe went to the South Pole? They "know" the earth is Globe.

I'll put the following this way, because if I state it categorically, you will ask me to prove, and all I can do is give links to "Globularist sources".
It is reported that around around 50 people winter Amundsen–Scott Station at the South Pole with a peak population of about 200 in the summer season from October to February.
They know the South Pole is real and the furthest south anyone can travel. It is flat earthers who need convincing and there seems little chance if that.

Anyone, at considerable cost, can visit the South Pole - take your own sextant so you can prove you haven't been dumped in the wrong place.

Though I believe that I could safely say that no flat earther, except Tom Bishop could return from the South Pole - sure, the person would return but would no longer be a flat earther.

I excluded Tom Bishop because, as far as I know, he at least accepts the possibility of the South Pole.
I don't see a problem with the bi-polar model. The South Celestial pole is always in one spot.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The South Pole was not yet discovered when Rowbotham wrote Earth Not a Globe. It is understandable why he might depict the earth without it.

The Bi-Polar model is first advocated in the book The Sea-Earth Globe and and its Monstrous Hypothetical Motions, (Zetetes, 1918). However, the layout of the continents is left ambiguous due to lack of data. The layout and dimensions of the continents in our picture may be different as well. Someone apparently just found a map projection of a globe that looked similar for illustrative purposes.
What I fail to understand is the many flat earthers seem so vehement about there being no single South Pole, yet Tom Bishop, Sandokhan and possibly others seem open to a South Pole.


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Here is some video from the South Pole if it helps

And this is the trouble, the response to this will no doubt be "FAKE! That could have been taken anywhere".
And this is the problem, if someone on here did go there you'd do the same thing "How do you know that was the south pole? GPS isn't always accurate" and so on.

There is no level of proof which will satisfy you. You have decided the earth is flat for reasons I can't begin to understand, you fit everything else around that.
Evidence which shows you wrong is repeatedly dismissed or ignored or declared fake.

It's a mess of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?

Well, it seems simple enough to me. Right? Most flat earth theorists (myself included) believe traveling to the "south pole" is off limits to people. I get that there was amundsen who THOUGHT he made it to the south pole, but why haven't round earthers in modern times with more advance technology gone to the "south pole" to prove us wrong in a more precise way?

Round earthers have no excuse. They have the funding and do not believe they would be denied entry to the south pole. So, why have they never gone to the south pole to debunk us? Maybe because flat earth theorists are correct and the round earthers know it? They demand us with our little support, funding, and backing to perform such an elaborate and expensive endeavor. How ludicrous! We're literally incapable of doing such due to our status in society. But what exactly is stopping the round earthers?

Since when did ignorance become an accepted opinion?
You “believe” that travelling to the south pole is prohibited? Just as an exercise, give us some evidence, other than another poorly educated “theorist’s” say so.
Who polices this vast area? And why do they never break ranks. Are all the scientists (McMurdo station, the British Antarctic survey) liars? Greenpeace too? (https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/greenpeace-and-the-antarctic/)

AATW found a list of trips, just a quick peruse gives us the Kaspersky expedition, 7 women from 6 countries who skied there in 2009 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaspersky_Commonwealth_Antarctic_Expedition). Ben Saunders who retraced Scott’s route from Ross Island in 2014 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Saunders_(explorer)).

Your lack of knowledge and ability to use a search engine is stupefying.

Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.

Offline StinkyOne

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If flat earth theorists are wrong about Antarctica, why don't round earthers PROVE it by going to the "south pole" to debunk us?

Well, it seems simple enough to me. Right? Most flat earth theorists (myself included) believe traveling to the "south pole" is off limits to people. I get that there was amundsen who THOUGHT he made it to the south pole, but why haven't round earthers in modern times with more advance technology gone to the "south pole" to prove us wrong in a more precise way?

Round earthers have no excuse. They have the funding and do not believe they would be denied entry to the south pole. So, why have they never gone to the south pole to debunk us? Maybe because flat earth theorists are correct and the round earthers know it? They demand us with our little support, funding, and backing to perform such an elaborate and expensive endeavor. How ludicrous! We're literally incapable of doing such due to our status in society. But what exactly is stopping the round earthers?

Since when did ignorance become an accepted opinion?
You “believe” that travelling to the south pole is prohibited? Just as an exercise, give us some evidence, other than another poorly educated “theorist’s” say so.
Who polices this vast area? And why do they never break ranks. Are all the scientists (McMurdo station, the British Antarctic survey) liars? Greenpeace too? (https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/greenpeace-and-the-antarctic/)

AATW found a list of trips, just a quick peruse gives us the Kaspersky expedition, 7 women from 6 countries who skied there in 2009 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaspersky_Commonwealth_Antarctic_Expedition). Ben Saunders who retraced Scott’s route from Ross Island in 2014 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Saunders_(explorer)).

Your lack of knowledge and ability to use a search engine is stupefying.

Be nice, she is a genius. It says so right in her sig.

If only there were a picture with a pole sticking out of the ground....


I have to say, I would like to buy a beer for the person who stuck an actual pole in the south pole. So funny.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Be nice, she is a genius. It says so right in her sig.

Most with intelligence or humanity don't deny The Holocaust.  She should be banned for having that in her sig.  It is inhumane and evil.


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I have to say, I would like to buy a beer for the person who stuck an actual pole in the south pole. So funny.
There's one at the North Pole too

resized image -junker

« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 03:20:59 PM by junker »
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


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There's one at the North Pole too

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