Up to a point you are right, but what I am trying to point out is that the message that is peddled in a large part of the American media that Europe is awash with Muslims that are poised to rise up and impose Sharia on the gullible white folk is as wrong as your other assertions.
Most are appalled and worried they will be tarred with the same brush as these fanatics, as you are doing. That they have an Imam with a PhD is indicative of their society here, that no one will bury the fuckers and they turned out to the vigils wasn't fear or cynicism, it was heart felt revulsion of what had been done in the name of their religion.
No doubt there will be more atrocities, as you say there are many angry, traumatised, naive and down right evil Muslims that look at the middle East and blame (not without some justification) the West for the death and destruction there, I think that would be the case if my country had been ravaged and foreign aircraft had bombed my people, the poisonous brand of Islam that has taken root is evil but it isn't the only one.