"I have been away from here for a short time and I come back to that?? You can thank mutual destruction for saving millions of lives. Sure there are bad seeds everywhere....but that statement is rediculous."
"You can thank mutual destruction for saving millions of lives. " The voice of mendacious propaganda. I don't buy it. Saving lives! As if you cared.
For the record I love puppies
You say friendly debate....yet I am becoming convinced you have very few friendly bones in your body. I could go down the numbers on how mutual destruction decreased wars, however I don't think it would sink in. Just wondering, do you think it is a coincidence that superpowers haven't went at it with each other yet? They just pick on non nuclear countries and bully them.
You say you go to church ever week...yet you have so much hatred raging inside of you. Though this is the norm that I have found with people who have to announce they go to church "every week"... Usually it's just lip service, yet the heart is black.
You hate scientist yet you put lawyers on a pedestal, that certainly makes sense doesn't it?? Some scientist build bombs, others try to cure aids....some lawyers fight for the weak and innocent, others intentionally fight to free people they know are murders and win. Your broad ignorant statements of hate breeds racism, prejudice and blind ignorance.
I say one thing, and you say " like you care about saving people". Such arrogance and ignorance. What do you know about me? I care not to correct you either, I follow what Yehushua said, I do my deeds for Him and to help people, not for narcissistic desires. So think what you want, I could care less, just wanted to point out more ignorance.
I have two trades . I have a doctorate in mechanical engineering and do "scientific" work all the time. Yet I have a master's in music theory, and have a respectable name in the music field. So how do you classify me in your short sided hate filled ignorant classifications, this might cause a contradiction?
I would worry about that darkness brewing in your soul before you start throwing stones
Did anyone stay when Yehushua told the one without sin to throw the first stone.....?