Yes, I'm also interested in No Man's Sky, but that game seems to be focused more on pure exploration. It has a much smaller budget and team, so I don't expect it to be as fleshed out as SC or E:D. Nonetheless, I hope iit turns out to be an indie success.
Between both E:D and Star Citizen I ended up pledging for SC. Something about E:Ds big flying cheese wedges doesn't sit right with me.
I like the blockier ships. They look robust enough to travel through space at several times the speed of light. A lot of Star Citizen's ships look too over-engineered and fragile to me.

It's like they're just cramming polygons wherever they want to, with no coherent design plan. Compare to this:

Simple and elegant. Nobody is going to use the sillhouette of an RSI Constellation for their intimidating alliance logo, because it would look like messy poo. The Anaconda, on the other hand, has an easily identifiable and iconic shape. It looks imposing, rather than confusing.
Anyway, that's obviously a matter of personal preference, so we don't have to go on about it forever. Apart from that, what do you prefer about SC?