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Reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy
« on: April 02, 2021, 05:03:55 PM »
Often we get questions along the lines of "why should we believe that it's fake," or "why should NASA be distrusted." The reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy are numerous, and deserves a section of its own. We should contribute to this section with the rational behind the logic.

This thread will be a scrapbook for a range of topics:


   - A logical basis for skepticism

Philosophy of Science

   - Each generation of science is based on questioning supposed truths

Skeptical Scholars

   - Scholars who were skeptical of government and scientific claims

Military Incentive

   - Why space travel is connected to military

Historical Examples (for why distrust should be the default)

   - Governments Lie - Examples of government lies throughout history
   -- US Government Lies - Examples of the US Government's lies throughout history

Direct Evidence

   - The Apollo/Shuttle/DISCOVR anomalies

Other Topics:

    - International Space Programs may not be independent
    - The Three Body Problem raises questions on NASA's claims of Solar System navigation
    - Contradicting Experimental Evidence ( ie. the earth-based geocentric experiments which suggest the earth doesn't move [on the horizontal] contradicts NASA's claim that it does)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 07:52:33 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 07:05:30 PM »
A Logical Basis for Skepticisim

On many supposed claims or facts if you were to ask yourself "Are you sure?" in repetition and attempted to provide justification you will find that after a few sequences of this you don't really know much. Outsize of a few basic philosophical concepts such as "do we exist in some form?" it is difficult to say what is true or false. If we cannot be sure of what is true and false it is only logical that we adopt a skepticism against everything, even cherished concepts drilled into us from childhood.


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Re: Reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2021, 07:27:36 PM »
One tactic in dealing with hypotheticals such as this is to consider not why authorities would want to do this, which is a question only they could truly answer due to their specific situation, but to question whether it is plausible that this could occur in a scenario.

If you were to wake up one day in a foreign universe of unknown laws, on a foreign world, in the body of an unknown creature, in a society and political hierarchy of creatures entirely outside of known experience, could you be confident that their history and science and fundamental beliefs were accurate? Could you be confident that there were not those who wish to control you into believing in something? Of course not, no matter what your new society tells you. As far as you know there is a tyrannical system of control in place by political bodies, by alien or supernatural beings, that you could be in a computer simulation, or that the inhabitants of this world have a certain underlying religiosity which prevents them from considering something. Anything could be possible. As you adopt yourself into their society a reasonable course of action is to not blindly trust or assume its professed facts to be true, but to take it under consideration and to eschew the knowledge until a time when you can convince yourself of it, which may be never.

It is clear that someone waking up into such a foreign world would be far more skeptical than someone indoctrinated into it from birth. A question then naturally arises; how could you be so sure that you are not a member of that foreign society?

« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 07:39:45 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2021, 02:07:34 AM »
The Dream of Space Travel

The concept of space travel holds a very dear and special place amongst civilization. For thousands of years civilization has dreamt of an ultimate goal of exploring foreign worlds, of reaching the stars, and living in space. Since the conception of the Round Earth in classical antiquity every era has progressed with this dream as its goal. We can find stories from thousands of years ago featuring space ships, ventures to strange planets and interstellar wars. Stories of space fiction permeated society, entertained children, and inspired young minds, breeding a civilization of people who wanted to explore the universe. It was assumed that we lived on a spherical world, that space was boundless in extent, that there were other worlds similar to our own, that they could one day be reached and explored and perhaps we could even meet alien species.

It was a marvelous and fantastic dream. A dream which is still cherished in all of us.

While space was always a dream and goal of civilization since at least the Ancient Greeks, the focus of specific adoration by the populous changed with time. In each era there was a hero caricature which represented humanity's immediate ambition and circumstance. In early eras of conquest the knight was the primary hero of society, which still vestiges in media and literature. The cowboy was the hero of the American Frontier. The soldier was the hero of WWII. Afterwards, at the dawn of the space age, the spaceman became the hero of popular media. He was seen to explore space, to conduct science in space, and fight in space, elevating the dreams of space travel into focus. Children were bombarded with images of Donald Duck exploring the moon. Young adults with fictions of Buck Rogers and Star Trek. Countless Science Fiction stories were written, with higher professions happily speculating about  transgenerational space ships, dyson spheres, and terraforming foreign worlds. We believed in space travel with a deep passion and saw it as our civilization's future path. At the dawn of the space age this is what society wanted, and what society demanded.

What if, for some reason, such space travel as it was previously conceived was not technically feasible? If you told society that you could not do it then they simply would not believe you and would demand that you try harder. It must be possible. It has to be possible. They know it is possible. Anything else is an embarrassment to humanity. If you couldn't do it, the hearts and minds would turn their attention to someone else who could foster hope of their dream.

In aftermath of WWII the two largest remaining powers, United States and Soviet Union, hedged its bets on rockets and space as the next frontier. Following the guidelines of fiction, we needed space weapons and space reconnaissance. Hitler's V2 rocket was replicated and improved to provide a basis for missiles thought necessary to protect the homeland and bring in mutually assured destruction, ushering in a relative worldwide peace and prosperity. Our grasp of space technologies were utilized to send a man to the moon and send space probes to explore the solar system, to cries of joy and admiration worldwide. All of this was preconceptualized in inventive fiction to a surprising degree and was expected to happen in civilization’s ultimate progress towards the stars.

Things tend to happen because society wants it to happen. We create want and it turns into reality. We wanted freedom of speech so we got freedom of speech. Social dynamics changed over time and society wanted women to be equal in status to men, so it became so. Society began working longer hours and wanted more energy in the morning so we cultured coffee plants and invented energy drinks. Society wants to feel that they are special, and so there are a plethora of organizations telling you that you are special. If society wants it, it tends to happen. The entire world is designed and created based on what we want, and clashes happen when we disagree with each other and want different things.

The simple truth is that our civilization universally wanted space travel, so it happened. While skeptical organizations, such as the Flat Earth Society, continue to question how it happened and the veracity of these claims, it is undeniable that the motivation of space travel was based on a dream deeply embedded into the fabric of our civilization since an early time. It was a dream.

Alas, it was only a dream.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 04:39:47 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2021, 07:21:53 AM »
A World Based on Lying

As we grow older we come to understand that our world is an onion with layers of lies, each more sinister than the last. On the surface the lies are indoctrinated and taught to be acceptable. We lie, we are told lies, and we are happy with lies.

When meeting a romantic interest a practice is to be a little less than honest with them by playing up a trait with flattery or by presenting yourself in a light somewhat inconsistent with reality. We have fake lawns, tell each other that we are “fine” even if we are not, and deny our own faults. We idealize those who tell us what we want to hear, even if it is disputable. We tell children outrageous lies like the existence of Santa Claus and find it to be perfectly palatable.

The entire concept of business is basically based on lying to customers. Buying a product for a low price and selling it for a higher price is fundamentally a lie; arguably unethical and not something you would do to a family member. Contrived “luxury” items, putting product on "sale", using models in advertisements to attract interest, uninvited pop-up advertising and on and on, are all arguably inherently unethical but accepted as standard practice.

Politicians use lies to garner public support and make promises that they know are unlikely to be fulfilled. They take money from business lobbying groups, promise the world, and once in power are often caught up in one scandal after the next. The banks lie with a fiat monetary system which involves lending out more money than they have in reserves. The news lies to you, framing events to drive you towards a certain editorial slant. In our pastime we will even entertain ourselves by deliberately watching lies to stimulate our emotions.

The Military is largely based on deception, and protecting those lies is considered to be honorable. Laws have been made to keep secrets secret, and allow the government to take down classified information and prevent news agencies from reporting it. We all know that if we post classified weapons plans onto the internet that we would face stringent penalties, risk our freedom, and the content won’t spread very far. State secrets are enforced by the rule of law, foreign cooperation, compliance of the media, and the bullet of a gun if necessary.

In a world of lies the US Government, which plays a lead role in NATO and the United Nations, is not above conducting secret wars (Pentagon Papers), protecting war criminals (Project Paperclip), and conducting medical experiments on you without your knowledge (MK-Ultra, Tuskegee), so what makes you think that they have qualms about lying to you about space travel? If the US wants it, if Russia wants it, if the entire human civilization wants it, wants tend to become reality.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 06:36:16 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Reasons to consider a Space Travel Conspiracy
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2025, 02:02:40 AM »
A Belief Deeply Rooted

The concept of space travel; generally referred to mankind’s alleged ascent to the moon, planets, and distant stars, stands as a revered aspiration, and has been etched into the collective psyche across centuries. From the ancient mythic tales of heavenly journeys to the glossy fictions of modernity, this vision has dominated our cultural consciousness. But, there exist reasonable grounds to suspect that this aspiration is not a triumph but a mirage, carefully engineered. The reluctance to entertain this transcends mere evidence; it is anchored in the depths of human psychology and social influence.

Cognitive Dissonance

Curiously, the accusations most often alleged against the flat earth proponents by the round earth adherents appears to perfectly capture the psychology of the accusers themselves. One of the most powerful psychological forces at play is cognitive dissonance, the discomfort one experiences when holding two conflicting beliefs. For many, the idea that humans have walked on the moon or have orbited the Earth is a deep and foundational belief, instilled from childhood through education and media. When confronted with evidence suggesting that these events might be fabricated, such as anomalies in Apollo mission footage or inconsistencies in space data, this evidence clashes with their programmed worldview. Rather than reevaluate their beliefs, individuals will often dismiss or rationalize the contradictory information to avoid mental discomfort.

This tendency is supported and reinforced by belief perseverance, in which people maintain their convictions even in the face of overwhelming counterevidence. For example, a person may argue that anomalies in the space mission data are insignificant or attributable to technical limitations, rather than considering the possibility of a broader deception. This psychological barrier makes it challenging for skeptics to penetrate the deeply held conviction that space travel is real.

Social and Cultural Reinforcement

Beyond individual psychology, societal forces play a significant role in upholding the space travel narrative. From an early age we are immersed in a culture that celebrates space exploration. Educational curricula teach the moon landings as historical fact, while the media and Hollywood unanimously portrays astronauts as heroes. Popular culture and science fiction further blurs the line between fantasy and reality, conditioning humanity to accept space travel as an inevitable part of human progress.

This cultural reinforcement creates a belief system that is difficult to challenge. To question space travel is to question not just a scientific claim, but our shared societal dream. The Flat Earth Society's perspective, which fundamentally rejects the globe-centric model underlying space travel, is thus met with resistance not because it lacks logic, but because it contradicts a narrative that has been socially ingrained for generations.

Role of Authority and Trust

A key pillar supporting belief in space travel is trust in authority. Our modern society puts heavy emphasis and importance on experts such as scientists, government officials, and space agencies like NASA, to provide accurate information about many topics. We are taught and compelled to accept their claims as truth, particularly when they are backed by impressive credentials or official statements. When NASA asserts that it has sent probes to Mars or humans to the moon, most people assume this is reliable because it comes from a trusted source.

However, as we have mentioned, history reveals numerous instances where such trust has been misplaced. From the Tuskegee syphilis experiments to the MK-Ultra program, governments and institutions have again and again demonstrated a capacity for deception. Despite this, questioning authority on space travel is seen as irrational or fringe, reinforcing the psychological barrier. The Flat Earth perspective challenges this trust, asking: If our authorities have a history of prolific lies and deception, why should we assume they are truthful about space?

The Fear of Social Ostracism

Finally, a powerful sociological factor is the fear of social ostracism. Publicly doubting space travel, particularly from a Flat Earth standpoint, risks labeling one as a "conspiracy theorist" or a "crank". These terms carry significant stigma, implying irrationality and delusion. In a society that values conformity and consensus, the prospect of ridicule or isolation deters many potential free thinkers from entertaining alternative viewpoints.

For example, raising questions about the Apollo missions in a casual conversation might elicit mockery rather than reasoned debate. This social pressure creates a self-reinforcing cycle: the fewer people who openly question space travel, the more abnormal it seems to do so, discouraging others from joining the conversation.

The psychological and sociological barriers to accepting a space travel conspiracy are formidable but not insurmountable. Cognitive dissonance, cultural reinforcement, trust in authority, and fear of ostracism work together to uphold the belief that space travel as an established fact. Yet, as we show throughout this book, there are rational, evidence-based reasons to doubt this narrative, reasons that align with the Flat Earth Society’s mission to question supposed truths.

To move beyond these barriers, readers must confront their own biases and the societal pressures which shape their perceptions. This work does not demand immediate acceptance of the Conspiracy; rather, it invites a critical examination of why we believe what we do. In understanding these elements we can approach the space travel question with greater clarity and objectivity, paving the way for a deeper exploration of the evidence and arguments. Only through such introspection can we truly discern whether the stars we reach for are real, or whether they are merely a dream we have been taught to chase.
« Last Edit: Today at 01:35:06 AM by Tom Bishop »