Firstly, it's extremely unlikely that the IRS is hanging onto records of the income tax that a fast-food worker paid forty years ago; secondly, there's no good reason (both in the sense of Kamala's political interests and the public interest) to ask them to try to verify Kamala's McDonald's employment; thirdly, that's not a thing the IRS would do even if there was a good reason to verify Kamala's McDonald's employment; and fourthly, Trump and his supporters would immediately label any evidence the IRS produced as fabricated, so what would even be the point? Nobody who isn't already a ride-or-die Trump fan doubts that Kamala worked at McDonald's when she was younger, because it's entirely believable and would be an utterly pointless thing to lie about.
Wow, what a convent slew of semi-plausible excuses.
“IRS doesn’t have it”
“If they do have it, it doesn’t matter”
“If it does matter, they won’t release it”
“If they do release it, then it’s fabricated”
“If it isn’t fabricated, then it’s not relevant”
It reminds me of the narcissist’s prayer. Which I guess is fitting for Kamala.
What are you even talking about? I explained that there were several reasons that the IRS can't "verify" whether or not Kamala worked at McDonald's, and also correctly pointed out that even if they could offer any evidence, Trump supporters would immediately label it fake. The main idea behind the narcissist's prayer is that the various excuses offered are contradictory, and therefore indicate the speaker's insincerity. In this case, however, the "excuses," as you call them, are all true and all apply at the same time.
No, the fact that people care about whether or not the subject is worth caring about is not automatically evidence that they care about the subject itself. Those are two different things. To put it another way, if I made a thread saying that Trump wears pink underwear, and you responded by asking who even cares, that would not in and of itself be evidence that you cared about whether or not Trump wears pink underwear.
If everyone chimed in to talk about how much they didn't care about a topic in every thread, then all threads would constantly be filled with nonsensical posts of people informing everyone how very much they do not care. I think you can see why this would get out of hand rapidly.
As I already pointed out, this thread is filled with posts that no one cared about and did not respond to (because they do not care!) However, they immensely care about Harris' work history. Lots of regulars came to the thread, only to insist that they do not care in the slightest... while making long posts about how the evidence could exist but doesn't matter. It really makes me think.
But that's not what anyone is saying. It's not caring about whether or not Kamala worked at McDonald's, it's caring about the fact that people are trying to turn this into a big controversy and demanding that Kamala somehow "prove" what any normal person would accept at face value. You say that you don't believe anything without first seeing evidence of it, but that's simply not true. Every single person who lives in a society accepts without question plausible things they're told on a daily basis without demanding evidence of it first. If someone told you they went to Vegas last week on vacation, you'd believe them. If someone told you that they were having a bad day, you'd believe them. And when Kamala says that as a college student, she worked at McDonald's, normal people believe her, because it's entirely plausible and not the kind of thing that anyone could reasonably be expected to make up. Again, what if Trump wears pink underwear? You can care deeply about the fact that people are trying to make a big deal about whether or not Trump wears pink underwear without caring about whether or not Trump wears pink underwear.
Thank you for reminding me about responding to you about the popularity of Democratic and Republican positions. I was distracted by this nonsensical controversy.