Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2017, 05:16:47 PM »
You are disagreeing with known accepted information. 
Where did I do that?

If you disagree with measured distances of Australia then 'you' need to provide your version.  It's easy to say 'prove it' yet you have not provided your measurements.

Similarly the operation of satellites with dish angles proves a transmitter over the equator, see the various angle calculators and check their maths.

Was this supposed to be relevant? In the amount of time you have spent posting, it seems you could have just provided evidence for your claims.
What would you accept as evidence of eg. satellite operation on a round earth?  Links have been posted to sites that calculate the elevation and azimuth of a dish as used by installers across the world.  'You' have provided no evidence of an alternative explanation.

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2017, 05:26:43 PM »
Yes, I do assume that water remains roughly level, with exceptions for tide (negligible on the Great Lakes), wind or storm surges which can only affect fairly large areas at any particular point in time due to the fact that water remains roughly level, and waves, which were also negligible that day. The waves were fairly consistent through out the boat trip on a clear day, so yes, I am also assuming there were no giant waves between the boat and Chicago at any point during their short trip across the lake. In addition, any wind caused surge of water would have lifted the boat up higher which would have given them an easier time seeing more of the skyline than normal. If you truly think that a wind caused surge was high enough and somehow magically localized enough to hide the skyline, you would still need to explain why there was not large scale flooding as a result...unless the wind somehow created a giant hill of water in the middle of the lake....which is ridiculous. With average wave heights of 1-2 feet during their entire trip, and little or no apparent whitecaps, I would guess that the wind speed was under 15 mph for the entire trip, which again is not enough to cause much of a surge.

Please explain what atmospheric conditions would hide the lower 3/4 of a building 40 miles away, but allow the top 1/4 to remain visible. The building is not that high that there would be a significant difference in the amount of atmosphere between the viewer and the bottom of the building versus the amount of atmosphere between the viewer and the top of the building, so any atmospheric effects would be equivalent for all parts of the building. Remember, both top and bottom of the buildings are 42.6 miles away at the time the most distant image was recorded, so the amount of atmosphere involved is almost completely equivalent.

How about fog?

How about smog?

Choose one.

Here is one of LA.

EDIT: was going to change/decrease image size,changes reverted
- junker

Yes, how about that fog or smog in LA. Pretty dramatic, huh? Except for a few small details: the smog/fog is not obscuring just the bottom of the buildings in your example, and the photo was not taken from 40 miles away at eye level. I asked for an example of an  atmospheric condition that would only hide the bottom 3/4 of a building 40 miles away. And the bottom of the buildings in the photos taken from the video are behind water, not some hazy fog. It was a bright sunny day with a light breeze, and when they got closer to Chicago, the buildings were completely visible with no evidence of fog or smog.

Nice try, but no cigar.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 04:44:50 PM by Nirmala »


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2017, 05:30:54 PM »
Links have been posted to sites that calculate the elevation and azimuth of a dish as used by installers across the world. 
What does this have to do with the shape of the earth?

'You' have provided no evidence of an alternative explanation.
Was I supposed to provide evidence for a discussion I was not a part of?

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #83 on: April 21, 2017, 06:11:16 PM »
...then why would it be so hard to convince us?

Despite your claims to have a wealth of strong evidence for Round Earth Theory, there are still thousands of Flat Earthers, all around the world! Including some very ingenious and deliberate thinkers. If it were truly clear that the Earth wasn't flat, do you not think we'd accept it?

Pretty sure I actually was on topic haha.
The flat earth theory is no different than people who believe the earth is only 6000 years old or that climate change isn't real. There are a surprisingly large amount of people that believe both of those as well. It doesn't matter the amount of evidence or research they are shown, some people will just believe whatever they want.

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #84 on: April 21, 2017, 07:07:59 PM »
Links have been posted to sites that calculate the elevation and azimuth of a dish as used by installers across the world. 
What does this have to do with the shape of the earth?

'You' have provided no evidence of an alternative explanation.
Was I supposed to provide evidence for a discussion I was not a part of?
Do measurements from various points of elevation and azimuth to fixed objects like sun and satellites to calculate shape of object we are on.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2017, 04:41:45 PM »
If the earth was flat, why would they hide it? What would they gain?
free speech pal, get used to it

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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #86 on: April 26, 2017, 09:15:22 PM »
1. How do the seasons work?

2. Who installed the firmament (supposed dome over the Earth).

3. If all countries collude to defend the secret of the flat earth from the masses by sending 10-20 thousand naval ships to patrol the ice wall, why has no crew member from any of these ships come out and spoken of the conspiracy even after retiring? Surely, a story like this would be worth a fortune to the media.

4. What explains the error in the observations made by the greek mathematician Eratosthenes

5. How does GPS work? More importantly,  Who has anything to gain by saying that the Earth is round vs. flat?

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #87 on: April 26, 2017, 11:13:43 PM »
Because any evidence we provide flat earthers is labeled as a fake picture or a fake video or part of a great conspiracy.  Every photo taken from space: fake.  Every video from the International Space Station: fake.  Every single GPS, military and telecommunications satellite: fake. The stars rotating the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere: fake.  Ships shown disappearing hull up over the horizon: fake.  Airline flights taking just as long to travel similar longitudes in the northern hemisphere as the southern hemisphere: fake.  Snipers taking into account the Coriolis effect of the earth for long range shots: fake.

Apparently the conspiracy is so widespread that it includes:
All space agencies across the world
All private space companies in the world
All military intelligence agencies
All telecommunications companies
Anyone who has taken photos/video in the southern hemisphere
Anyone who has spent a lot of time sailing around the world (to include members of the Navy and all shipping companies)
All airline companies
All airline pilots
Military snipers and professional Marksmen
99% of the scientific community

Hell, even basic math will tell you the earth can't be flat (as detailed in my post:  Honestly, how much more evidence needs to be provided?  What would it take to convince you?

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #88 on: April 28, 2017, 07:19:29 PM »
because you can't fix stupid.  FE theory is based on theories thousands of years old (and the bible) before humans understood science and just used the bible and God (which has yet to be proven) as an explanation of things they didn't understand.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #89 on: May 16, 2017, 05:58:22 PM »
If the Earth were really a ball... How come they faked six moon landings?
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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #90 on: May 17, 2017, 12:58:52 PM »
If the Earth were really a ball... How come they faked six moon landings?
I don't believe the moon landings were faked, and I don't believe the earth is flat.  However, I want to point out that even on a round earth one might propose reasons to fake a moon landing.  Maybe it was beyond the capabilities of 60's tech.  Maybe it was too expensive.  Maybe it was window dressing while the real money appropriated by Congress was spent on something else.  Maybe this, maybe that, maybe several things...the point being that believing the moon landings to be fake is not enough to prove the earth to be flat.
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There is one simple answer
« Reply #91 on: May 25, 2017, 05:45:18 PM »
The simple answer is you are thousands out of billions of people on Earth, which is not even 1%. So you are just tough cookies out of a ton of people.