Ghost of V

Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #160 on: July 25, 2014, 09:05:46 PM »
I recommend you listen to two albums by Felt, an 80s indie-pop band (although that label doesn't really fit them properly). The albums are: The Strange Idols Pattern and Other Short Stories & Forever Breathes the Lonely Word.

Listen to them and let me know what you think. They are two of my favorite albums. I think you will apperciate the intricate classical guitars and out-of-this-world organ riffs. Just try to overlook the lead's weird Bob Dylan-esque singing voice.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 09:15:50 PM by Vauxhall »


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #161 on: July 27, 2014, 04:25:49 AM »
Frank Zappa - Guitar: Easily the best of Zappa’s guitar albums that I’ve heard. His craftsmanship is truly remarkable and when you just stop and sort of listen and realize that this is all being played live on guitar, it’s seriously insane. I have a feeling that I’d appreciate his work a lot more if I’d played guitar myself and could really comprehend how good he is at it, because even an amateur like myself can tell how wondrous it is. Parsifal and I listened to the album together so I learnt some tidbits and such. There were no tracks I didn’t like. My favourite ones (I think) were “That Ol’ G Minor Thing”, “Sunrise Redeemer”,  “For Duane”, “Canadian Customs” and “It Ain’t Necessarily the Saint James Infirmary”. I sort of jotted them down and some other stuff as we listened, so I think that’s right. I actually happened to really like his slower work, like “Swans? What Swans?” and “Watermelon in Easter Hay”, and just hearing him sort of pick away at it without all that frenetic energy. And it might be the fact that the mixing on this is apparently wonderful according to Parsifal, but the album just sounds great. It’s really clear and everything’s in its right place and just great. So yeah, this was a wonderful work and I am happy I listened. I thought I was going to have to listen to one disc at a time, but enjoyed it enough that I just said we could listen right through both.
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #162 on: July 28, 2014, 08:48:41 PM »
Van Dyke Parks - Song Cycle: I’m not sure what I think of this…I’ll have to give it another listen or two. It was definitely interesting and not quite like anything I’ve heard before, which is immediately enticing to me, but I, at the same time, both really liked it and wasn’t so sure about it. The opening song, “Vine Street”, definitely fell into the latter category. The next, “Palm Street”, the former. It went like that for much of the album—many songs straddling the line in-between—and because of it I’m not sure what I think of the album as a whole. It’s definitely well-done as a piece (or pieces) of music, and there are some I loved as a whole (“Donovan’s Colours” is amazing, “The Attic” and both instances of “Laurel Canyon Blvd.”, and, to an extent, “By the People”). I’m not gonna get into the lyrics ‘cause I did not quite understand them because I’m dum, though there were some great times where he had some really neat rhyme schemes. So yeah, I don’t know what to say about this album. I think I liked it, overall. Maybe I’ll do an update when I eventually listen again.

Swans - To Be Kind: So while I liked it overall, this is probably my least favourite Swans album that I’ve heard. It’s amazingly repetitive. Maybe I’m remembering the others wrong and they’re equally so, or maybe it’s just now starting to get old for me, but I’m not liking it. The first several songs were wonderful (“Screen Shot”, “Just a Little Boy (for Chester Burnett)” and “A Little God in My Hands”) but from then on it was kind of boring. Again, I still liked them overall, but it many of the songs grew tiring over the course of their runtime (“Bring the Sun / Toussaint L’Ouverture” is a good example, as is “She Loves Us!”). So yeah.

Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run: The opening was wonderful, then it started to get “meh”. I loved the lyricism and energy of the first track, but it seemed to lose that in favour of becoming more generic and “working class rock”. However, thankfully, a few more songs in it picked up again. Bruce’s voice is very, very unique and interesting. “Backstreets” was wonderful and there was a line, where he mourns “at night sometimes it seemed you could hear the whole damn city crying” where it hit its apex and I got the chills. On “Born to Run” his writing shone again and I loved his emotion, and while I still have no idea what “Meeting Across the River” was about for sure, I know it was illegal and life-defining, but that was one where his emotion alone sold it. All those mentioned are some of my favourites, but my absolute favourite is the closing song, “Jungleland”. It is the perfect closer to the album and, extended instrumental aside, every bit of it is wonderful. The energetic start, the fantastical romanticization and expressionist optimism, boiling over and eventually giving way to a caved in sort of defeat, the facing of bleak reality and loss of hope. Then finally finishing with one last burst of energy, as if it’s all not quite over yet. I could have really written a review about that song alone, I just loved it. The album as a whole was great, but that song was the pinnacle of the experience. I love it.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 06:31:01 AM by Snupes »
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Saddam Hussein

Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #163 on: July 29, 2014, 01:33:21 PM »
I approve.


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #164 on: July 31, 2014, 02:04:58 AM »
"Jungleland" is one of my all-time favorite songs.
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #165 on: July 31, 2014, 08:58:28 PM »
Talking Heads - Remain in Light: So this album was good at the start, but from “Once in a Lifetime” onward it was brilliant. I loved the music itself, the production (which was apparently in conjunction with Brian Eno, which helps), and in that latter part of the album I loved the lyrics as well. My favourites were “Once in a Lifetime” and “Listening Wind”, a song that probably would’ve gotten them taken out by the CIA if they made it nowadays. Regardless, the latter was definitely my favourite musically; it was basically performed aural sex on my ears (ok that was gross and weird but I wanted the pun and to show how good it was). I’m not really sure what more to say, I didn’t write too much in-depth on each track because Blanko, Crudblud and I were all listening together, but I loved the album.
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Saddam Hussein

Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #166 on: July 31, 2014, 10:32:27 PM »
Blanko likes Talking Heads?  But they're all eighties and mainstream and not post-rock.


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #167 on: August 01, 2014, 01:56:01 AM »
Well, speaking of post-rock, I feel compelled to recommend the most amazing album I've heard in a while: We Were Always Loyal to Lost Causes by The Dandelion War.  The fact that you have almost certainly never heard of these guys is one of the great tragedies of the new millennium.  They are brilliant.  The lead singer usually (but not always) uses a falsetto, and for that reason I've seen them compared to Sigur Ros and My Morning Jacket, but I would seriously recommend not letting that deter you because his use of the falsetto is not nearly as annoying as that of Sigur Ros (I'm not familiar enough with My Morning Jacket to make the comparison, but from based on what I have heard by them the comparison with them is much more apt than that with Sigur Ros).  The title of the album might be familiar to you if you've read Ulysses; I didn't realize that it came from that until I reread Ulysses a couple months ago, and knowing that shed some light for me as to what they were going for with the album's only entirely instrumental track, "Bloom".  For me, the standout tracks are "Drifters", "1848", "The Devil's Black Wool", and the epic closer "Stone Castles", but really every song is a gem.

I've been hesitant to recommend anything new lately because you will probably never get around to hearing it if you continue with this the way you have; there's just too much you haven't listened to yet.

Please make this album a priority.  I know that's a lot to ask and that the request will probably fall on deaf ears, but I'm kind of tired of being the only person I know who's ever heard of these guys.  I just really believe based on your tastes that you will really dig this one.  The album is available for free to listen to in its entirety on Youtube so I'd recommend trying it out there.

I so rarely gush about music; that fact alone should make you realize how high the esteem I have for this one is.  Listen to it.

Also, please add Congratulations by MGMT.  I recommended that one a long time ago and it's not on the list.  :(
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #168 on: August 01, 2014, 03:47:10 AM »
Blanko likes Talking Heads?  But they're all eighties and mainstream and not post-rock.

It is, however, post-funk, so close enough.

Well, speaking of post-rock, I feel compelled to recommend the most amazing album I've heard in a while: We Were Always Loyal to Lost Causes by The Dandelion War.  The fact that you have almost certainly never heard of these guys is one of the great tragedies of the new millennium.  They are brilliant.  The lead singer usually (but not always) uses a falsetto, and for that reason I've seen them compared to Sigur Ros and My Morning Jacket, but I would seriously recommend not letting that deter you because his use of the falsetto is not nearly as annoying as that of Sigur Ros (I'm not familiar enough with My Morning Jacket to make the comparison, but from based on what I have heard by them the comparison with them is much more apt than that with Sigur Ros).  The title of the album might be familiar to you if you've read Ulysses; I didn't realize that it came from that until I reread Ulysses a couple months ago, and knowing that shed some light for me as to what they were going for with the album's only entirely instrumental track, "Bloom".  For me, the standout tracks are "Drifters", "1848", "The Devil's Black Wool", and the epic closer "Stone Castles", but really every song is a gem.

I've been hesitant to recommend anything new lately because you will probably never get around to hearing it if you continue with this the way you have; there's just too much you haven't listened to yet.

Please make this album a priority.  I know that's a lot to ask and that the request will probably fall on deaf ears, but I'm kind of tired of being the only person I know who's ever heard of these guys.  I just really believe based on your tastes that you will really dig this one.  The album is available for free to listen to in its entirety on Youtube so I'd recommend trying it out there.

I so rarely gush about music; that fact alone should make you realize how high the esteem I have for this one is.  Listen to it.

Also, please add Congratulations by MGMT.  I recommended that one a long time ago and it's not on the list.  :(

I will for sure listen soon. I like Sigur Rós so you don't need to worry about that deterring me. :P And I know my list is so fucked-up. There's way too much and I underestimated how slowly I'd progress. I've been listening out of order a lot lately and I'm starting to think that's the way it's going to go, where I'll mainly be listening based on how interested I am. I'll still definitely try to fit in ones I'm not interested in, since otherwise I wouldn't be stepping out of my comfort zone (which was the whole point of this thread), but yeah, I'd rather go out of order and get new things than not listen to new things at all.

And I will never listen on YouTube but I will find it :]
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #169 on: August 01, 2014, 08:29:45 AM »
I will for sure listen soon. I like Sigur Rós so you don't need to worry about that deterring me. :P

Yeah, I realize now how presumptious that was.  Obviously a lot of people like them or else they wouldn't be as popular as they are (I know, Captain Obvious), but I could never get around that falsetto.  He sounds like an elf to me, and the fact that he might as well be singing in an elf language really doesn't help, but maybe that's part of their attraction for some people.  I know that some of the music, minus the singing, is truly awesome.  And I don't usually have a problem with sometimes annoying singing (ie Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Dan Deacon when he does that weird chipmunk thing) but I guess... I don't know, I draw the line at elves.

And I know my list is so fucked-up. There's way too much and I underestimated how slowly I'd progress. I've been listening out of order a lot lately and I'm starting to think that's the way it's going to go, where I'll mainly be listening based on how interested I am. I'll still definitely try to fit in ones I'm not interested in, since otherwise I wouldn't be stepping out of my comfort zone (which was the whole point of this thread), but yeah, I'd rather go out of order and get new things than not listen to new things at all.

That makes sense.  I did notice when I was looking back at the list that you've veered from the script somewhat.  I think it's pretty impressive that you've stuck with this for as long as you have, even if it has been somewhat intermittent.

And I will never listen on YouTube but I will find it :]

lol, it was just a suggestion to hear it for free.  I heard my first Dandelion War song on a free Deep Elm Records compilation on Amazon called Postrockology.  It was "Drifters" and it remains my favorite song by them, and as a bonus most of the compilation is actually pretty good.  But I know you'd rather listen to the whole thing and in this case that's fully justified as one of the things I love about the album as a whole is the way it hangs together.  I bought a digital copy of the album from Amazon.  If you are the type to torrent your music instead go for it.
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #170 on: August 03, 2014, 11:47:40 AM »
lol, it was just a suggestion to hear it for free.  I heard my first Dandelion War song on a free Deep Elm Records compilation on Amazon called Postrockology.  It was "Drifters" and it remains my favorite song by them, and as a bonus most of the compilation is actually pretty good.  But I know you'd rather listen to the whole thing and in this case that's fully justified as one of the things I love about the album as a whole is the way it hangs together.  I bought a digital copy of the album from Amazon.  If you are the type to torrent your music instead go for it.

Apparently they have a "name your price" thing going on their Bandcamp page, so I bought it there. :]

So this next listen's a bit interesting. Basically, Weird Al does a "polka medley" on each album where he takes a bunch of popular songs and condenses them into a few minutes of polka, and it's wonderful. A while back I decided I was going to go through and make a playlist of every song on every polka medley in order. I just finished listening to the first playlist, for "Polkas on 45", which ended up being 1 hour 14 minutes long. I wasn't really sure how I would review it, since it's basically a time capsule of songs from the mid-60s to mid-80s, so I guess I'll just do it song-by-song with short reviews for each. Keep in mind that, although these are classics, I really ignored music until the past few years so I honest-to-God have not heard the vast majority of them until this listen.

Polkas on 45

Devo - Jocko Homo: I loved this song and have decided I really need to listen to that album. It's weird and cool and stuff
Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water: This song was pretty boring. I remember it being famous for its guitar riff, but that riff is not really worthy of such fame
Berlin - Sex (I'm A...): This song is pretty sonically interesting but, more importantly, is 80s synth stuff so I am inherently biased towards it.
The Beatles - Hey Jude: I can verify, Saddam, that I honestly have never consciously heard this song before. It was nice, though, up until 95% of it was "naaaaa na na nanana naaa".
The Doors - L.A. Woman: I liked this more and more as it went on, it got more interesting towards the middle.
Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida: This was a very passive listen, but I actually liked it quite a bit. It's nothing I would actively listen to, but I would like to have this song on in the background while I do other stuff.
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Hey Joe: Boring.
Talking Heads - Burning Down the House: This is a great track, though I was spoiled by "Remain in Light" so it's not quite as good.
Foreigner - Hot Blooded: This one sounds familiar, I've probably heard it at work. It's okay.
The Police - Every Breath You Take: I'm already quite familiar with this song and like it; I didn't so much at first, but it's grown on me.
The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Back when Saddam first showed me this song I thought it was dumb, but for some reason on this listen I really, really liked it quite a bit. I don't know what's changed since then, other than me actually hearing a few of The Clash's albums, but I like this song now.
Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash: This is okay.
The Who - My Generation: It may be a novelty, but the stuttering in this song actually caught me off-guard and I actually like the song. It's not amazing, but it is good.

So overall, a mix-'n-match of good, okay and boring. Finding all the songs and putting this polka together took me hours...and there are ten more to go, so...oh boy...
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #171 on: August 03, 2014, 12:02:47 PM »
The Police - Every Breath You Take: I'm already quite familiar with this song and like it; I didn't so much at first, but it's grown on me.
I really like Synchronicity, the album that song is from.

Saddam Hussein

Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #172 on: August 03, 2014, 01:55:19 PM »
Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water: This song was pretty boring. I remember it being famous for its guitar riff, but that riff is not really worthy of such fame

no you're boring

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Hey Joe: Boring.

no you're boring

Foreigner - Hot Blooded: This one sounds familiar, I've probably heard it at work. It's okay.

no you're okay

Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash: This is okay.

no you're okay


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #173 on: August 03, 2014, 06:18:04 PM »
The Police - Every Breath You Take: I'm already quite familiar with this song and like it; I didn't so much at first, but it's grown on me.
I really like Synchronicity, the album that song is from.

It is a good one. I should revisit The Police soon.


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #174 on: August 05, 2014, 08:15:24 PM »
Do As Infinity - Deep Forest: So I had to get this album because for months now I’ve been in love with the song “深い森” (Fukai Mori); it’s a childhood song of mine I recently rediscovered. I was shopping on Amazon for an SD card for my phone when I thought to check for this album and saw that there were a couple left for importing from Japan, so I decided to grab it on a whim. It came yesterday, I just listened now, and it is wonderful. It started out kind of generic and alright, but got better and better as it went along. The aforementioned childhood track is still my favourite because emotions, but “構造改革” (Kōzō Kaikaku) is pretty weird and wonderful, “冒険者たち” (Bōkenshatachi) was really great, and “遠雷” (Enrai) was gorgeous. I’m really glad I got this. :]
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.

Eddy Baby

Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #175 on: August 06, 2014, 01:31:03 PM »
The Police - Every Breath You Take: I'm already quite familiar with this song and like it; I didn't so much at first, but it's grown on me.
I really like Synchronicity, the album that song is from.

It is a good one. I should revisit The Police soon.

U should comit a crime then hehehe


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #176 on: August 07, 2014, 06:00:24 PM »
Beach House - Bloom

It is where I keep my big feelings.
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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #177 on: August 29, 2014, 08:57:01 AM »
Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space: This is a really wonderful album. It’s very pretty and quite awesome at some points, but for the most part it’s its own kind of mellow and chillaxed. My favourite songs on this are the ones that build slowly rather than abruptly shift, and the ones that focus on love because I really love the sorta abstract way he writes about it. There were some songs I didn’t really like (“Stay with Me”, also “Electricity” to an extent), but most of them I thoroughly enjoyed. My favourite is easily the opening and title track, “Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space”, which is a very dreamy, out-there love song. Second is the closing track, “Cop Shoot Cop…” which is 17 minutes long and wonderful. Aside from those, “The Individual”, “Broken Heart” and “No God Only Religion” are magnificent and the rest are very good. I am glad to have listen.
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Ghost of V

Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #178 on: August 29, 2014, 06:51:35 PM »
What's the point of recommending albums if you never listen to the recommendations?


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Re: Supes' Must-Listen-To List (Recommend me albums!)
« Reply #179 on: August 29, 2014, 09:28:51 PM »
Meant to post this a few hours after Spiritualized, but I had to rush to work right after the album finished

Merzbow - Takahe Collage: Damn fine listen. The first track, “Takahe Collage”, is standard Merzbow (with some really weird sounds at the start); the second track, “Tendeko”, is absolutely wonderful and—in its last several minutes—absolutely fucking wonderful; the third and final, “Grand Owl Habitat”, is the second-best of the three but almost reaches my screech limit at certain points. I am glad I listen.

What's the point of recommending albums if you never listen to the recommendations?

What's the point of fuck you
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.