"Even the American Association for the Advancement of Science is publishing content which states that SR has been disproved..." is untrue. In this matter, AAAS and EurekaAlert simply published an abstract and notice that this article would be published in something called, "Physics Essays". Most likely it is a paid mention through the AAAS/EurekaAlerts mechanism.
Oh really? I can pay to post a "The Earth is a Dinosaur" paper there?
They are reviewing it and giving it their stamp of approval, obviously, no matter what you assert.
However, search hard enough and you’ll find a Wikipedia talk-page mentioning that the journal is among those commonly cited on the encyclopaedia when an author is making dubious claims."
Wikipedia talk page? Why not just ask your mailman if he thinks that relativity is true?
What are the dubious claims that one needs to 'search hard' for? Criticisms of relativity or the standard model?
AAAS posted it. They kept it there without modification. They approved it.
Like I said, read the disclaimer on the page you cited:
"Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system."
Doesn't really fall into the "stamp of approval" bucket that you are asserting. I think you should find less dubious 'papers' to support your extraordinary claims.
That's called a disclaimer. AAAS still posted it. They kept it there on their website. Are you saying that the AAAS is posting dubious papers? That claim in itself is dubious. You have not demonstrated that the AAAS is known for posting dubious papers or that they partner with dubious journals.
Listen, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how this works. On the page you cited, under the title of the release, it states:
"Public Release: 1-Mar-2016
The special theory of relativity has been disproved theoretically
A paper titled 'Challenge to the special theory of relativity' to be published on Physics Essays
International NAC Society"
As long as the paper is to be published in a peer reviewed journal it's eligible to have a "News Release" on EurekaAlert. It's not 'endorsed' by AAAS/EurekaAlert.
As well the news release abstract on EurekaAlert was created by the International NAC Society. And says so again in the upper righthand corner where the media contact info is:
Media Contact
Lixin Zhou
http://www.nacsociety.org Go to
http://www.nacsociety.org. The last article they posted is for this paper:
"March 1, 2016 - The Special Theory of Relativity Has Been Disproved Theoretically
NAC Geographic Products Inc. announced that a paper titled "Challenge to the Special Theory of Relativity" authored by Xinhang Shen, President of NAC Geographic Products Inc. is to be published on the issue of March 2016 of Physics Essays"
So the President of NAC Geographic Products Inc. wrote a paper about how he thinks he has disproved SRT, gets it into a journal and his company gets a media article over to EurekaAlerts to promote it.
Apparently Physics Essays Journal is known for accepting fringe stuff. Nothing wrong with that. All I'm saying is that:
A) You are being misleading with your statement, "Even the American Association for the Advancement of Science is publishing content which states that SR has been disproved through its EurekaAlert website". Their rules are, they will publish a
NEWS RELEASE about a paper that is published in a peer reviewed journal. They are not publishing the paper, just the news release
provided to them. It's called "publicity". And their disclaimer again, for the third time:
"Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system."
B) If you're just going to cherry pick some random paper written by the president of some company that got said paper into a sort of fringe journal without reviewing the paper or any of the comments about the paper and just rely on a press release to try and refute all of SRT, you are personally not firing on all cylinders and need to rethink your approach to things.