Most trans people
She isn't trans. It does not matter how many times you repeat that lie. It doesn't matter how many times Trump repeats it.
Repeating something which is a lie doesn't make it true.
What she considers herself to be is irrelevant to her actual biological sex.
This is correct. But she was assigned female at birth, has been brought up female, has always considered herself female. Has always competed as female without incident, till last year. Trump's claim that she was ever a "good male boxer" is incorrect. She has never competed against men. His claim that she has "transitioned" is incorrect. She is female, she has always been female as far as she or anyone else knew.
Now. It is possible that she has a genetic condition which means she is genetically a male, and was assigned female at birth because she has female genitals. As Pete alluded to, it's interesting how you now suddenly care about someone's genetics, I thought your lot were always concerned with what was in someone's pants. There have been some claims about her genetics but they haven't released the test results. You're right, it's not just some bloke making the claim. But the person who is making it doesn't sound particularly credible either:
In a long and rambling presentation, Kremlev meandered from personal attacks against Bach to railing against the Paris Olympics' opening ceremony and defending his own fight against corruption... Kremlev also said tests had shown both boxers had high levels of testosterone, without providing further details. The IBA's doctor Ioannis Filippatos said testosterone had not been tested for. the latter claim about testosterone is contradicted by one of his own doctors. Compelling.
I know you need him to be right because it's feeds into your bigotry but that doesn't mean he is right. And it actually doesn't matter if he's right.
If she is genetically male and thus has an advantage over other female boxers then there is a case that she shouldn't be allowed to compete. But that STILL doesn't mean she was ever a "good male boxer" or that she has "transitioned". Those things are still lies regardless of the truth of her genetics.
If we look at your arguments you are simultaneously claiming that it matters that she isn't biologically female and that she failed the test you are trying to discredit, and it also doesn't matter if she is one because she wore a dress as a child. Maybe you should just come out admit that you don't care about biology and anyone is a biological woman if they say that they are.
By "look at" your arguments you mean "completely misrepresent" them, of course.
The truth of this does matter. But, again, this isn't an "I iDeNtIfY aS aN aTtAcK hElIcOpTeR" case. This isn't someone who was brought up male and has suddenly decided that he wants to be a female to give him an unfair advantage. She has always "identified as" a female, and always been identified as one from birth. She is not "trans", she has not "transitioned". Those things are lies and will continue to be untrue no matter how many times you repeat them.