Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2015, 12:04:32 PM »

For the life of me, I can not imagine why a sane person would commit as much effort as you have into discussing "science" that is more-than-obviously above your head.

Rookie move, insulting the intelligence of someone who challenges you.

Fella, you have no idea what's above my head any more than I know what's above yours. One of us is demonstrating a pretty low threshold for comprehension however.

If you want to debate me over my points and questions like a human being, that's why I'm here. Your community claims to have a truth that the general populace doesn't. Yet when people come in here looking for more information and discussion on what is a pretty novel way of thinking given history and conventional science- we meet you. Defensive to the point of being offensive, positively nil for constructive contribution of a discussion, and seemingly as high-strung as an Irish Setter on NoDoz.

Your community has a forum called "Flat Earth Debate" I came in to debate a flat earth by asking questions. Rather than provide answers, you get cultishly defensive, dismissive, and make such a rudimentary attempt at being insulting that I not only feel ashamed for you, but for your entire forum for not only having to expend the effort to spread their word and possibly have their science accepted as truth, but also now have to expend even MORE effort to slough off the mantle of lunacy that you're wrapping around you like a well-worn blankie.

Moving on, and coming back to the point at hand:

The idea that the conspiracy isn't as wide as I'm making it out to be is an interesting one, and needs to be addressed.
Some maintain that the people who control scientific education- the release of information to the world- are responsible for the protection of the secret, and would thus narrow the scope of such a conspiracy. IF this is it, then heads of state and governmental agencies aren't involved in the secret, since they themselves would have been shammed.
This is done through the suppression of 'new' or 'alternative' scientific publications, bullying and threats at the 'do you want to lose your job and career?' level, which is all effective, to a point.

Where it comes unglued though, is at the same place that the idea of a massive conspiracy does. Human Nature.

Whereas a gigantic cover-up wouldn't work because someone of status somewhere, would leak the information and blow the whole thing open, a smaller scale operation would be blown open because someone of status somewhere WOULD make the decision to lose a career, job, or possibly life to expose the truth- especially if it were a truth this size.

Look at the Milgram Experiment in psychology. 65% of participants in his first set of experimentation administered the maximum shock to the subjects in his study. The other 35% would not. Which says to me that there could be upwards of 35% of people who ARE involved in this conspiracy, regardless of how large it is- are going to want to do 'what is right.' Who are going to in some way, challenge the established secret society which seeks to hide such a secret.
And as the years go on, that 35% is going to find a way to crack the dam.

One could argue that YOU are the crack in the dam, but without some sort of established, reputable backing of someone who claims to have been 'in the know' I can't give this theory any merit.

Human psychology breaks a conspiracy theory at a massive level because someone, somewhere will leak.
It also breaks a conspiracy theory at a small level, because of the scope of the secret you'd be dealing with. Someone, somewhere will leak.

Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2015, 04:34:10 PM »
For the life of me, I can not imagine why a sane person would commit as much effort as you have into discussing "science" that is more-than-obviously above your head.
Rookie move, insulting the intelligence of someone who challenges you.
No need to take offense. 
My comment only refers to sane people. 

Go print a T-shirt that says: "I spend Xhours a day debating with flat earthers" and wear it among your peers.  Then come back and talk.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 04:39:45 PM by Charming Anarchist »

Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2015, 04:48:49 PM »

Go print a T-shirt that says: "I spend Xhours a day debating with flat earthers" and wear it among your peers.  Then come back and talk.

If not doing that means you won't talk to me anymore, then don't count on any new additions to my wardrobe any time soon since you've proven time and again that you have nothing but insults and negativity to contribute to a conversation.

Now please stop trying to derail my thread by attempting to goad me into a pissing contest and having the whole thing locked down for being nonsensical.

I have questions, you haven't got any answers. Do everyone a service by going away and leaving commentary to those for whom rational conversation isn't an insurmountable task. You won't get any more response from me, as it isn't doing anyone any good.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 04:52:31 PM by Disgraced_Shield »


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2015, 06:23:33 PM »
Hi Charming Anarchist, comments like the ones you've posted in this thread add nothing to a discussion.  Please review the forum rules about low-content posts and personal attacks.

Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2015, 02:36:48 PM »
Go print a T-shirt that says: "I spend Xhours a day debating with flat earthers" and wear it among your peers.  Then come back and talk.
If not doing that means you won't talk to me anymore, then don't count on any new additions to my wardrobe any time soon since you've proven time and again that you have nothing but insults and negativity to contribute to a conversation.
Fair enough. 
If I encounter a post of yours which begs further clarification so that an unsuspecting reader may not be confused into believing falsehoods, then I will point it out that confusion. 


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2015, 09:56:35 PM »

I was reminded of this thread the other night walking the dog out in the country watching satellites. Since comming here i try to see things from a FE perspective as challenge to my usual standpoint but I couldn't make this work.
If as somepeople here believe, there are no satellites then what are the tiny star like objects I see after dark, crawling across the sky? They make no noise, they are higher than any cloud, as the night draws on they disappear. If NASA was faking it with little drones then they would be visible from commercial airliners and would have to have a base, people to opperate them, false sites that identify them and tell me what they were or where they will be, nope I can't fathom it, any help?
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.

Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2015, 12:35:58 PM »

I was reminded of this thread the other night walking the dog out in the country watching satellites. Since comming here i try to see things from a FE perspective as challenge to my usual standpoint but I couldn't make this work.
If as somepeople here believe, there are no satellites then what are the tiny star like objects I see after dark, crawling across the sky? They make no noise, they are higher than any cloud, as the night draws on they disappear. If NASA was faking it with little drones then they would be visible from commercial airliners and would have to have a base, people to opperate them, false sites that identify them and tell me what they were or where they will be, nope I can't fathom it, any help?

The way it was explained to me, was that there ARE satellites. They're just being held up in the air artificially (as are the clouds) by cosmic-ray devices, which we can't see or find because they're easily camouflaged.


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2015, 09:26:20 PM »

Cosmic ray devices! Well thanks for clearing that up, Perfect sense.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2015, 10:46:50 PM »
The way it was explained to me, was that there ARE satellites. They're just being held up in the air artificially (as are the clouds) by cosmic-ray devices, which we can't see or find because they're easily camouflaged.
Could you let us know who explained this to you quite so poorly, or should we just assume that you're lying?
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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2015, 12:12:02 PM »
The way it was explained to me, was that there ARE satellites. They're just being held up in the air artificially (as are the clouds) by cosmic-ray devices, which we can't see or find because they're easily camouflaged.
Could you let us know who explained this to you quite so poorly, or should we just assume that you're lying?

As flattered as I am that you think I'd be clever enough to make something like up, alas, I did not. Your very own Sandokhan is responsible for this tidbit of information.

Browse that thread.

Specifically, Replies #2, #4, #6, and #9, reiterated several times afterwards. You'll find it all buried between his classic "You haven't done your homework" commentary.

Well, this time I have. I may disagree with you guys on a regular basis but I don't go making shit up to prove a point, and I don't particularly care for being called a liar because you don't happen to agree with me. As you erroneously assumed that, so will I assume (also most likely erroneously) that I'll get an apology.

If the idea seems way out in left-field, it did to me too, which is why I repeatedly asked him to clarify the statements he made beyond his famous text-walls.
I never got my clarification, but was accused of trolling for seeking it.

SOP at times it seems.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 12:28:22 PM by Disgraced_Shield »


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2015, 05:52:46 AM »
A globe.

You no longer have that option: the faint young sun and the comets' tail paradoxes tell us that the age of the heliocentrical planetary system is much younger than previously thought.


It has not been solved at all, notwithstanding the best efforts of the most competent of scientists, nor can it be solved.


The age of the Solar System must be less than the estimated upper age of comets.

Halley's comet, for example, could not exist as a comet for more than 120 revolutions.

120 x 75 = 9000 years

“It's a mystery to me how comets work at all,” said Donald Brownlee, principle investigator of NASA's Stardust Mission.
“The remarkable properties of comets are not even remotely explicable by any of the numerous ad hoc assumptions of ‘modern’ comet theory.”
— R A Lyttleton

"Comets are perhaps at once the most spectacular and the least well understood members of the solar system."
M. Neugebauer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Electric Comet Theory:

I have no problem with a young universe as I'm a young earth creationist. The problem I do have is that the earth is flat, from being in the other forum for awhile I think it's safe to say that it's not flat but round. How else you explain 24 hour daylight in Antarctica in the winter?
Isaiah 40:22 "It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth"

Scripture, science, facts, stats, and logic is how I argue

Evolutionism is a religion. Can dumb luck create a smart brain?

Please PM me to explain sunsets.


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2015, 06:50:33 AM »
Your very own Sandokhan is responsible for this tidbit of information.
There's your problem. Nobody takes sandokhan seriously, but you chose to.
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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2015, 09:01:15 PM »

So sexy, who do we take seriously? Sandy is off the list, FE currently thinks his computer has Jafar running his CPU, Orbisect couldn't get anyone to weigh in on his side, Tom is off curing cancer with garlic, so give us a sanctioned list of contributers that have nailed it.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2015, 10:17:20 PM »
You, sweetheart, are FES's sole authority on all matters. Use your newfound power well.

After all, you seem to find it controversial that I'd suggest that someone who repeatedly says the FES are wrong (but who repeatedly refuses to try and reach any kind of consensus) would not have much backing within the FES. It's only sensible that we'd take you seriously.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 10:19:00 PM by SexWarrior »
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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2015, 07:44:44 PM »


It's not that I find your rejection of Sandy controversial, I wouldn't expect otherwise, more the fact that having obviously read  the posts, your (the FES's inner circle) contribution has been limited, so we are forced to engage with those that engage us, never really knowing (until now re Sandy) if they are singing from the same hymn sheet.

So going back to the original topic of D Shield's, the conspiracy that is central to the workings of this societies reasoning.
You (sexy) have obviously read along, we have had the loony tunes answers,  do you have anything to say?
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2015, 10:23:14 PM »
The OP's confusion appears to be that he believes there is a conspiracy that specifically knows the Earth is flat but hides it from the population at large. That is not a claim serious FE'ers would make, in my humble opinion.

Privatised space flight may yet prove to blow this idea out of the water, but so far we've seen nothing but mysterious failures, Ponzi schemes, or simple rebrands of NASA under the pretense of space flight being "privatised". Meanwhile, NASA's funding is on a constant decline.

They already know they fucked up, and that they can't keep it going on forever. They're shutting it down slowly, but steadily.
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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2015, 03:38:40 AM »
Your very own Sandokhan is responsible for this tidbit of information.
There's your problem. Nobody takes sandokhan seriously, but you chose to.

I would have to agree with you, SexWarrior , as far as sandokhan is concerned. ;D
I had a bit of his copypasta  on my very first post on "that other" Flat Earth Society Forum.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 03:41:25 AM by geckothegeek »

Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2015, 05:37:41 PM »
Your very own Sandokhan is responsible for this tidbit of information.
There's your problem. Nobody takes sandokhan seriously, but you chose to.

I don't particularly take him seriously, but enough of your own community seem to:

Answer me this without a dissertation and 38 links back to your own forum. Use plain English and don't go off on a tangent...

You must be new around here... Sandokhan/levee offers the very best proofs in the business and you will get all of them, every time, regardless how loosely related they may be.

The fractured nature of your entire community is starting to lead me to believe this entire thing is a sham. I debate a member and get told 'he's the best.' I refer to the same member in another thread and get told 'he's crazy.'

Aside from the vast, unsubstantiated assumptions made by the entire flat-earth theory, there is no unity behind any of the 'logic' or 'science.' As a round-earther here, I'm not debating a flat-earth idea, I'm debating a collective of varied ideas, each seems to rely on another one to say 'that isn't valid' whenever I get close to unraveling it.


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Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2015, 06:07:40 PM »

Answer me this without a dissertation and 38 links back to your own forum. Use plain English and don't go off on a tangent...

You must be new around here... Sandokhan/levee offers the very best proofs in the business and you will get all of them, every time, regardless how loosely related they may be.

The fractured nature of your entire community is starting to lead me to believe this entire thing is a sham. I debate a member and get told 'he's the best.' I refer to the same member in another thread and get told 'he's crazy.'

Aside from the vast, unsubstantiated assumptions made by the entire flat-earth theory, there is no unity behind any of the 'logic' or 'science.' As a round-earther here, I'm not debating a flat-earth idea, I'm debating a collective of varied ideas, each seems to rely on another one to say 'that isn't valid' whenever I get close to unraveling it.

My post you quoted doesn't mean what you think it means. I apologize if the sarcasm wasn't oozing as much as I thought it appeared to be...

Re: Scope of Conspiracy Seems Implausible
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2015, 06:22:54 PM »
Satellites do exist and they are powered up by the device invented by Dr. Nikola Tesla; then, they orbit above the surface of the flat earth using the Biefeld-Brown effect.

It is strange for someone to say that he/she does not take me seriously, given the fact that I saved the day for the FES each and every time the failure of the UA accelerator hypothesis manifested itself very fast: the ring laser gyroscope, the beam neutrinos, the axial precession, the Venus angular size.