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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #200 on: May 16, 2018, 01:32:12 AM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
Garlic is great and good for your health and most likely has cancer fighting properties! Hippocrates was great and I have not concluded he is a fraud.

What I have concluded is that "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is a misleading and inaccurate statement.

Garlic is a grocery store item. Hippocrates cured people with cancers with crushed garlic. If you agree with the accounts that cancers have been reversed with garlic, then you are agreeing that cancer has been treated with a grocery store item.

If you do not agree with those accounts, then you are calling Hippocrates and others frauds, which needs explaining.
I do not agree that it is accurate to say that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

Hippocrates did not say that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

As far as I know you are the only one stating that.
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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #201 on: May 16, 2018, 02:27:48 AM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
Garlic is great and good for your health and most likely has cancer fighting properties! Hippocrates was great and I have not concluded he is a fraud.

What I have concluded is that "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is a misleading and inaccurate statement.

Garlic is a grocery store item. Hippocrates cured people with cancers with crushed garlic. If you agree with the accounts that cancers have been reversed with garlic, then you are agreeing that cancer has been treated with a grocery store item.

If you do not agree with those accounts, then you are calling Hippocrates and others frauds, which needs explaining.
I do not agree that it is accurate to say that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

Hippocrates did not say that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

As far as I know you are the only one stating that.

Hippocrates said that cancer is cured with crushed garlic. Garlic is a grocery store item.

Which sentence do you disagree with? Does your grocery store not carry garlic?

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #202 on: May 16, 2018, 04:48:35 AM »
No thats you shamelessly putting words in people's mouthes like you always do because you are utterly unethical.  Unless I am mistaken, you support skepticism.

How would Hippocrates lieing about curing people with cancer not be fraudulent? You need to explain what is happening there. Hippocrates and other naturopathic doctors have claimed to cure cancers with garlic.

You need to either agree with it or call Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine and the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine, a fraud.

No, that is just you being dishonest again.  No one here has said that he was lieing.  Stop making things up.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #203 on: May 16, 2018, 05:58:03 AM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
Garlic is great and good for your health and most likely has cancer fighting properties! Hippocrates was great and I have not concluded he is a fraud.

What I have concluded is that "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is a misleading and inaccurate statement.

Garlic is a grocery store item. Hippocrates cured people with cancers with crushed garlic. If you agree with the accounts that cancers have been reversed with garlic, then you are agreeing that cancer has been treated with a grocery store item.

If you do not agree with those accounts, then you are calling Hippocrates and others frauds, which needs explaining.
I do not agree that it is accurate to say that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

Hippocrates did not say that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

As far as I know you are the only one stating that.

Hippocrates said that cancer is cured with crushed garlic. Garlic is a grocery store item.

Which sentence do you disagree with? Does your grocery store not carry garlic?
Hippocrates did not state that cancer is easily cured with garlic. If he did, he made a misleading statement at best. It is not accurate to say that cancer is easily cured with garlic.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #204 on: May 16, 2018, 07:26:03 AM »
Hippocrates did recommend and prescribe garlic for cancer. The entire world is against you.

"Allium sativum (Garlic) has been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases. The earliest use of Allium sativum as a medicine has been recorded in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, China, Rome, Russia and Europe. Hippocrates was the first to recommend its use for cancer."  (Researchgate.net)

"Hippocrates recommended crushed garlic to his patients in large amounts to cure their cancer" (naturalnews.com)

"However, the theraputic value of garlic was already recognized since, Hippocrates (460-357 B.C.) perscribed eating garlic in uterine tumors" (The Sitech Journal)

"Medicinal use of garlic has been known for over 3000 years. Already Hippocrates prescribed it for the treatment of cervical cancer" (doctorsbeyondmedicine.com)

"Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, prescribed eating garlic as treatment for cancers." (truedemocracyparty.net)

"Hippocrates prescribed garlic for protecting the skin against toxins or treating abdominal tumors" (healthfreedoms.org)

"The Greek physician, Hippocrates, recommended garlic for pulmonary conditions, sores, and cancer." (Evidence-based Anticancer Materia Medica)

A testimonial from The Monthly Literary and Scientific Lecturer ---

Lecture on "The Origin and Progress of Medicine - the different Systems, &c."
By Dr. J. Caplin, Manchester


I knew a lady some years ago, who had a cancer in her breast; and, after many consultations, it was thought that there was no remedy for it but by extraction by the knife. She went to Paris, and met with the same opinion; but before submitting to the operation, she resolved to consult the sisters of the convent of the Cacre Coeur de Jesus; and those Hippocratic women doctors took her under their treatment and cured her. The recipe consisted of herbs, milk, and flour boiled together, and applied as a poultice, morning and evening. So this dreadful disorder, which baffled scientific knowledge, yielded to the therapeutics of Hippocrates.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 07:43:35 AM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #205 on: May 16, 2018, 12:15:59 PM »
Hippocrates did recommend and prescribe garlic for cancer. The entire world is against you.

"Allium sativum (Garlic) has been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases. The earliest use of Allium sativum as a medicine has been recorded in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, China, Rome, Russia and Europe. Hippocrates was the first to recommend its use for cancer."  (Researchgate.net)

"Hippocrates recommended crushed garlic to his patients in large amounts to cure their cancer" (naturalnews.com)

"However, the theraputic value of garlic was already recognized since, Hippocrates (460-357 B.C.) perscribed eating garlic in uterine tumors" (The Sitech Journal)

"Medicinal use of garlic has been known for over 3000 years. Already Hippocrates prescribed it for the treatment of cervical cancer" (doctorsbeyondmedicine.com)

"Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, prescribed eating garlic as treatment for cancers." (truedemocracyparty.net)

"Hippocrates prescribed garlic for protecting the skin against toxins or treating abdominal tumors" (healthfreedoms.org)

"The Greek physician, Hippocrates, recommended garlic for pulmonary conditions, sores, and cancer." (Evidence-based Anticancer Materia Medica)

A testimonial from The Monthly Literary and Scientific Lecturer ---

Lecture on "The Origin and Progress of Medicine - the different Systems, &c."
By Dr. J. Caplin, Manchester


I knew a lady some years ago, who had a cancer in her breast; and, after many consultations, it was thought that there was no remedy for it but by extraction by the knife. She went to Paris, and met with the same opinion; but before submitting to the operation, she resolved to consult the sisters of the convent of the Cacre Coeur de Jesus; and those Hippocratic women doctors took her under their treatment and cured her. The recipe consisted of herbs, milk, and flour boiled together, and applied as a poultice, morning and evening. So this dreadful disorder, which baffled scientific knowledge, yielded to the therapeutics of Hippocrates.

A bunch of blogs on the internet who all reference each other does not qualify as “the world”. Where does it say he was successful in treating the patients? I would like to read that source too.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #206 on: May 16, 2018, 03:06:04 PM »

So, you would expect those countries that consumed the most garlic to have the lowest cancer rates?

China for instance eats 13.55kg/yr/capita against a global average of 1kg, and they love “traditional” medicine, however, look at the global cancer map (  http://globalcancermap.com/) and China has one of the highest rates of stomach cancer in the world, hey other factors, maybe Rhino horn isn’t that good.

My main problem is the hippyish, plants are our friends new age of Aquarius gibberish you wrap this with.
Tom Quote;
“Natural remedies are the best remedies because humans and their natural food sources are in symbioses. Our fruits and vegetables depend on animals to spread their seeds through their faeces and will never deliberately hurt us.”

I can only assume this is a gigantic joke on your part.

1 potato “The humans are our friends”
2 potato “But the bastards just ate 3 potato 4, I’m going green to make them sick”
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #207 on: May 16, 2018, 03:17:24 PM »
Hippocrates did recommend and prescribe garlic for cancer. The entire world is against you.
Recommending and prescribing garlic for cancer =/= Stating that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items

“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #208 on: May 16, 2018, 06:02:19 PM »

So, you would expect those countries that consumed the most garlic to have the lowest cancer rates?

Hippocrates and other nautopaths had their patients eat a large amount of garlic in their prescriptions. I am not sure that such statistics would tell us anything if those people did not do the same

If you actually followed the types of instructions Hippocrates gave you, you would absolutely reek of garlic through every pore of your body. Your breath would smell of it. Your body would smell of it. No one would want to be around you, and you would not even want to be around yourself. You would have to isolate yourself from society until you were cured.

This is actually the reason why in nauturopathic circles solutions such as Vitamin C IVs are more popular for treating cancer these days, despite the cheapness and availability of garlic. The whole heavy powerful herb approach has its social drawbacks. There are no such stigmatizing side effects with the Vitamin C IVs.

Hippocrates did recommend and prescribe garlic for cancer. The entire world is against you.
Recommending and prescribing garlic for cancer =/= Stating that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items


Hippocrates is originator of the phrase "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Translation: The key to good health is found in the grocery store. Choose your food wisely and eat well.

I just posted a testimony by a doctor who stated that their patient was cured of breast cancer by following the therapeutics of Hippocrates. There are hundreds of references online stating that he treated people with cancer with garlic and other grocery store items.

I have shown you scientific studies showing that animals have been cured of cancer by feeding them garlic. What more is there to discuss? You aren't even attempting to combat those articles to show that those animals were not really cured of cancer, or that the woman with breast cancer was not really cured by following the therapeutics of Hippocrates. You aren't even attempting to rebut the many scientific articles which show that garlic has anti-cancer effects. The effort you are putting into your position is terrible.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 02:18:59 AM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #209 on: May 16, 2018, 06:19:33 PM »

I just posted a testimony by a doctor who stated that their patient was cured of breast cancer by following the therapeutics of Hippocrates.

Oh wow an anecdote, so convincing.

There are hundreds of references online stating that he treated people with cancer with garlic and other grocery store items.

Oh wow, anecdotes from the internet, even more convincing.

I have shown you scientific studies showing that animals have been cured of cancer by feeding them garlic. What more is there to discuss?

We should discuss where we can find evidence that it works on humans.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #210 on: May 16, 2018, 06:20:36 PM »

So, you would expect those countries that consumed the most garlic to have the lowest cancer rates?

Hippocrates and other nautopaths had their patients eat a truly massive amount of garlic in their prescriptions. I am not sure that such statistics would tell us anything.

If you actually followed the types of instructions Hippocrates gave you, you would absolutely reek of garlic through every pore of your body. Your breath would smell of it. Your body would smell of it. No one would want to be around you, and you would not even want to be around yourself. You would have to isolate yourself from society until you were cured.

This is actually the reason why in nauturopathic circles solutions such as Vitamin C IVs are more popular for treating cancer these days, despite the cheapness and availability of garlic. The whole heavy powerful herb approach has its social drawbacks. There are no such stigmatizing side effects with the Vitamin C IVs.

Hippocrates did recommend and prescribe garlic for cancer. The entire world is against you.
Recommending and prescribing garlic for cancer =/= Stating that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items


Hippocrates is originator of the phrase "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Translation: The key to good health is found in the grocery store. Choose your food wisely and eat well.

I just posted a testimony by a doctor who stated that their patient was cured of breast cancer by following the therapeutics of Hippocrates. There are hundreds of references online stating that he treated people with cancer with garlic and other grocery store items.

I have shown you scientific studies showing that animals have been cured of cancer by feeding them garlic. What more is there to discuss?
The fact that it does not follow from your studies or testimonials that cancer is easily cured. Not by grocery store items or any other known remedy.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #211 on: May 16, 2018, 06:23:56 PM »
We should discuss where we can find evidence that it works on humans.

Is Hippocrates famous for curing illnesses in dogs? I'm petty sure people would know if his therapeutics did not work. You don't become father of medicine and the greatest figure in the history of medicine if your patients were known for dying all the time. Where are those anti-Hippocrates articles?

You are backed into a corner. Your argument is bad. There are thousands of university studies into garlic which say that garlic is anti-cancer. Why can't we find studies saying that garlic does nothing for cancer? The evidence is entirely on the naturopathic side. Entirely.

The fact that it does not follow from your studies or testimonials that cancer is easily cured. Not by grocery store items or any other known remedy.]The fact that it does not follow from your studies or testimonials that cancer is easily cured. Not by grocery store items or any other known remedy.

You are not even attempting a rebuttal of the university cancer studies with animals, which showed that cancer was reversed.

Do you know how much funding is required for human trials? A lot. Do you know how much paperwork and procedures there are with the government? A lot. They will deny your trial for any reason at all, especially since the drug companies are in control, and they don't like competition.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 06:28:51 PM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #212 on: May 16, 2018, 06:34:58 PM »
We should discuss where we can find evidence that it works on humans.

Is Hippocrates famous for curing illnesses in dogs?

Nice straw man.

I'm petty sure people would know if his therapeutics did not work.

The 4 humors system of medicine was left behind a long time ago for this reason.

You don't become father of medicine and the greatest figure in the history of medicine if your patients were known for dying all the time.

He is the father of medicine mostly because of his ethics in medicine and his practice of using rationality and observation.

Where are those anti-Hippocrates articles?

Nice straw man.  Hippocrates contributed quite a lot to medicine, but not unlike Newton, that doesn't mean he was right about everything.  We don't have to disparage his contribution to realize we know more now than we did then.

You are backed into a corner. Your argument is bad. There are thousands of university studies into garlic which say that garlic is anti-cancer. Why can't we find studies saying that garlic does nothing for cancer? The evidence is entirely on my side. Entirely.

No one said that cancer does not have positive benefits in fighting cancer.  Your assertion that it is a miracle cure, citing a 2,000 year old physician with no statistics on his work is the laughable part.  Again:

Recommending and prescribing garlic for cancer =/= Stating that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items

Stop putting words in people's mouthes if you can restrain yourself from being entrenched in your biases for a few moments.

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #213 on: May 16, 2018, 06:44:43 PM »
He is an article that dispels the myth of Hippocrates are the source of all the acts and writings that we attribute to him.


In fact it is widely accepted that Hippocrates did not write the oath, no text in the hippocratic corpus can definitely be attributed to him and it is more likely that these texts were assembled over a few centuries by various people.  Some historians have identified as many as 19 authors involved in the Hippocratic corpus.  So... you can kindly refrain from pushing your argument from authority, thanks.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #214 on: May 16, 2018, 08:03:24 PM »
We should discuss where we can find evidence that it works on humans.

Is Hippocrates famous for curing illnesses in dogs? I'm petty sure people would know if his therapeutics did not work. You don't become father of medicine and the greatest figure in the history of medicine if your patients were known for dying all the time. Where are those anti-Hippocrates articles?

You are backed into a corner. Your argument is bad. There are thousands of university studies into garlic which say that garlic is anti-cancer. Why can't we find studies saying that garlic does nothing for cancer? The evidence is entirely on the naturopathic side. Entirely.

The fact that it does not follow from your studies or testimonials that cancer is easily cured. Not by grocery store items or any other known remedy.]The fact that it does not follow from your studies or testimonials that cancer is easily cured. Not by grocery store items or any other known remedy.

You are not even attempting a rebuttal of the university cancer studies with animals, which showed that cancer was reversed.

Exactly. My claim is that cancer is not easily cured with common grocery store items. That's what I'm defending. It does not follow from the studies you've presented that cancer is easily cured - by garlic or any other method. What need for further rebuttal?
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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #215 on: May 16, 2018, 09:45:31 PM »
Do you think that anyone can just test things on humans without going through the government first? That is highly illegal. That is not easy or cheap to do. The drug companies aren't going to do it, or allow it, since they are very entwined with the FDA. It threatens their business model and no profit is involved for any drug company.

Naturopathic doctors are only legally able to help you because they are technically just giving you the idea you try it yourself, and the law can't limit free speech. They legally cannot prescribe a medical course of treatment or run experiments on people.

The fact that people are claiming to have their cancers cured with such things as garlic, that we read about Hippocrates curing people with garlic, a testimonial of people having their cancers cured when following Hippocrate's therapies, that we see studies showing that cancers have been reversed in animals, and databases with thousands of studies showing anti-cancer effects, is all cumulative evidence. You are increasingly needing to provide more evidence that it is all illegitimate.

He is an article that dispels the myth of Hippocrates are the source of all the acts and writings that we attribute to him.


In fact it is widely accepted that Hippocrates did not write the oath, no text in the hippocratic corpus can definitely be attributed to him and it is more likely that these texts were assembled over a few centuries by various people.  Some historians have identified as many as 19 authors involved in the Hippocratic corpus.  So... you can kindly refrain from pushing your argument from authority, thanks.

What kind of diversion is this? Where did anyone say that Hippocrates wrote the Hippocratic Oath? Pointing out someone's misconception does not prove that Hippocrates was a fraud, or that he never treated people with cancer.

If I swear an oath to God, does it imply that God wrote that oath? Ridiculous diversion.

Per your mention of the hippocratic corpus, it says right on the Wikipedia page that it is authored by a bunch of different people who liked Hippocrates. Who is attributing it to Hippocrates?


The original oath was written in Ionic Greek, between the fifth and third centuries BC.[1] Although it is traditionally attributed to the Greek doctor Hippocrates and it is usually included in the Hippocratic Corpus, most modern scholars do not regard it as having been written by Hippocrates himself.

Clearly, if there was oath to someone's philosophy, in this case the Hippocratic philosophy, it does not imply that the person who originated that philosophy created that oath.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 12:33:39 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #216 on: May 17, 2018, 03:42:20 AM »
You are increasingly needing to provide evidence that a sweeping statement like "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is realistic.

In fact, cancer is not easily cured. It is exceptionally difficult to cure.
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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #217 on: May 17, 2018, 04:06:24 AM »
You are increasingly needing to provide evidence that a sweeping statement like "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is realistic.

In fact, cancer is not easily cured. It is exceptionally difficult to cure.

You are just stating words whereas I am giving examples and citing studies.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #218 on: May 17, 2018, 04:49:34 AM »
But the examples and studies do not support the statement that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items. Therefore, you should retract it.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #219 on: May 17, 2018, 07:51:19 PM »
Cancer was reversed in animals in scientific studies. See the links I posted.

Strictly speaking, "Cancer is easily cured with grocery store items" has already been demonstrated from that alone.

You are providing no counter evidence to your position, just some statements.