janyce yarborough

any other mormons?
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:37:40 AM »
hey are there any other mormons on here???
and I know alot of people think us latterday saints are dumb but were not so please dont post any mean responses! thanx!!!  :-*


Re: any other mormons?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2015, 05:15:45 AM »
I'm not a Mormon, but I do have a question for you:

According to LDS theology, the univerve has countless planets scattered about the cosmos that are populated by celestial "gods". Exceptional members of the church will be elevated to "godhood" after death and recieve their own planet over which to rule. The "god" of this planet, the church teaches, was once simply a man himself.

According to the FE model, however, the planets are actually fairly small, and revolve around the sun (which itself is only 32 miles across), and that the circular plane we live on (Earth) is unique.

As someone who claims to be both a Latter-Day Saint and a Flat-Earther, how do you reconcile these vast discrepancies?

Just curious.

janyce yarborough

Re: any other mormons?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2015, 05:20:16 AM »
I'm not a Mormon, but I do have a question for you:

According to LDS theology, the univerve has countless planets scattered about the cosmos that are populated by celestial "gods". Exceptional members of the church will be elevated to "godhood" after death and recieve their own planet over which to rule. The "god" of this planet, the church teaches, was once simply a man himself.

According to the FE model, however, the planets are actually fairly small, and revolve around the sun (which itself is only 32 miles across), and that the circular plane we live on (Earth) is unique.

As someone who claims to be both a Latter-Day Saint and a Flat-Earther, how do you reconcile these vast discrepancies?

Just curious.

hmm IDK really I guess it's just one of those things you have to accept by faith!!


Re: any other mormons?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2015, 05:41:20 AM »
I'm not a Mormon, but I do have a question for you:

According to LDS theology, the univerve has countless planets scattered about the cosmos that are populated by celestial "gods". Exceptional members of the church will be elevated to "godhood" after death and recieve their own planet over which to rule. The "god" of this planet, the church teaches, was once simply a man himself.

According to the FE model, however, the planets are actually fairly small, and revolve around the sun (which itself is only 32 miles across), and that the circular plane we live on (Earth) is unique.

As someone who claims to be both a Latter-Day Saint and a Flat-Earther, how do you reconcile these vast discrepancies?

Just curious.

hmm IDK really I guess it's just one of those things you have to accept by faith!!

Yup! After all, zeteticists are known for accepting illogical things they've been taught as true by blind faith alone, right?


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Re: any other mormons?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2015, 06:05:20 AM »
I for one am preparing my earthy mortal self so that I may ascend to godhood once I die. I hope I'll please God enough to recieve his blessings.