The medical community originally referred to AIDS as GRID, the “Gay-Related Infectious Disease”.
Yes and the original outlook on AIDS was quite homophobic.
So they did use the words Gay and Disease.
You would have to be stupid or unscrupulous to conflate "Gay-related Infectious Disease" with the phrase "Gay Disease". Which are you?
It's not bigotry to call monkeypox a gay disease. It's absolutely a disease that primarily affects gay men in the West,
But not exclusively, right? So calling it a gay disease in not only untrue, it could lead to heterosexuals believing they are not at risk. Just like with AIDS back in the 80s.
just like AIDS was in the 80s (the majority of HIV cases are STILL homosexual men, 40 years later!).
That's absolutely not true. If you look at the
actual rates of infection among gay men by country you will see that that is true in only one country, Mauritania. Gay men are often over-represented, but many of the countries with high prevalence of AIDS have other social and legal issues that may prevent gay men from practicing safer sex.
It is not bigotry to state that gay men are primary vectors for all sorts of diseases and we need to start having some sort of health campaigns that inform gay men on how to fuck each other without spreading horrible diseases.
I agree. That is materially different than referring to something as a "Gay Disease".
They are very obviously doing things that other people don't do which is making them more vulnerable to serious illnesses.
Moar unprotected butt sex!
Do you know why old religions instituted anti-gay-male rhetoric into their religious texts? Because gay men kept getting sick. What does that mean? God hates the gays! It was obvious to our ancestors that homosexual men were at much higher risk of getting serious illnesses.
This sounds exactly like something that is made up to try and prove a point. You have no idea why people wrote what they wrote in the bible.
Stating otherwise is hurting the gay community more than helping it by trying to ignore the higher risk of serious illness that they are facing.
The strawest of strawmen.