THETRUTHISONHERE, I am inclined to agree with you. Now, on a purely PERSONAL level, I do believe the State should be separate from the Church. And to me, that would mean the Church WOULD be subject to taxation (and By "Church" I refer to ANY religious group). I also think that private schools run by Churches up through the 12th Grade should be forbidden, and all young people should be educated in State Schools. If they want religious education, go to Sunday School. As far as universities go, that is a different matter, of course.
I think the Gregorian Calendar should ALSO be eliminated in favour of a secular one, that would satisfy the needs of the State. The French Republican Calendar seems best for this. If someone needed a religious day off from work, that should be allowed as long as it does not impact overall workload.
I again, am quite a religious man, although not to the point that I once was. But I think, especially in America, with its multiplicity of religions, no one religion should be given preference over another. And Islam should be forbidden outright as a direct threat to the State.
ALL religions should be obligated to register with the State, in order to guarantee that they are obeying the tax laws, and the like, and not harming their followers. By harm, I refer to physical or emotional abuse.
I realise these views would make me unpopular with many Americans, but it's just how I feel about things.