Well, it's looking like a rival flat earth group is forming around Eric Dubay who is decidedly more energetic and definitely critical of Daniel Shenton. I noticed that Dubay has another kind of demon, a different weakness: hard core crude anti-semitism which is unfortunate, but he's obviously a better researcher than Daniel.
Possibly the competition of two sincere flat earth groups with very distinctive followings would be beneficial to the overall cause of scientific truth. I suggest absorbing and benefiting from Dubay's research without of course imbibing his error or joining with him. Keep the best - leave the rest. I perceive it is very important to the future of this forum to be familiar with and keep abreast of Eric DuBay's and Matthew Boylan's publicly shared information. This community is more agnostic and politically left than the crowd forming around Dubay, but the posts and content of his forum are vastly better than Daniel's. This forum as of now has at least one advantage in that it is significantly better organized than DuBay's ifers.boards.net forum. From what pizza planet says, it does not sound like Daniel has succeeded in rigging this forum to degenerate into a travesty, and that is good.