Also, we know his real name. It is not Shenton.
Really? I've been there years. Its not? He's a bloody fraud? I mean my name isn't really David Thork, but I think most people already knew that.
I thought it was David Thork until a few days ago when I worked out who you are. Well the first bits a lie and the second bit wasnt hard to work out either.
You say
society should be the clue. Well that still doesnt mean much though. A society can be any number of things and doesnt answer my question.
Are members meant to get news letters? Getting my member ship was hard enough, getting a news letter through my door, well im not holding my hopes up for that!
I wonder if there is an actual society outside of the forum that meets up and is all serious about FET?
I lost my flat earth 'globe' a while ago, I hope I find it when I move house

My coin is still on display too. Maybe I will frame it with my certificate and hang it in my hallway to spark some interesting conversation. I like arguing for FET with my friends. It quickly proves that people really do lap up what they are told without understanding what the world is around them. Sorry I digress.