The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:18:42 PM »
the earth is round. proof? the coriolis effect. its the reason hurricanes spin opposite directions north and south of the equator. this wouldnt happen on a flat earth but would on a round earth. this link here is a back an forth between myself and flat earthers that has yet to be proven wrong. . also, how do those in the artic and antartic circles experience prolonged periods of weeks of darkness or daylight no matter the time of day during certain seasons? i have friends in alaska and norway who experience this. this wouldnt happen if he earth was truely flat.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 06:31:38 PM by pizaaplanet »


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Re: i can bring an end to this once and for all.....
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 06:19:22 PM »
The coriolis effect does not exist.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 06:28:38 PM »
As was made clear to you in the discussion you posted, this effect is attributed to wind currents. Since you didn't address that at all, I'm not sure what you mean when you say it has "yet to be proven wrong". Just because you ignore a response doesn't mean there wasn't one, bubby.

For your other question, I suggest you read the FAQ.

Oh, and I'm renaming this thread so that it's actually useful.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 06:35:00 PM by pizaaplanet »
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2014, 06:58:44 PM »
oh boy we're getting le reddit trolled


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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2014, 07:23:37 PM »
I love when angry noobs are so incredibly certain that they're going to post something no one has ever thought of before, and that upon reading their post the society leaders will realize the error of their ways and officially announce the end of TFES. It's so cute.

Anyway, to properly respond to the OP:

First of all, use proper grammar. There's no reason to make your posts so difficult to read. Second, please focus on one idea at a time. It makes everything easier for everyone.

Your main argument here seems to be Coriolis Force. There are several FET explanations for Coriolis. Some FE'ers refute the existence of Coriolis, for a variety of reasons. I am not one of these and cannot therefore properly explain their views. The theory I subscribe to is rather complicated, but the oversimplified version is that an extraterrestrial substance generally referred to as Aether exerts a force analogous to 'Coriolis'.

Your second point regards seasons, particularly their effects at the poles. This is explained most satisfactorily in the FAQ and I see no reason to restate something which you could very easily find on your own.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2014, 08:14:44 PM »
yes, the coriolis effect is caused by trade winds, and the trade winds themselves are a product of a round rotating earth. if you want to see what im speaking of, and here is the source document which explains the coriolis effect and the tradewinds caused by a round rotating earth a little more indepth. if the rotating earth were flat with the north pole being the center, wouldnt the physical forces of inertia push matter towards the south pole/outer wall/edge/whatever?


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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 08:17:26 PM »
The opposing direction of winds between hemidisk areas is directly due to a lack of landmass in the southern hemidisk compared to the mostly terrestrial northern hemidisk.

Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 08:24:57 PM »
did you even read it? first its not real then its a product of lack of landmass? do you have anything to back this up? or maybe its because the earth is round, rotates, and relative to out position on the surface of said earth, these winds and cyclones go opposite directions. and if the rotating earth were flat, wouldnt rotational forces push matter like water towards the south pole/ice wall/edge/rim of the great turtle's shell?


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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 09:37:22 PM »
did you even read it? first its not real then its a product of lack of landmass? do you have anything to back this up? or maybe its because the earth is round, rotates, and relative to out position on the surface of said earth, these winds and cyclones go opposite directions. and if the rotating earth were flat, wouldnt rotational forces push matter like water towards the south pole/ice wall/edge/rim of the great turtle's shell?

I'm not saying the observed rotation of cyclones does not exist, I am simply saying the coriolis effect does not exist, because the Earth is not round. The coriolis effect attempts to incorrectly explain a phenomenon. You're confusing the explanation with the effect.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2014, 10:15:02 PM »
I love when angry noobs are so incredibly certain that they're going to post something no one has ever thought of before, and that upon reading their post the society leaders will realize the error of their ways and officially announce the end of TFES. It's so cute.

I find it cute when FEers point to their past posts, the FAQs, the WIki, EnaG, or some combination thereof and expect the noob's challenge foiled.

Anyway, to properly respond to the OP:

First of all, use proper grammar. There's no reason to make your posts so difficult to read. Second, please focus on one idea at a time. It makes everything easier for everyone.

Your main argument here seems to be Coriolis Force. There are several FET explanations for Coriolis. Some FE'ers refute the existence of Coriolis, for a variety of reasons. I am not one of these and cannot therefore properly explain their views. The theory I subscribe to is rather complicated, but the oversimplified version is that an extraterrestrial substance generally referred to as Aether exerts a force analogous to 'Coriolis'.

Your second point regards seasons, particularly their effects at the poles. This is explained most satisfactorily in the FAQ and I see no reason to restate something which you could very easily find on your own.
Oh boy, grammar police report,  everyone listen!

So when will TFES decide whether the Coriolis Effect is real (or not)? Since you can see the effect at dozens of children's museum, why doesn't the Zetetic Process resolve this issue right away?

If you have any data to post (or to point to) that this "Aether" exists, please post it. Otherwise you're just making another outlandish claim without evidence.

No, the FAQ does not come close to explaining the seasons. For example, FEer can't even agree on how many poles the Earth has. The season aren't at all explained in the "two pole" model. The one-pole model fails to explain why the Sun appears to the south inside the Antarctic Circle in the South's summer, for example.
Don't rely on FEers for history or physics.
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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2014, 10:59:53 PM »
I love when angry noobs are so incredibly certain that they're going to post something no one has ever thought of before, and that upon reading their post the society leaders will realize the error of their ways and officially announce the end of TFES. It's so cute.

I find it cute when FEers point to their past posts, the FAQs, the WIki, EnaG, or some combination thereof and expect the noob's challenge foiled.

Anyway, to properly respond to the OP:

First of all, use proper grammar. There's no reason to make your posts so difficult to read. Second, please focus on one idea at a time. It makes everything easier for everyone.

Your main argument here seems to be Coriolis Force. There are several FET explanations for Coriolis. Some FE'ers refute the existence of Coriolis, for a variety of reasons. I am not one of these and cannot therefore properly explain their views. The theory I subscribe to is rather complicated, but the oversimplified version is that an extraterrestrial substance generally referred to as Aether exerts a force analogous to 'Coriolis'.

Your second point regards seasons, particularly their effects at the poles. This is explained most satisfactorily in the FAQ and I see no reason to restate something which you could very easily find on your own.
Oh boy, grammar police report,  everyone listen!

So when will TFES decide whether the Coriolis Effect is real (or not)? Since you can see the effect at dozens of children's museum, why doesn't the Zetetic Process resolve this issue right away?

If you have any data to post (or to point to) that this "Aether" exists, please post it. Otherwise you're just making another outlandish claim without evidence.

No, the FAQ does not come close to explaining the seasons. For example, FEer can't even agree on how many poles the Earth has. The season aren't at all explained in the "two pole" model. The one-pole model fails to explain why the Sun appears to the south inside the Antarctic Circle in the South's summer, for example.

My god, you're judgmental. I'm sorry for being flippant, I guess.

Alright, let's take this a point at a time.

1) Yes, grammar is important. It's difficult to read someone's post when they can't be bothered to use any punctuation. This is not controversial.

2) TFES is not one person. There are many FE'ers and we tend to disagree about various details of Flat Earth Theory, agreeing only that the Earth is flat. So no, you should not expect TFES to universally agree about anything. If you don't like that... well. I dunno what to tell you.

3) This isn't a thread about Aether. If you want to make a thread about Aether I'll be happy to discuss it with you there, but not here.

4) I'm not going to discuss the bipolar model. I know nothing about it. I'm not sure what you're trying to say about the unipolar model. The sun would certainly appear to be in the general vicinity of Antarctica during the Southern winter.

5) We point to the FAQ, ENaG, and former posts for good reason. We're under no obligation to answer your questions and we prefer to minimize the amount of effort we have to put into it. We'd rather not repeat ourselves endlessly.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2014, 11:03:58 PM »
yes, the coriolis effect is caused by trade winds, and the trade winds themselves are a product of a round rotating earth. if you want to see what im speaking of, and here is the source document which explains the coriolis effect and the tradewinds caused by a round rotating earth a little more indepth. if the rotating earth were flat with the north pole being the center, wouldnt the physical forces of inertia push matter towards the south pole/outer wall/edge/whatever?

I think you're misunderstanding something about RET. Within the mythology of globularism, trade winds are not the cause of Coriolis. They're an effect of it.

Anyway, there's no reason to believe that the Flat Earth is rotating at all.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

Read the FAQ:

Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2014, 12:41:10 AM »
there is proof the earth rotates, and the coriolis effect proves it does. its an effect of the rotation of our round earth. if you read the paper, it even diagrams what would happen if the earth didnt spin. there is no flat earth theory that explains this (because the earth is round, perfect explanation). the trade winds are caused by the rotation of our planet. the spinning earth is round. you can say that EVERY govt agency, cartographer, physicist, astronomer, nasa, every single credible scientist or person who has been to space is lying, but you need to accept that at some point, youre contrarians. you honestly believe that everyone is lying to us? for what purpose? to what end? does everyone have their own conspiracy theory, because it seems like everyone just has their own half baked ideas. what about the unedited helmetcam footage of the man who parachuted from space? you can see the curvature of the earth. was that faked too? i have a better question. what would it take for you to admit and concede that the earth is round?

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2014, 12:45:26 AM »
The one-pole model fails to explain why the Sun appears to the south inside the Antarctic Circle in the South's summer, for example.
4) ...I'm not sure what you're trying to say about the unipolar model. The sun would certainly appear to be in the general vicinity of Antarctica during the Southern winter.
Okay, I can simply the explanation for you. The "unipolar model" does not explain the direction you would obverse the Sun when you stand at 0o 98o S at 00.00 UTC on January 1 of any year. Indeed for all observers inside the Antarctic Circle throughout summer the Sun appears to circle above the horizon.

Oh, and the video is filmed at the South Pole further evidence of the failure of the "unipolar model".
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 12:48:20 AM by pizaaplanet »
Don't rely on FEers for history or physics.
[Hampton] never did [go to prison] and was never found guilty of libel.
The ISS doesn't accelerate.

Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2014, 12:47:57 AM »
and still noone has explained why the arctic and antarctic experience prolonged periods of daylight and night time. perfectly explained by the round earth (not a) theory. also if the stars are a few thousand feet up like you claim, why do they not change position or appearance from aircraft thousands of feet in the air? btw, i just saw your post about the sunrise, nicely done. this is exactly what i was talking about.

Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2014, 01:01:11 AM »
also another interesting article i found, many ways that everyone here can prove that the earth is indeed round.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2014, 01:20:31 AM »
You really need to read the FAQ...
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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Offline Tau

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2014, 01:30:31 AM »
The one-pole model fails to explain why the Sun appears to the south inside the Antarctic Circle in the South's summer, for example.
4) ...I'm not sure what you're trying to say about the unipolar model. The sun would certainly appear to be in the general vicinity of Antarctica during the Southern winter.
Okay, I can simply the explanation for you. The "unipolar model" does not explain the direction you would obverse the Sun when you stand at 0o 98o S at 00.00 UTC on January 1 of any year. Indeed for all observers inside the Antarctic Circle throughout summer the Sun appears to circle above the horizon.

[video removed for the sake of space]

Oh, and the video is filmed at the South Pole further evidence of the failure of the "unipolar model".

The appearance of the midnight sun (and its opposite) is the result of Aetheric eyewalls, which distort and hide the sun in predictable patterns.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

Read the FAQ:

Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2014, 01:32:09 AM »
you didnt read the link, did you?

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Coriolis Effect and Day/Night Cycle
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2014, 01:43:01 AM »
The one-pole model fails to explain why the Sun appears to the south inside the Antarctic Circle in the South's summer, for example.
4) ...I'm not sure what you're trying to say about the unipolar model. The sun would certainly appear to be in the general vicinity of Antarctica during the Southern winter.
Okay, I can simply the explanation for you. The "unipolar model" does not explain the direction you would obverse the Sun when you stand at 0o 98o S at 00.00 UTC on January 1 of any year. Indeed for all observers inside the Antarctic Circle throughout summer the Sun appears to circle above the horizon.

[video removed for the sake of space]

Oh, and the video is filmed at the South Pole further evidence of the failure of the "unipolar model".

The appearance of the midnight sun (and its opposite) is the result of Aetheric eyewalls, which distort and hide the sun in predictable patterns.
As you've said, this thread is not about the Aether. If you'd like to discuss that outlandish claim, please start a new thread and I'll ask you to provide your data there.

Also, you did not counter the point that the film was made at the South Pole. Should we assume that you now accept its existence?

By the way, your post is a great example of the "special pleading" fallacy.
Don't rely on FEers for history or physics.
[Hampton] never did [go to prison] and was never found guilty of libel.
The ISS doesn't accelerate.