
Flat Earth proof?
« on: August 15, 2019, 10:35:10 PM »
We, editors of the FEW, hope that you find the truth and erudition of these works, as so many before you have. Within these digital pages you can expect to find the scepticism and understanding needed to break free from the constraints of conventional dogmatic thinking and brave the pioneering waters of true science and learning. More specifically, you will find Flat Earth proofs conducted by Flat Earthers across the world

This seems to be a rather wordy way of saying that you (the editors of FEW) think you know better than the mainstream, conventional way of thinking that the Earth is round. Then in the next sentence we will "find Flat Earth proof'?   Has the Earth ever been proved to be flat then?  I'm not so sure the Earth has ever been proved to be flat.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 10:42:32 PM by newhorizons »

Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2019, 07:38:41 AM »
We’ve known since around the 3rdcentury BC that the planet on which we live is a sphere. But for just as long, and despite an abundance of photos of the globe seen from space, one baffling theory has refused to admit defeat: the idea that the Earth is flat.In order to makeBehind the Curve, a documentary now available on Netflix, director Daniel J Clark and his team embedded themselves in the Flat Earth community in an attempt to provide a well-rounded picture of a fringe group which used to being mocked.If the film has a star, it is the indomitable Mark Sargent, a vehement flat Earther who seems to sincerely believe that the movement is “winning against science”. Though at first Sargent may seem like a lone wolf, we are quickly introduced to a host of like-minded people who feel the exact same way.A pseudoscientific worldview based on the principle that the government is lying to us, Flat Earth theory provides a home fora spectrum of ideas, including that the Earth is thousands of years old, that we live on a Hollywood sound stage, and that vaccinations are a conspiracy.Despite including some of the more crackpot soundbites – “You know they made up dinosaurs?” – seemingly for comic effect, Clark is clear that the intent of the film is not to mock the believers themselves. The scientists and psychologists featured in the documentary take the time to explain the phenomena involved, and point out that simply telling people they are wrong often entrenches their ideas. We had a chat with Daniel about what he learned during the making of the film, and how it is has been received.Do you think films like this ever change people’s minds?I absolutely hope so. We talked to a science communicator called Asheley Landrum; there was some question whether making this movie was only further spreading the word of Flat Earth. She said more so what it does is inoculate people from believing this. So, while this film’s not necessarily gonna change flat Earthers’ minds – which we never really thought it would – it can hopefully allow people to question information that they would otherwise be really ready to accept.Has the film made you reflect more on the way in which you come to accept certain truths?Oh, absolutely. That’s one of the things that it really brought out – how do I know what I know? And why do I think I’m right? Even with Flat Earth, when we started I made sure I really looked for evidence that proved the Earth was flat. It definitely has brought me to question a lot of my initial beliefs, and whether I confirm them or change them.Did you hear any explanations as towhypeople would ever pretend the Earth was round?There are a couple of different explanations. One of them is a religious angle, which says the existence of a globe Earth doesn’t need God; but the existence of a dome [one of the Flat Earth theories] needs some sort of creator. So they believe the ‘government’ is hiding the dome or the flat Earth because that proves God’s existence, and they don’t want to give up their control to religion.And then there’s the other theory, which is that there are actually continents outside of our Antarctica that are full of the elites and the rich and the powerful, and they want to keep that a secret, so no one’s allowed to go into space because they don’t want people to go to the other continents. This explains why liberals are worried about climate change – because that will melt the ice wall and then the continents will be accessible to everyone.


Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2019, 04:47:32 PM »
Well thank you for that Candice. Your reply has all the hallmarks of something that has been simply copied and pasted from somewhere else.  I guess splitting the text up into paragraphs would make it a bit easier to read.

The reasoning behind my original post was simply this. Those who believe in the flat Earth concept often phrase things in such a way that it sounds like an arrogant teenager. Someone who thinks they know better than anyone else even if they don't have any real proof for their opinion.

You cannot say something has been proved when actually it hasn't. The photos and videos taken from space do prove that the Earth is a sphere even if the FE movement choose to dismiss such evidence. That is their choice but it doesn't change reality. I respect their beliefs in just the same way as I respect a Christians belief in God. However the latter has no more proof of Gods existence than the former has proof that the Earth is flat. A Christian has a personal interpretation of what God means to them and that makes God real to them. Fine... not a problem if it makes them happy. By the same token if believing that the Earth is flat makes a flat Earther happy then good luck to them. 


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2019, 09:03:59 PM »
This seems to be a rather wordy way of saying that you (the editors of FEW) think you know better than the mainstream, conventional way of thinking that the Earth is round.
You misunderstand. While we do think we've discovered something others are still oblivious to, that's not the part most of us seek to teach. It is the method of inquiry, and not the potential outcomes, that make a free-thinker.

As for your choice to not look at the evidence behind FE and to simply state it doesn't exist - you're wasting your time. We get hundreds of people like you every day, and to be frank, nobody cares. If you don't want to learn, there is no compulsion.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 09:08:52 PM by Pete Svarrior »
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Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2019, 10:13:06 PM »
While we do think we've discovered something others are still oblivious to

What makes you think that then Pete?

As for your choice to not look at the evidence behind FE and to simply state it doesn't exist - you're wasting your time

As someone with a scientific background  I make it my business to look at evidence both for and against.  If you mean the evidence presented in the FE Wiki, which seems to be the hub of present evidence for your FE theory, then I have looked at a lot of the contents. Unlike you though obviously, I haven't found anything that would count in my opinion as compelling evidence that the Earth is indeed flat.

Given that the FES has an internet and therefore global.. sorry I should say worldwide presence I don't find a claim such as 'hundreds of people just like me' particularly impressive. Nobody cares?  You don't need to care to have an opinion but one thing I do love to do is learn.... preferably about things that I know are true. So I do my own investigations to make a decision about what I think is true or not. Do I care if you think I am wasting my time?  Not really.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 10:27:47 PM by newhorizons »


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2019, 10:42:31 PM »
I haven't found anything that would count in my opinion as compelling evidence that the Earth is indeed flat.

Did you internally scream "illusion!!!" "misinterpretation!!!" to everything that you saw? That's one way to do it.


Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2019, 10:50:56 PM »
Not really Tom... I can't say I did!!  Why should I have done?  I know that the Earth looking flat from ground level is a kind of illusion.  Is that what you are referring to?


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2019, 12:53:19 AM »
What makes you think that then Pete?
The wealth of experimental and empirical evidence which is already available to you, but which you describe as non-existent.

As someone with a scientific background  I make it my business to look at evidence both for and against.
Your words become meaningless when your actions speak so much louder.

Given that the FES has an internet and therefore global.. sorry I should say worldwide presence I don't find a claim such as 'hundreds of people just like me' particularly impressive.
It's meant to be unimpressive. We get hundreds of uninspired people who didn't bother to do their research every day, blathering away about their inability to Google. They're not special, and you're not special. Again, your claims of how studious and enlightened you are don't mean much when you start threads proudly declaring your laziness.

If you choose to be lazy or unthorough, that's fine. Nobody cares. Carry on as you were.

Do I care if you think I am wasting my time?  Not really.
For someone with a self-proclaimed "scientific background", you sure seem to struggle to understand simple sentences - or at least you really want to make yourself look that way. Regardless of whether or not you deliberately twist people's sentences in an attempt to sound witty, it does not actually help your case.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 01:03:45 AM by Pete Svarrior »
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume


Re: Flat Earth proof?
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2019, 08:22:30 AM »
Pete I am quite used to the condescending comments and sly little insults you like to make towards those who come on these forums and question what you call the 'evidence' that supports your beliefs. You have and you continue to make it quite clear that you think you know differently (and you would probably say better) compared to the rest of the population. Your earlier comment about wasting my time is quite right. I am wasting my time on here as are the others on the RE side but we enjoy the entertainment sorry I meant to say debate that these forums provide.

As a last word from me at least in this discussion (since I know you place no importance in what I have to say) there is only one truth ultimately and so there can only ever be one winner in the FEvRE debate. It is a debate which has stood the test of time and will no doubt continue to do so. Debate is a good thing as it promotes and encourages learning. That is what takes us forward.  Well hopefully.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 08:00:15 PM by newhorizons »