Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2020, 02:40:28 PM »
If Crackhead Hunter was picking up bags of cash he wasn't paying taxes on, then it may easily all tie together. I am not sure how he had time to be making all this money though, between the crack smoking, fathering a random child, getting kicked out of the Navy for testing positive for cocaine a month after daddy got him an age exemption at 43, or banging his dead brother's widow. Busy guy, but I am sure it is totally on the up and up and that daddy had no idea whatsoever...

Given your glaring bias...

lol what is happening in this thread? did hunter biden bang your wife or something?
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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2020, 03:01:33 PM »
If Crackhead Hunter was picking up bags of cash he wasn't paying taxes on, then it may easily all tie together. I am not sure how he had time to be making all this money though, between the crack smoking, fathering a random child, getting kicked out of the Navy for testing positive for cocaine a month after daddy got him an age exemption at 43, or banging his dead brother's widow. Busy guy, but I am sure it is totally on the up and up and that daddy had no idea whatsoever...

Given your glaring bias...

lol what is happening in this thread? did hunter biden bang your wife or something?

What is happening is that I am interested in watching people defend a scumbag who quite possibly helped facilitate some corruption with the soon to be inaugurated President. The only reason folks are rushing to his defense is because he is on the right team (hence the title of the thread). Yes, I am saying mean things about said scumbag, but feel free to point out if any of them are not true.

If you are going to bother replying further, I would suggest adding something to the thread, as everyone else has managed to do so far. If you want to make le epic quips about me, you know the way to CN and AR.


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2020, 03:15:19 PM »
I'm defending him because (a) the sons and daughter on one side have ALREADY been found guilty of corruption. The Trump adult children, Tiffany excluded, are forbidden from operating charities in New York. Done. Settled. Guilty. and (b) the case against Hunter, with regards to the laptop, falls apart under scrutiny. Examples Pt.1;

"On Wednesday morning, the New York Post published a story alleging that Hunter Biden dropped off a laptop at a Delaware computer store for repair and that the device contained nefarious emails and photos.

The item was immediately viewed with suspicion, both for the timing of it—coming less than three weeks before the elections—and the path the laptop supposedly took. The Post said that “before turning over the gear,” the owner of the computer repair shop “made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.” The story alleged that the Biden son was setting up a meeting between a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm on which he served and his father, who was then the vice president. The Biden campaign has said no such meeting was scheduled.

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of reporters, among them a journalist for The Daily Beast, spoke with the owner of the shop, a man named John Paul Mac Isaac who lives in Wilmington, Delaware. The audio of that nearly hour-long question and answer session is below.

Mac Isaac appeared nervous throughout. Several times, he said he was scared for his life and for the lives of those he loved. He appeared not to have a grasp on the timeline of the laptop arriving at his shop and its disappearance from it. He also said the impeachment of President Trump was a “sham.” Social media postings indicate that Mac Isaac is an avid Trump supporter and voted for him in the 2016 election.

Mac Isaac said he had a medical condition that prevented him from actually seeing who dropped off the laptop but that he believed it to be Hunter Biden’s because of a sticker related to the Beau Biden Foundation that was on it. He said that Hunter Biden actually dropped off three laptops for repair, an abundance of hardware that he chalked up to the Biden son being “rich.”

Throughout the interview, Mac Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that contacted him. At one point, Mac Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device’s existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for “help accessing his drive.”

Example 2 - Giuliani acknowledges other news outlets wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole;

"Giuliani recently acknowledged that he specifically peddled the salacious Hunter Biden laptop story to the New York Post because they wouldn’t “spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.” Other news outlets have reportedly passed on reporting on the laptop material for fear that it can’t be verified ..."

Example 3 - the manufacture date is later than the supposed repair date;

"Docs show the laptop was dropped on Apr 12, 2019. They also show an external drive and its serial number.

Western Digital’s web site says that drive’s **3-year** warranty expires Apr 18, 2022…meaning it was manufactured Apr *18*, 2019." ...


"Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner had left town.

A slew of new information has surfaced in the weeks since, including details about the laptop’s journey from the repair shop to Giuliani's office.

Yet with fears of fake news flooding the nation's consciousness and Giuliani's resistance to share the source material, it remains unclear whether the emails purportedly found on the hard drive and that formed the basis of the disputed New York Post story are authentic. "
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 03:36:26 PM by Tumeni »
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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2020, 03:45:47 PM »
The only reason folks are rushing to his defense is because he is on the right team

Surely the only reason you're attacking him is because his father is on the "wrong" team for you?
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.


Rama Set

Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2020, 03:46:50 PM »
The only reason folks are rushing to his defense is because he is on the right team

Surely the only reason you're attacking him is because his father is on the "wrong" team for you?

Lol. Lurk moar.


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2020, 04:00:33 PM »
Surely the only reason you're attacking him is because his father is on the "wrong" team for you?
Tumeni, just because that's how you operate doesn't mean you should project your insecurities onto others. Junker is super obviously not a Republican/MAGA guy.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2020, 04:25:05 PM »
Surely the only reason you're attacking him is because his father is on the "wrong" team for you?
Tumeni, just because that's how you operate doesn't mean you should project your insecurities onto others. Junker is super obviously not a Republican/MAGA guy.

He's welcome to state, by his own hand, that this is not his motive, in the same way that I did when he suggested this was the motive of those defending HB.
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.


Rama Set

Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2020, 04:32:43 PM »
Surely the only reason you're attacking him is because his father is on the "wrong" team for you?
Tumeni, just because that's how you operate doesn't mean you should project your insecurities onto others. Junker is super obviously not a Republican/MAGA guy.

He's welcome to state, by his own hand, that this is not his motive, in the same way that I did when he suggested this was the motive of those defending HB.

Ok Tomeni.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2020, 04:36:19 PM »
This is probably the best Tumeni self-dunk yet.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


Offline juner

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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2020, 04:37:49 PM »
Surely the only reason you're attacking him is because his father is on the "wrong" team for you?
Tumeni, just because that's how you operate doesn't mean you should project your insecurities onto others. Junker is super obviously not a Republican/MAGA guy.

He's welcome to state, by his own hand, that this is not his motive, in the same way that I did when he suggested this was the motive of those defending HB.

Firstly, let me confirm that I am writing this with my own hands and not someone else's. Now that the hand situation has been clarified, I can also confirm that my motive in ripping on Hunter Biden is not because he is on the wrong team. You also won't get an argument from me that Trump and his kids are anything but corrupt scumbag grifters.

I mean, Democrats are still the wrong team at the end of the day, but the SPUSA isn't likely to gain much traction anytime soon so it seems that the center-right Democrat party is the best America can do.


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2020, 02:03:41 PM »
Oh, I get it. Junker is essentially virtue-signalling with this thread. He wants us all to see that he's above the petty tribalism of being a Democrat or a Republican; he lets his conscience guide him. The rest of us (and the media of course), his point goes, are willing to defend someone very bad just because he's related to "our guy".

He also seems to be sending a message that he is against drugs and illegitimate parenting, hence his focus on Hunter's drug use and fathering of a bastard child, irrelevant to the matter at hand, but proof that Junker is better than Hunter.

Honk's almost surgically precise takedown of Junker's entire argument? Honk only posted it out of an inherent need to defend "his guy", so irrelevant. Junker is so far above partisan favoritism that he's willing to assume that two completely unrelated incidents are actually inextricably tied together, because of reasons.

I get it, Junker, you're a paragon of virtue. Good for you.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 02:07:25 PM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2020, 02:50:15 PM »
What I don't get is how did anyone but the FBI get this laptop?
As I understand it Hunter delivered his laptop to some shop to get it fixed.  Someone there then contacted Rudy Gulianni and "gave" him the laptop.

So someone stole Hunter's laptop, managed to get in touch with Trump's personal lawyer, and get it to him.  Sounds odd to me.  Like, can I just call Rudy?  Can Tom Bishop just send him a tweet saying he has massive evidence of voter fraud and get a meeting?  Because that shit would be epic.

Then they break into the pc/email account on the PC. (A federal crime fyi)
And then claim to have a bunch of emails.

But also the FBI has it?  And Rudy held it up on tv?

Is this all correct or am I missing something?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Rama Set

Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2020, 03:10:57 PM »
What I don't get is how did anyone but the FBI get this laptop?
As I understand it Hunter delivered his laptop to some shop to get it fixed.  Someone there then contacted Rudy Gulianni and "gave" him the laptop.

So someone stole Hunter's laptop, managed to get in touch with Trump's personal lawyer, and get it to him.  Sounds odd to me.  Like, can I just call Rudy?  Can Tom Bishop just send him a tweet saying he has massive evidence of voter fraud and get a meeting?  Because that shit would be epic.

Then they break into the pc/email account on the PC. (A federal crime fyi)

After a certain period of time, ownership over the laptop is given to the repair shop since the laptop has been abandoned.

And then claim to have a bunch of emails.

But also the FBI has it?  And Rudy held it up on tv?

Rudy held up some sort of prop.  The real laptop was supposed to be a mac.

Is this all correct or am I missing something?

  As to how he got in touch with Giuliani, I am not sure, I vaguely remember reading something about it and it wasn't like he called Rudy up.


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2020, 03:16:33 PM »
Oh, I get it. Junker is essentially virtue-signalling with this thread. He wants us all to see that he's above the petty tribalism of being a Democrat or a Republican; he lets his conscience guide him. The rest of us (and the media of course), his point goes, are willing to defend someone very bad just because he's related to "our guy".
Okay but I enjoy petty tribalism. I've long been been a registered Democrat and I like dunking on Republicans.

He also seems to be sending a message that he is against drugs and illegitimate parenting, hence his focus on Hunter's drug use and fathering of a bastard child, irrelevant to the matter at hand, but proof that Junker is better than Hunter.
None of those things bother me and your last statement is simply a non-sequitur.

Honk's almost surgically precise takedown of Junker's entire argument?
I must have missed that part.

Honk only posted it out of an inherent need to defend "his guy", so irrelevant. Junker is so far above partisan favoritism that he's willing to assume that two completely unrelated incidents are actually inextricably tied together, because of reasons.
Yes, Saddam is a predictable neoliberal.

I get it, Junker, you're a paragon of virtue. Good for you.
I hope your Secret Santa got you a projector for Christmas.

Rama Set

Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2020, 03:32:56 PM »
tHE LefT eAts iTs PWN


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2020, 03:49:33 PM »
What I don't get is how did anyone but the FBI get this laptop?
As I understand it Hunter delivered his laptop to some shop to get it fixed.  Someone there then contacted Rudy Gulianni and "gave" him the laptop.

So someone stole Hunter's laptop, managed to get in touch with Trump's personal lawyer, and get it to him.  Sounds odd to me.  Like, can I just call Rudy?  Can Tom Bishop just send him a tweet saying he has massive evidence of voter fraud and get a meeting?  Because that shit would be epic.

Then they break into the pc/email account on the PC. (A federal crime fyi)

After a certain period of time, ownership over the laptop is given to the repair shop since the laptop has been abandoned.

And then claim to have a bunch of emails.

But also the FBI has it?  And Rudy held it up on tv?

Rudy held up some sort of prop.  The real laptop was supposed to be a mac.

Is this all correct or am I missing something?

  As to how he got in touch with Giuliani, I am not sure, I vaguely remember reading something about it and it wasn't like he called Rudy up. it was a laptop that was there for a long time and abandoned?  Seems... Odd.  Like if I had incriminating evidence on my laptop, I'd be damn sure not to abandon it.
Also, if I'm a high ranking politician, I'm gonna make extra damn sure my kids do not "abandon" their electronic devices.  That shit gets wiped and the hard drives smashed before I let them junk it.

This story sounds weirder and weirder.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2020, 05:01:59 PM »
I'm defending him because (a) the sons and daughter on one side have ALREADY been found guilty of corruption. The Trump adult children, Tiffany excluded, are forbidden from operating charities in New York. Done. Settled. Guilty. and (b) the case against Hunter, with regards to the laptop, falls apart under scrutiny. Examples Pt.1;

So your argument is....  But Trump!

Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?


Offline Tumeni

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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2020, 05:12:46 PM »
I'm defending him because (a) the sons and daughter on one side have ALREADY been found guilty of corruption. The Trump adult children, Tiffany excluded, are forbidden from operating charities in New York. Done. Settled. Guilty. and (b) the case against Hunter, with regards to the laptop, falls apart under scrutiny. Examples Pt.1;

So your argument is....  But Trump!


Repubs have been dining out on "But Hillary's e-mails!" for four years.
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2020, 05:28:58 PM »
tHE LefT eAts iTs PWN

Hmm... I don't like the idea that we should treat the infractions of a president differently based on party affiliation.

But to be clear on this, there's just not a lot that we know right now.  Here's what we know.

There's a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.
This investigation might be politically motivated but probably not.
And that's it.

Any allegations that this had anything to do with Biden are speculations at this point.  Fortunately this isn't a matter up to the court of public opinion.  He'll be investigated, then indicted or not.  Then maybe found guilty or not.  But if it isn't connected to the president then it's something that just doesn't matter all that much. 


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Re: When it Pays to be a Democrat
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2020, 01:54:54 AM »
Given that the full extent of the investigation is not yet known, it seems premature to make such a claim. If Crackhead Hunter was picking up bags of cash he wasn't paying taxes on, then it may easily all tie together.

It hypothetically could, sure, but I could just as easily suppose that it could tie into Hunter trafficking drugs or embezzling large sums of money from business partners or clients. The only reason why you're treating "What if this means that Joe Biden is corrupt too?" as a reasonable inference and not an arbitrary speculation is because Trump aggressively pushed the narrative that Biden was corrupt and involved in his son's activities. I don't view his smear campaign as solid evidence, and so there's no reason to "connect" it to Hunter being investigated for his taxes.

I am not sure how he had time to be making all this money though, between the crack smoking, fathering a random child, getting kicked out of the Navy for testing positive for cocaine a month after daddy got him an age exemption at 43, or banging his dead brother's widow. Busy guy, but I am sure it is totally on the up and up and that daddy had no idea whatsoever...

Hunter has spent years as an investor and lobbyist. I'm not going to argue that he doesn't owe this career to his name and connections, because of course he does, but that's where he's been making his money, and it's easy to see why these sorts of activities might draw the attention of the IRS without having to suppose that his politician father is being bribed or is otherwise complicit in criminal activity.

Which story is fake news?

The idea that the laptop and its contents implicate Joe Biden, which is how the NYP, along with Trump and his allies, spun the story. I think it's also fair to include the story that Trump first tried to smear Biden with - that he supposedly got Viktor Shokin fired to protect his corrupt son's employer from an investigation. Like I pointed out earlier, the timeline for those events simply doesn't support that narrative.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y