
Shills, trolls and psyops.
« on: January 31, 2016, 10:45:06 PM »
When will it ever end?

For a long time, if you were interested in a flat earth, you came to TFES. Number one google rank, if you were a flat earther, it was the natural place to come. A small community, but a dedicated and interesting one.
Then along came the youtubers. Now, much of what they do is nice. They make interesting videos, find all kinds of NASA nonsense to point out, make cool diagrams and give a good narration. It isn't always correct. They sometimes go off and say something dumb or get it wrong. But that doesn't matter. They get people aware earth could be flat. And that's enough. People can then research for themselves. They have great reach, engage people and get them interested.

And then there is the other side of what they do. Some are trying to make it a profession. That's ok. I can see how if you make great content, you want to earn from that. YouTube hits, why not? But they seem to all want to be seen as the leader of the movement. And they compete. and tear each other down. Sue each other over content, discredit each other, make a vitriolic mess of the movement. It is counter-intuitive. You want hits, there are enough for everyone. Get a ground swell. But no, they want to be the self-proclaimed leader from the outset. It is like watching a bunch of mangy pigeons fighting over the lumpy bits in a tramp's puke.

Then there is the narcissism. Dubay thinks he's the centre of the movement. Matt Powerland actually thinks 911 was because of a comedy he did in New York about the earth being flat! WTF? You can see the video below.

Then there is the anti-Semitism. Even if you believe that, why the hell would you keep adding it in. Dubay and Powerland keep doing it. Just leave it. It isn't a key part of the flat earth story. It just turns mainstream media straight off. B.o.B parroted it and that was main headlines. If your mission is to tell about earth's true shape, why bring in holocaust denial? Leave that fight to someone else.

Then there is the Neo factor, the 24 must save the earth by myself bollocks that goes with these video montages. Powerland actually describes himself as Columbus in that one above. Is he just stressed and mentally ill, has LSD ravaged the mind of a smart man making him deranged, or is he trying to show what a character actor he is for future work? Being all crazy and wide-eyed.

It is all very tiresome. Fortunately we seem to have fallen off their radar. Likely because we don't compete for youtube hits. And its nice we don't get involved in all that finger pointing shill everyone is in counter intelligence crap. If there were agents, some bugger would have offered me some money by now. Long before Mark Sargent or any of those others. We've been one of the few sources for FET online since 2004.

I guess all we can do is keep doing what we are. Ride the wave, get the traffic, tell people what we know and avoid the conflict. But it is bloody tedious to watch. Powerland is purportedly an ex-NASA globe artist. Well kindly make some flat maps of the same standard then and make them creative commons so people can share.

Anyway, just sharing because I'm sick of having to watch 5 squabbling videos before they make another with actual content in it.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 12:15:41 AM by Dr David Thork »

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2016, 11:22:32 PM »
Jeez. I haven't explored FET that much on YouTube, but your description makes it sound fairly awful.

And, assuming your right, I agree. It's important that the apparent squabbling, supposed arguing, and silly jabs stop. There are indeed hits for everyone, and attempts to make yourself the center of a separated movement, especially when it comes at the expense of others, is narcissistic and puerile. And stop incorporating anti-semitism and anti-holocaust garbage. By the way, what the hell Matt Powland? You seriously think 9/11 was both an inside job and caused by a comedy you did in New York?

Also, I always hear shit about Dubay.


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2016, 11:32:16 PM »
I think they are making a mockumentary, with themselves as the hero against a whole world of evil corporations and organisations. Only they can set you free, only they know the truth, and you can find out too if you watch just one more of their videos *click*. All the frantic phone calls, the references to being under surveillance, the clandestine meetings, how they personally fit into world events and the history of this consipracy ... its just dreadful. NASA doesn't give a crap about any of us. It doesn't even defend itself on social media. It has a far bigger problem getting funding with the moon-deniers having ripped the Apollo program to shreds.


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2016, 12:21:26 AM »
Interesting. Not 5 mins after I post this, the video is made private.

Surely the divine leader doesn't read 'shill' posts on this forum, does he? If you do, go back to making good content. No one wants to see this self-absorbed douche-baggery. Show people what you know about hoaxing and art and the stuff you know. Not calls to deranged hillbillies. >o<
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 12:23:21 AM by Dr David Thork »

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2016, 12:27:42 AM »
Interesting. Not 5 mins after I post this, the video is made private.

Surely the divine leader doesn't read 'shill' posts on this forum, does he?

Yea, I noticed that our glorious light of truth made his video private, too.

Whatever we shall do without the guidance of the supreme leader, I know not.


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2016, 12:32:13 AM »
He'll be back.

Maybe it is a coincidence. Maybe he was checking where traffic was coming from on yt and read this. Maybe he is worried he's giving too much away and has made it private so only those who can be trusted can watch it. Because we can't handle the truth!  :o

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2016, 01:04:36 AM »
He'll be back.

Maybe it is a coincidence. Maybe he was checking where traffic was coming from on yt and read this. Maybe he is worried he's giving too much away and has made it private so only those who can be trusted can watch it. Because we can't handle the truth!  :o

We are but sheeple, unable to handle the cold, hard, unrelenting truth of the real reality laid down by him; he who knows all things and brings clarity to the haze of lies and deception, cast like a veil upon our eyes from day one. Thus, as we just couldn't handle the truth, sweeping like a powerful flame through a brush of creepy and decrepit wood, he graciously and considerately took down the video to spare us until we are ready for his message of salvation, ready to be freed from the chains of bondage.

Either that or he's just a jerkoff who made his video private for trivial reasons.

What do you think?


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2016, 01:31:01 AM »
This is why we should open membership. Being a member of the Flat Earth Society would soon become the thing to do if you are a flat earth supporter. Certainly, one would want to be part of the Flat Earth Society if they believe in a flat earth, right? It would attract these users to this forum and we can connect and deliberate with these artists.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 01:35:02 AM by Tom Bishop »

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2016, 01:45:25 AM »
Powerland, feeling put-upon and dejected to the point of madness.

He posted a video once and it ended up being him at a 5 star hotel just for internet. He has multiple disconnects trying to connect to Google chat or something.

Well, after many disconnects he kept saying that the government was purposely doing it and he even began to cry!!

It is very poor acting. And once I noticed this, I began to see through all his deception very clearly throughout his videos.

I have much more to add,  but you guys are definitely on the right track. All the top names are out for themselves. I think it is fair to leave it at that.


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2016, 01:51:57 AM »
This is why we should open membership. Being a member of the Flat Earth Society would soon become the thing to do if you are a flat earth supporter. Certainly, one would want to be part of the Flat Earth Society if they believe in a flat earth, right? It would attract these users to this forum and we can connect and deliberate with these artists.
I do keep being asked about it on social media. I always vote yes when it comes around. It never happens. It needs the will of the community.

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2016, 02:48:20 AM »
This is why we should open membership. Being a member of the Flat Earth Society would soon become the thing to do if you are a flat earth supporter. Certainly, one would want to be part of the Flat Earth Society if they believe in a flat earth, right? It would attract these users to this forum and we can connect and deliberate with these artists.
I do keep being asked about it on social media. I always vote yes when it comes around. It never happens. It needs the will of the community.

As a member of the community, I'm game for this. If it comes around again and I'm able to cast my support for it, I'll do so.

Saddam Hussein

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2016, 06:14:28 PM »
This is what happens when the movement attracts people who are first and foremost conspiracy theorists rather than scientists.  To them, it's not about the true nature of the earth so much as it is about the latest thing that society is lying to them about, and so they don't see any reason to distinguish between FET and whatever unrelated goofy theories they have in mind.  It's an important reminder for us not to put the cart in front of the horse.  We believe that the earth is flat because that is the conclusion the science has led us to.  There may be a conspiracy involved, but it is not and should never be the focus.


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2016, 09:59:51 PM »
Thank you for interjecting your belief that the earth is in fact round and we're all mistaken for thinking that it's flat.  That really added to a lot to a discussion on "Shills, trolls, and psyops." ::)

Belief is that the Earth is flat. Fact is that the Earth is round. Science is not a belief system. And I was merely correcting your inaccurate statement since you are mixing up science with your personal belief. Science has proven that the Earth is round. Your belief system makes you hold onto to fact that it is flat.
You believe the facts you have been given are correct and hence the earth is round. Therefore you subscribe to a belief based system, based on the belief that governments and associated quangos wouldn't lie to you.

Anyway, take that discussion to a thread that cares.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2016, 04:57:56 AM »
And you, apparently, don't understand how discussion fora work. Stop derailing this thread and go elsewhere with your "IF THE EARTH IS FLAT THEN WHY IS IT ROUND? LOL" nonsense.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2016, 04:45:48 PM »
Science has proven that the Earth is round.

What study of science in particular has proven this? Are you saying that generally all science studies correlate and fit into RE model?

I'd genuinely like to know particularly what study of science in your opinion  is the most damaging to FET.


Offline juner

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Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2016, 06:14:58 PM »
This guys a troll. Ignore him. He contributes nothing to these discussions and only asks ridiculous questions.

Please refrain from personal insults and low-content posting in the upper fora, and have a look at the rules. Consider this a warning, and I am moving your post where it belongs.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 06:16:41 PM by junker »


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2016, 06:44:40 PM »
Well it seems his video is public again. All 29 minutes of it. Who would watch a 29 minute soliloquy of a guy holding a phone telling you how persecuted he is? I could watch a proper program on TV with decent actors and a good plotline. Youtube should always be under 7 minutes. Why won't these vain wannabes just make short factual content people want to see instead of trying to write themselves into the story as the main character?

Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2016, 07:06:19 PM »
Well it seems his video is public again. All 29 minutes of it. Who would watch a 29 minute soliloquy of a guy holding a phone telling you how persecuted he is? I could watch a proper program on TV with decent actors and a good plotline. Youtube should always be under 7 minutes. Why won't these vain wannabes just make short factual content people want to see instead of trying to write themselves into the story as the main character?

Here is the video I mentioned earlier. He starts crying at the 23:15 mark, ranting that the government is spying  on him and breaking his internet connection.

At one point he talks out loud to the spies!

I find it amusing and poor acting...

Also if you've really watch this guy he mentions that certain world leaders are in on the conspiracy but others are not in the know. It's all rather comical.


Offline Rayzor

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Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2016, 12:17:09 PM »
Well it seems his video is public again. All 29 minutes of it. Who would watch a 29 minute soliloquy of a guy holding a phone telling you how persecuted he is? I could watch a proper program on TV with decent actors and a good plotline. Youtube should always be under 7 minutes. Why won't these vain wannabes just make short factual content people want to see instead of trying to write themselves into the story as the main character?

I get the strong impression that he isn't at all genuine,  it feels more like performance art,   and very poorly executed.   He's at least as ego driven and mentally unhinged as Dubay. 


Re: Shills, trolls and psyops.
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2016, 12:57:54 PM »
Can a mod chop out all the crap from AMann and Rayzor that isn't related to THIS thread, please?

Back on topic, Powerland did a film last year and appears on IMDB.
Seems others have noted he is a character actor too.