Bacteria communicate through radio waves:'s experiment can be summarised as follows:
A known water sample with 2 ng/ml of 104 bases DNA from an HIV infected patient is diluted by 10 into water and agitated for 15 seconds. After filtration to remove the DNA, the dilution and agitation steps are repeated 10 times, reaching high dilution levels of 10^−10.
The highly diluted sample emits electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequencies.
This EMS is recorded by a microphone coil and saved as a 6-second WAV file at the lab in Paris.
The WAV file is emailed to a partner team at the university of Benevento in Italy.
The Italian team emits with a coil for 1 hour the EMS of the WAV file on a sample of distilled water in a sealed metal tube.
The water sample is then placed in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine.
The PCR machine in Italy produces DNA, 98% identical to the initial DNA in Paris.
The experiment was first made in July 2005, and was repeated and filmed for a TV documentary in 2013, released on the French channel France 5 on 5 July 2014. of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves quantum field theoretical analysis of the phenomenon points to the crucial role played by coherent molecular dynamics.
The problem has been that Montagnier showed that when compared to pure water, samples chockfull of bacteria, emitted more radio waves, and no one could explain why.
Researchers have known for years that some bacteria do communicate via nanowires, which led Widom and his team to conclude that it wasn’t so farfetched to believe more highly developed bacteria, such as E. coli or Mycoplasma pirum, might instead communicate via wireless medium.
It’s likely these new findings will incite others to look a little deeper, however, as the main argument for rejecting Montagnier’s findings back in 2009, was that bacteria lacked a means for generating radio signals; an assertion that has now been overthrown.
More importantly, though, if simple organisms can communicate using radio waves — and have been communicating using radio waves for billions of years — it would shake the entire bedrock of modern science. Montagnier’s work suggests that cells can send electromagnetic imprints of itself to other, remote cells, but why stop there? If human cells also communicate using radio waves, we might be able to create a digital, silicon-based interface for ‘hacking’ our physiological infrastructure.
Montagnier’s work suggests that cells can send electromagnetic imprints of itself to other, remote cells.
The principle is similar to Benveniste's experiment from 1997[12] where EMS was recorded from ovalbumine at the Northwestern University Medical School of Chicago, and transmitted through email to Benveniste's Digital Biology Laboratory in Clamart, France.
After emitting the signal on pure water for 20 minutes, the water could cause an allergic shock on an isolated Guinea-pig heart allergic to ovalbumine. In both experiments the EMS reproduces the properties of the original molecules in their absence. (pg 75 of the pdf document, item 705)
Omicron is attaining its original, virulent form, M. bovis; right now, it is at the M. influenzae stage, where it begins to activate its prion domain. As an example, C.H.11 has the P681R mutation of Delta.
That is why those experiments in the lab (Omicron + Wuhan) are so dangerous. Those mycobacterium will start to transmit copies of their cells to the M. avium/M. influenzae in the atmosphere, that is how all of the variants had appeared everywhere so fast, almost at once, simultaneously.