I don't get your point . Last line of your OP .
"So is that it? Are latitude/longitude OK by themselves, but the distances are not? What are the actual objections?"
I have put forward the objections . Why should FE accept an ellipsoid model coordinate system as being suitable to describe earth ?
GPS and the globe are not latitude longitude systems of earth , yet they are offered up as proof of a globe because by RE . Why do you think that doesn't deserve objection ?
RE is fond of telling us FE distances don't add up on their imaginary model . This is why the distances are important .
Your last sentence makes no sense - can't fathom that out.
Somehow or other I'm just not managing to explain myself very well and I keep trying different ways to say the same thing. All I can do is keep trying I guess. I don't honestly think there's much if any disagreement with each other. Anyway here goes...
Latitude and longitude pre-date GPS by centuries, so by all means discard any arguments based on GPS, not that I'm using any here.
If you were completely lost, but you had a basic set of instruments (and I think we agree what those are), none of which rely on a globe to function (you just point them at things and measure angles or check timings), you could determine your latitude and longitude. If I had the same basic set of instruments, plus a compass, and you could tell me your position, then in theory I could find you. I just need to travel north or south until we're at the same latitude and then east or west until we're at the same longitude and we should meet. Distances don't matter. This process just works whether the earth is a globe or flat - correct?
So from my point of view, for this purpose and this purpose only, nobody can object to latitude/longitude. But they do. Frequently I come across "you can't use latitude/longitude because it's based on a globe". Well how is this based on a globe? Don't go talking about measuring distances, we only have these basic instruments, we have no means to measure any distances.
In order to determine the truth of this, I'm discarding GPS, spherical geometry, everything globe related. Pretend humanity had never even considered the idea that the world was a globe, pretend we've never invented the ruler or tape measure or even the concept of a distance. Is determining your position (latitude/longitude) possible? Well clearly it is. Is it useful? Again, clearly it is. Why then is it constantly rejected in arguments?
I think it's because latitude/longitude have just become forever associated with the globe and that's what's causing the problem for those who don't believe in the globe.
You keep bringing up distances, well you keep objecting to a point I'm just not making. Leave distances out of it and then tell me what's wrong with latitude/longitude.