Other problems with atheism:
i) A failure to recognise their atheism as actually being anti-Christianity/anti-Bible. The atheist has no belief in God. God is not defined by The Bible. The Bible is merely a collection of some ancient people's ideas about life and God.
Thinking you have disproven God by showing the fallacies in The Bible is like pointing to an English high street at 11pm on a Friday night and thinking you have disproven the possibility of intelligent human life.
ii) Not knowing the subject well enough. A lot of atheists don't really have a well-rounded view of religion and spirituality, and yet feel qualified to critique it.
iii) Not understanding that God is an experience.
iv) Arguing against "an old man in the sky pointing his finger at people and judging them".
Whose idea of God is this? Absolutely the original strawman.
v) Repeating ideas they learned as teenagers - "Jesus didn't exist!" "It's like believing in Father Christmas!" "People just believe cos they're afraid of death!" - and not updating them as their brains grow.
Probably there are more. But ultimately I suppose there's no problem with atheism. Humans are the problem. We're proud and stubborn and lacking in loving kindness, and that's irrespective of our beliefs and ideas, whether religious, areligious, theistic, atheistic, or otherwise.
The kind atheist who seeks to master his own mind and be a peaceful and loving presence in the world is worth far more than the most pious and devout 'believer' who hurts others and themselves.
Indeed, an atheist may even have a greater 'faith' than a theist - though they would probably never agree to it.
That's all.