Though Tom & Co may not be conveying the information exactly as people expect, they're not totally off on this. Diet plays a huge role in overall body function, most pharmaceuticals are concentrated dosages of compounds found in nature that indigenous people have been eating for generations, and double-blind placebo controlled trials are inherently designed to favor medications at the exclusion of all else. It's the result of a combination of a little bit of narrow minded science and a healthy dose of profit motive.
The reason why there isn't a single cause identified for any cancer or a single cure identified for any cancer is because that's not how chronic disease works. Chronic disease is the accumulation of a lot of little health mistakes over time which leads to the breakdown of normal system function. Diet is a huge component of that as are other lifestyle factors that busy people tend to ignore. The US economy relies on a workforce that works 100+ hours per year more than any other country which leads to a lot of lifestyle fails. Combine that with a general lack of health education and chronic disease is guaranteed based purely out of ignorance and scheduling. It sucks, but it's true and most doctors know it.
In an otherwise healthy person, there are a few random bunches of cancerous cells. These cells most likely ended up with deranged DNA sequences because of basic statistical probability. DNA can't be copied and pasted with 100% fidelity. You take an environmental stressor that causes cell turnover rates to increase and a typographical error is 100% going to happen eventually. Fine, what happens to the deranged DNA cell in an otherwise healthy person? Their immune system recognizes it, destroys it and everything goes back to normal until it happens again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
What happens to that small cancerous cluster in a person that has a crap diet, gets no sunlight or exercise and thinks that there's no environmental stressors they can't handle with booze, cigarettes, coffee or insert other addiction here? Their immune system gets sluggish, can't keep up and some of those cells start to multiply and spread. Once their numbers are large enough to cause symptoms, you get your official cancer diagnosis.
Will taking garlic like it's a medication in mega doses cure cancer? No, that's not how the body works so when it is tested using a double-blind placebo controlled trial, it will fail. All of the foods that I've seen listed in this thread play a role in good immune function so improving your trash diet by adding in some real food may just allow your immune system to catch up if you're lucky. No promises, but you really don't have much to lose either by improving your diet in the earliest phases of cancer. Current cancer treatments are wildly destructive, not targeted at all and the equivalent of using a hand grenade to kill a mosquito. You'll get it, hopefully, but you'll damage a lot of other things that you didn't really want to as well. When you get the wait and watch recommendation, that's when you really want to double down on fixing your lifestyle habits because it could actually work.
My very real question is this. Why do people so easily dismiss a healthy varied diet and routine physical activity as being beneficial to health? This should not be that hard to wrap your head around. You treat your health like it's expendable and you'll spend it quickly. Health is the only thing I have ever come across that people place no value on prior to losing it.