Regardless of reasoning, the point is that according to the official theory of Astronomy the stars we see are illusions. They do not follow the perspective laws:
The same applies to the planets and the galaxies. They defy the perspective laws. This nullifies the complaints that the celestial bodies should follow the laws of perspective, and nullifies your past repeated spams with animations of things shrinking with distance.
And I still don't understand this: "The projection is made on a section of atmosphere between your eyes and the Sun. It's personal to you. You therefore cannot look at it from another angle"
What does It's personal to you. You therefore cannot look at it from another angle mean?
You were asking why the projection couldn't be viewed from another angle other than straight on and gave an example of people sitting at different positions in a movie theater. The projection that appears to you is a personal projection. It is made on a section of the atmolayer between your eyes and the Sun/the Sun's light.
For some things, only your particular eyes or position can see. Reflections are also positional and personal to the person or thing observing it. Not everyone from all positions will see this long reflection on the water:

Someone positioned from above the water looking down at the surface from above will not see a line of light on the water. The light is personal to you. Likewise, people positioned at various points along the shore looking towards the Sun will see the line of light on the water appearing to point and lead directly towards each of them.
In a sense, the light is "projected" onto the water surface by the sun, and this "projection" is something only you can see from that particular position.