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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #180 on: February 27, 2018, 02:18:50 PM »
I mean what?
Please show your medical reports, your studies, your experiments, your rate of success.
That is what it needed before making a claim, not an anecdote from an unreliable source.
Things do have anti-cancerous properties, that's true. BUT their effect is minute and not able to cure cancer. Do you really think that scientists wouldn't have figured it out by now.
In fact, next time, do an experiment on someone you hate. We'll see how much pain and anguish that person goes through when deprived of modern medicine and subjected to a massive amount of garlic.
Nice necro
You just made my list, buddy.  >:(
this world does not have room for another mind as intelligent as yours.

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #181 on: March 13, 2018, 02:09:47 PM »
The majority of people who experience a cure from these herbal hippy remedies were most often diagnosed wrongly. A friend of mine completed his first round of chemotherapy before they realised they had made a wrong diagnosis and he didnt have cancer.
You dont trust conventional medicine but you trust conventional diagnosis? Without modern medicine, you dont know if your symptoms are cancer or some other disease and sometimes they can be wrong.
Disclaimer: This thread contains my own opinion on the possibility of cancer treatment with natural substances. Please consult a medical professional, such as a naturopathic doctor, before attempting to treat yourself or your loved ones for deadly diseases. Make sure to do a lot of research on the options available to you.

There are certain people in the world who will tell you that cancer is terrible and impossible to cure without hundreds of thousands of dollars of state of the art medical care. I am here to tell you that this is false. Curing cancer is trivial. One does not need to consult an industry which profiteers off the backs of the dying. One merely needs to consult nature, which has already provided everything we need for our survival.

Natural remedies are the best remedies because humans and their natural food sources are in symbioses. Our fruits and vegetables depend on animals to spread their seeds through their feces, and will never deliberately hurt us. In fact, they have evolved to benefit us, as we benefit them, and make sure to feed us with an assortment of vitamins and nutrition as incentive.

We also have shared enemies with the plants, such as fungus, bacteria, and viruses. Plants will also get cancer, just like we do. It stands to reason, therefore, that anything a plant makes to repel those things will benefit us as well.

One such cure for cancer involves the usage of garlic and peppers, which will kill cancer cells. Consider this man, Kelley Eidem, author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, who cured his own Stage 4 Cancer in 2 weeks and $20:

How I Cured My Stage 4 Cancer In Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies

For several decades, modern medicine has tried a lot of toxic compounds, hoping to 'out-toxic' the cancer. And sure enough, the compounds did out-toxic cancer. Unfortunately, it usually out-toxics the patient as well. The result has been that cancer treatments are usually an expensive, painful and scary proposition. But you already knew that.

I didn't go bald or get sick to my stomach!

Fortunately, my Stage 4 cancer was none of the above for me. My advanced cancer treatment cost less than two tickets and popcorn at the movies. My treatment wasn't painful. And I wasn't scared...I didn't lose a minute's sleep...because I knew what to do. If we've learned anything about treating cancer in the last 50 to 60 years it has to be this: half killing the patient isn't half way successful. As I emphatically told a woman in my store recently, "You gotta be healthy to get well! In my own case, I knew by the many lesions I had that I was already sick. I didn't need someone to help make me sicker. I needed to get healthy, so I could get well.

UCLA Researchers Confirm My Method!

Maybe the best place to start with this would be to let you know that researchers at UCLA garnered lots of headlines two years ago because they had done something pretty incredible. (1) What had the UCLA researchers done? They shrank tumors by 80% with the heat from habaneros peppers. That is quite extraordinary in terms of what is usually accomplished with toxic drugs.

It's also worth noting that in the US the State of New Mexico has the lowest cancer mortality rate of all 50 states. They probably eat more peppers in New Mexico per capita than all the other states, too. In other words, the researchers at UCLA made a great choice in examining the anti-cancer properties of hot peppers.

My own success in curing myself with habaneros peppers preceded the UCLA researchers by seven years. And I didn't shrink my many tumors by 80%...I shrank them 100%. UCLA's research results did confirm that my own method was an extremely powerful weapon against cancer. I'm eternally grateful for their confirmation. But then, I used habaneros peppers PLUS two more low tech ingredients...running rings around the findings made by the UCLA guys and gals.

Here is his recipe from that link:

Here's a real brief recipe list here.

(1) Grate one habanero pepper each day, putting it on bread. Yes, you use the seeds. (2) Grate two cloves of garlic each day, putting them on bread and covering with butter. (3) One tablespoon of Emulsified cod liver oil once or twice each day.* TwinLabs makes some wonderfully flavored cod liver oil.

The cod liver oil is not put on the sandwich. One serving of the oil may be taken before or after eating the sandwich with the same meal

I used the cod liver oil because I was not losing any weight or dealing with fluid retention. If I had either of those conditions, I would have used evening primrose oil or borage oil instead of the emulsified cod liver oil, taking 6,000 mgs a day in divided doses.*

(4) Smother the grated garlic and habaneros peppers with real butter and eat it. Organic or raw butter is best. No margarines of any type, including Smart Balance, etc.

If hot peppers didn't agree with me, then ginger is what I would use - and yes I trust the ginger just as much as the habanero to do the job.

That's it!

* The best way to determine which oil I would use can be determined easily if there is pain. In fact there are two ways. One way would be to drink a cup of black coffee with two boiled eggs. (boiled only.) If that made me feel worse, I'd take 1 or 2 tablespoons of emulsified cod liver oil. If the coffee and eggs made me feel better, I'd take 6,000 mgs of borage oil or evening primrose oil.

The potent active ingredients from the peppers and the garlic disperse quickly. So they must be grated each day, and eaten immediately.

We also learn that this recipe can treat many types of cancer:

1AA - Has your recipe cured my type of cancer?

I have some great news for you. Doctors and TV have miseducated us into thinking there are over 100 types of cancer. There is only one true cancer cell. That means all true cancer cells are identical. They look different only due to the involved tissue.

Doctors call true cancer cells "highly undifferentiated." IOW, they are looking at a real cancer cell but don't know it because in their mind they think it is supposed to look different!

So you can take heart when you read about any of the accounts here. A colon cancer is a breast cancer is a leukemia etc, etc, etc. There is no difference between any of those cancers other than the involved non cancerous tissue and the surrounding pH. Yes, the cancer cells will distort the way the particular tissue or organ looks like. But the cancer is the same.

The Stage numbers given to cancer (I, II, III, IV) are merely describing how much cancer there is and how far it has spread. Staging doesn't change the nature of the actual cancer cells on iota - there are just more of them.

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #182 on: May 13, 2018, 03:54:12 PM »
I think this whole thread is highly irresponsble and immoral given the numbers of people who die each day from this particular affliction. Its also massively insulting to all those who are currently enduring the various types of chemo and radiation therapies that are required.
Why i would like to see is a meta analysis of the studies that have been carried out on which the claim is based.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #183 on: May 13, 2018, 11:54:30 PM »
I think this whole thread is highly irresponsble and immoral given the numbers of people who die each day from this particular affliction. Its also massively insulting to all those who are currently enduring the various types of chemo and radiation therapies that are required.
Why i would like to see is a meta analysis of the studies that have been carried out on which the claim is based.
Meta analysis would be great. But the short answer is, certain dietary and lifestyle habits can give you an edge in beating and warding off cancer. A certain number of people, probably quite a small number, have possibly avoided cancer or even fought off an early, light attack by sticking to certain healthy habits.

While the thread title may contain some small element of truth, it is at best misleading and in my opinion it is false.

More accurate would be "In Some Rare Cases Some Types of Cancer May Be Cured By Maintaining Strict Adherence to Certain Lifestyle Habits"
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #184 on: May 14, 2018, 04:36:33 AM »
I think this whole thread is highly irresponsble and immoral given the numbers of people who die each day from this particular affliction. Its also massively insulting to all those who are currently enduring the various types of chemo and radiation therapies that are required.
Why i would like to see is a meta analysis of the studies that have been carried out on which the claim is based.
Meta analysis would be great. But the short answer is, certain dietary and lifestyle habits can give you an edge in beating and warding off cancer. A certain number of people, probably quite a small number, have possibly avoided cancer or even fought off an early, light attack by sticking to certain healthy habits.

While the thread title may contain some small element of truth, it is at best misleading and in my opinion it is false.

More accurate would be "In Some Rare Cases Some Types of Cancer May Be Cured By Maintaining Strict Adherence to Certain Lifestyle Habits"

See this article:


Go home and die. that's what doctors told 59 year old Arlindo Olivera.

His lung cancer was so advanced, it had spread to his brain and doctors said there was nothing they could do.

Today, Arlindo is cancer free.

Arlindo Oliviera a Lung Cancer Survivor says "My pulmonary doctor told me, whatever you are doing, keep doing it."

Arlindo believes his cancer is gone because of vitamin C treatment.

Arlindo says "It's working on me from what the doctor says."

Dr. Scott Greenberg says he has successfully treated many people with vitamin C infusions, including Arlindo.

Stage 4 cancer is where they tell you to go home and die. You are incurable.

Are you telling me that Arlindo was coincidentally cured for reasons that have nothing to do with his alternative treatment?

Do you maintain that, despite articles like this, that naturopathic doctors who engage in these types of alternative treatments like this are frauds?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 04:40:11 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #185 on: May 14, 2018, 05:12:10 AM »
I think this whole thread is highly irresponsble and immoral given the numbers of people who die each day from this particular affliction. Its also massively insulting to all those who are currently enduring the various types of chemo and radiation therapies that are required.
Why i would like to see is a meta analysis of the studies that have been carried out on which the claim is based.
Meta analysis would be great. But the short answer is, certain dietary and lifestyle habits can give you an edge in beating and warding off cancer. A certain number of people, probably quite a small number, have possibly avoided cancer or even fought off an early, light attack by sticking to certain healthy habits.

While the thread title may contain some small element of truth, it is at best misleading and in my opinion it is false.

More accurate would be "In Some Rare Cases Some Types of Cancer May Be Cured By Maintaining Strict Adherence to Certain Lifestyle Habits"
Are you telling me that Arlindo was coincidentally cured for reasons that have nothing to do with his alternative treatment?

Do you maintain that, despite articles like this, that naturopathic doctors who engage in these types of alternative treatments like this are frauds?
I am telling you that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

I am not commenting on any specific situation. I believe my post allowed for the fact that it could happen.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #186 on: May 14, 2018, 07:52:56 AM »
People are claiming that incurable Stage 4 cancers have been cured!

Why can't you pick a side on this important matter? You need to form an opinion on the article I have posted and the many Vitamin C articles like it. Are all of the people and doctors in the articles liars or not?

The assertion of "it is possible they are liars" does not really tell us much or give us anything more to talk about. You may as well not have posted at all.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #187 on: May 14, 2018, 11:07:53 AM »
Whilst there is increasing interest in high dose Vitamin C injections in the treatment of cancer, and evidence that such high doses can be effective in some cases, the 300-400mg/100g needed to be present in the plasma can never ever, ever, ever, be reached by ingesting oranges or supplement pills, they must be administered by medical professionals observing scientific principles.

Whereas dietary supplements seem to have little effect   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=16808775

To suggest that this line of “scientifically” generated treatment in any way backs the mumbo-jumbo assertion this thread is labelled with, would beggar belief in any other than a Tom one.   
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #188 on: May 14, 2018, 12:33:51 PM »
People are claiming that incurable Stage 4 cancers have been cured!

Why can't you pick a side on this important matter? You need to form an opinion on the article I have posted and the many Vitamin C articles like it. Are all of the people and doctors in the articles liars or not?

The assertion of "it is possible they are liars" does not really tell us much or give us anything more to talk about. You may as well not have posted at all.
You need to acknowledge that the title of this thread does not reflect reality.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #189 on: May 15, 2018, 07:21:13 PM »
Whilst there is increasing interest in high dose Vitamin C injections in the treatment of cancer, and evidence that such high doses can be effective in some cases, the 300-400mg/100g needed to be present in the plasma can never ever, ever, ever, be reached by ingesting oranges or supplement pills, they must be administered by medical professionals observing scientific principles.

Whereas dietary supplements seem to have little effect   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=16808775

To suggest that this line of “scientifically” generated treatment in any way backs the mumbo-jumbo assertion this thread is labelled with, would beggar belief in any other than a Tom one.

Who in the naturopathic community has ever claimed cases of cancer being cured with Vitamin C supplements? Linus Pauling was telling people about Vitamin C IV's and their treatment for cancer since the 1960's. Not one naturopathic physician treats cancer patients with Vitamin C pills.

The claim that Vitamin C pills are not effective for cancer is a bad one. No one has claimed that! Why bring it up?

The people administrating Vitamin C IVs are not your doctor or the hospital. Your doctor will never send you to get Vitamin C injections. They will send you to get chemotherapy. The only way to get Vitamin C IVs are through alternative medicine doctors like naturopathic physcians. The medical industry has known about Vitamin C IVs since the 1960's, yet they would much rather prefer you pay them tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for chemotherapy. Vitamin C is not patentable, and is not a money maker.

Cancer drugs can be fast tracked into FDA approval in 6 months. Not Vitamin C IVs. There is no money to be made there. Who gives a F if your mother is dying of Stage 4 cancer? Not the doctors.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 07:23:41 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #190 on: May 15, 2018, 07:31:10 PM »
People are claiming that incurable Stage 4 cancers have been cured!

Why can't you pick a side on this important matter? You need to form an opinion on the article I have posted and the many Vitamin C articles like it. Are all of the people and doctors in the articles liars or not?

The assertion of "it is possible they are liars" does not really tell us much or give us anything more to talk about. You may as well not have posted at all.
You need to acknowledge that the title of this thread does not reflect reality.

That is very funny when the father of medicine, Hippocrates, specifically cured people who had cancer with garlic. Look it up. Do you really think he would have been respected as "the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine" (wikipedia) if his patients were dying all the time?

You need to trust the naturopathic physicians, not the medical establishment. The medical establishment doesn't give a flip about you or your family.

Studies do show that garlic affects cancer:

Tom you pushed a lot of "correlation equals causation" narratives in the last 2 pages. It doesn't hold together because it doesn't show that carrots/prayer/Chinese medicine could be the only cause of the change in people's condition.

The placebo effect and morale are well known to be effective but that is about patient belief in health and well-being and nothing to do with garlic/carrots/bullshit medicine.

If Garlic is complete BS, please explain the following:


In Dr. Earl Mindell’s Garlic: The Miracle Nutrient, a 1957 study in the journal Science reported that researchers incubated sarcoma tumor cells with the garlic compound Allinase and S-ethyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide, then injected the tumor cells into mice. Tumor growth was completely inhibited and the mice survived beyond the sixth month observation period according to researchers. Mice injected with the tumor cells only (without the garlic compound), survived only 2 months.


The good news is research into garlic against cancer has shown positive results.  In laboratory tests with mice, garlic stabilized and actually shrunk tumors.  In mice injected with garlic extracts, tumor growth decreased by 30-50%.  In mice that were given dietary garlic, the growths decreased by 10-25%.


One study, at the Mercy Cancer Institute in Pittsburgh, shows that garlic can help slow the growth of tumors.

"We have shown that some of these compounds prevent cancer in animals, and we hope that's the case in humans," said Shivendra Singh of the institute.

"We know how these garlic compounds are inhibiting cancer, but whether or not they have some kind of specificity for certain types of tumors, that remains to be seen," he said.

Other studies, some of them at West Virginia University, have found that garlic can inhibit the growth of breast cancer.

Also, says Dr. Donald Lamm of West Virginia University, "garlic very significantly reduced the growth of bladder tumors in mice."

Researchers at the university think garlic may help boost the immune system in laboratory mice, thereby reducing the growth of cancerous cells.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 09:15:54 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #191 on: May 15, 2018, 07:38:07 PM »
People are claiming that incurable Stage 4 cancers have been cured!

Why can't you pick a side on this important matter? You need to form an opinion on the article I have posted and the many Vitamin C articles like it. Are all of the people and doctors in the articles liars or not?

The assertion of "it is possible they are liars" does not really tell us much or give us anything more to talk about. You may as well not have posted at all.
You need to acknowledge that the title of this thread does not reflect reality.
Do you really think he would have been respected as a father of medicine if his patients were dying all the time?
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

And I don't think that you have made a convincing case that cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items.

“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #192 on: May 15, 2018, 09:00:25 PM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

Hippocrates cured cancers with garlic, and he is regarded as the father of medicine and as the most outstanding figure in medicine. Where are the articles showing that he was a fraud and his patients died because of his poor recommendations?

"Hippocrates recommended crushed garlic to his patients in large amounts to cure their cancer." (naturalnews.com)

"The Greek physician, Hippocrates, recommended garlic for pulmonary conditions, sores and cancer. Garlic was also held in high esteem by the medical practitioners of ancient India, Rome, Assyria and China" (spiritfoods.net)

"Garlic is a member of the lily family, similar to the onion. It’s been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb; in fact, Hippocrates used garlic for infections, cancer and digestive disorders." (dirtdoctor.com)

The word cancer even originates with Hippocrates:

"The origin of the word cancer is credited to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 BC), who is considered the “Father of Medicine.” Hippocrates used the terms carcinos and carcinoma to describe non-ulcer forming and ulcer-forming tumors." (cancer.org)


Garlic Could Prevent Millions Of Deaths

A quick perusal of a literature provided by the National Library of Medicine, contains 4525 study abstracts on garlic indicates that garlic has a significant role to play in preventing or treating well over 150 health conditions, ranging from cancer to diabetes, infection to plaque buildup in the arteries, DNA damage to mercury poisoning!

All liars, right?

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 09:12:29 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #193 on: May 15, 2018, 09:10:55 PM »
In my post before last there were animal studies showing that cancer was reversed when fed garlic. Why not humans as well?

There is clearly significant evidence that it is possible for garlic to treat cancer. Why should we throw away accounts of naturopathic physicians like Hippocrates curing cancers with garlic?

Arguing against the cancer curing properties of garlic is getting ridiculous at this point. Just because doctors have a low success rate of curing cancers with their drugs and chemotherapies, that therefore makes naturopathic physicians like Hippocrates and others frauds? Is that the reasoning here?
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 09:40:19 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #194 on: May 15, 2018, 09:18:05 PM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
Garlic is great and good for your health and most likely has cancer fighting properties! Hippocrates was great and I have not concluded he is a fraud.

What I have concluded is that "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is a misleading and inaccurate statement.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #195 on: May 15, 2018, 09:23:33 PM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
Garlic is great and good for your health and most likely has cancer fighting properties! Hippocrates was great and I have not concluded he is a fraud.

What I have concluded is that "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is a misleading and inaccurate statement.

Garlic is a grocery store item. Hippocrates cured people with cancers with crushed garlic. If you agree with the accounts that cancers have been reversed with garlic, then you are agreeing that cancer has been treated with a grocery store item.

If you do not agree with those accounts, then you are calling Hippocrates and others frauds, which needs explaining.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 09:38:11 PM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #196 on: May 15, 2018, 09:27:47 PM »
What I really think is that cancer is not generally easily cured with common grocery store items.

How have you concluded that that Hippocrates was a fraud who didn't cure people of cancer, anyway?
Garlic is great and good for your health and most likely has cancer fighting properties! Hippocrates was great and I have not concluded he is a fraud.

What I have concluded is that "Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items" is a misleading and inaccurate statement.

Garlic is a grocery store item. Hippocrates cured people with cancers with crushed garlic. If you agree the accounts that cancers have been reversed with garlic, then you are agreeing that cancer has been treated with a grocery store item.

If you do not agree with those accounts, then you are calling Hippocrates and others frauds, which needs explaining.

Tom where are the scientific papers we can reference to back up your claim?


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #197 on: May 15, 2018, 09:50:06 PM »
Tom where are the scientific papers we can reference to back up your claim?

There are plenty of scientific papers which back up the many wonderful abilities of garlic. In my last few posts on this page I posted a link to a database with thousands of them, as well as specifically quoting studies showing that cancers have been reversed in animals. Natural physcians like Hippocrates are well regarded to have cured cancers with garlic.

Do you think that the drug companies would fund large human trials with garlic? They don't do that with Vitamin C IVs. Neither Garlic or Vitamin C is patentable. The law says that things which occur naturally and are found in nature are not patentable. There is no money to be made by promoting use of those things.

You guys are implying that the father of medicine was a fraud, and you really need to support this rather serious accusation.

Rama Set

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #198 on: May 15, 2018, 11:05:38 PM »
Tom where are the scientific papers we can reference to back up your claim?

There are plenty of scientific papers which back up the many wonderful abilities of garlic. In my last few posts on this page I posted a link to a database with thousands of them, as well as specifically quoting studies showing that cancers have been reversed in animals. Natural physcians like Hippocrates are well regarded to have cured cancers with garlic.

Do you think that the drug companies would fund large human trials with garlic? They don't do that with Vitamin C IVs. Neither Garlic or Vitamin C is patentable. The law says that things which occur naturally and are found in nature are not patentable. There is no money to be made by promoting use of those things.

You guys are implying that the father of medicine was a fraud, and you really need to support this rather serious accusation.

No thats you shamelessly putting words in people's mouthes like you always do because you are utterly unethical.  Unless I am mistaken, you support skepticism.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #199 on: May 16, 2018, 12:06:21 AM »
No thats you shamelessly putting words in people's mouthes like you always do because you are utterly unethical.  Unless I am mistaken, you support skepticism.

How would Hippocrates lying about curing people with cancer not be fraudulent? You need to explain what is happening there. Hippocrates and other naturopathic doctors have claimed to cure cancers with garlic.

You need to either agree with it or call Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine and the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine, a fraud.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 02:16:23 AM by Tom Bishop »