Most people do not want to work.
This is you projecting. It is not reality. Unemployed people want to work. But if unemployment is higher than the the shitty job you had, why would you want to go back to it?
Tell me, would you go pick strawberries in the Texas summer for $3/hour or get $100/week from unemployment?
Would you want to work at a cash register for 9 hours day with no benefits, getting yourself barely enough money to keep your stomach from growling if there was an alternative?
Hobbies and community service is not viewed as work by people who perform such things.
Playing the guitar =/= work for me.
I am not good enough to get paid doing it though.
My hobbies include computer stuff.
My job: computer stuff.
My hobbies are also my job. Aka: work.
But its still work. Whether you view it that way or not.
For most people work = slavery.
So what you're saying is that its only "real work" if you are over worked and paid so badly that you can barely survive, let alone live. Good to know. Guess you don't "work", do you?
As long as I have enough to live, I am generally satisfied, as would 80 percent of all people.
Yep. Tho 'living' is a relative term. Like if you had enough to live in a 1 bedroom apartment in the middle of a gang infested part of the city and eat nothing but junk food... Is that enough? Would you want more to save? Maybe buy a house? Start a family? Go to school?
Tell me: what is 'enough to live' for you?
If you want those things, you should put in the work required to get those things.
You cannot blame some other entity for not doing the work required to get those things.
Great in theory but ya gotta spend money to make money. School costs money. Food costs money. And if you want either, you need a job. But only an unskilled job since you have no education or experience. Which pays too low to really go to school. Not without outside support. And thats the issue at heart: if your life sucks before your an adult, its very hard to get it not to suck as an adult.
Answer me this: did you pay for school and rent of your own apartment all on your own? No support from anyone? Did you even go to school? Did your parents help you in any way? Friends or other family? Or are you a self made man who got great success without any help?
Oh and my favorite past time is playing video games and roleplaying. I just don't have the time for it as much as I would want.
If the government is paying me enough to live, then work be damned.
People are fucking lazy whether you like the fact or not.
Don't project your own desires on humanity, dude.
Not my desires at all.
I know damn well the government is not inclined to take care of me.
People like you they will take care of.
Nope. The government isn't taking care of me. I make too much money. Nor do I want them to care for me, I don't need it. (Tho the national health care is nice, even if I haven't used it yet)