BLANKO, I am inclined to agree that it IS literal anti-Semitism. The only reason I choose not to report it to Moderators is that I don't want the moderators to know my e-mail address at present. I know the Administrators have it. But the Moderators only get it apparently when you submit a Moderation Report request. Because I like to tread rather lightly on the "Net" I'll avoid sending him to Mods.
Besides, I've had far more important people hate me in the world either because I'm a Jew OR for personal reasons. So, LORD DAVE, I tell you what. Why don't you bend over and crack a smile for us, asswipe. Just because you've got shit for brains doesn't mean the rest of us are in that boat.
Actually, as pointed out, VAUXHALL, in one other thread, I tend to keep myself limited to one or two threads, since I know my views are pretty hard-core.
I think the Bible (as in the Jewish Bible) is pretty clear that it permits execution for murder. If someone murders another person without cause, the community of Israel was duty bound to take that person's life.
Remember, VAUXHALL. whether you care to admit it or not, ISIS, Al Quaeda, Al Shabaab, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, have told us that they are at war with us. They deserve credit for one thing. The bastards are honest. They've never lied to us or anyone else about how they feel. They WANT to destroy Western Civilisation. In the words of a recent ISIS defector. "First they will make a Caliphate of the Arab World. Then they will go after other countries."
When someone does you the favour of TELLING you that he doesn't fucking like you, that he intends to convert you, force you to live as a second-class citizen and pay a tax, or kill you, and when he informs you that he is GOING to take over your shit no matter what he has to do to achieve that, it is best that you take him seriously. And I mean, VERY seriously.
Under those circumstances, the enemy is being bluntly straightforward and honest. It is best we do so as well. The ONLY way to deal with that kind of honesty is honesty of our own. Namely, the kind that says, "Ah, no. You are not taking over my shit, I am not converting, paying a Jizya tax, or being killed. And I will kill you to prevent those things from happening." They want to be Shahids (Martyrs)? Good. Then lets make them such.
I choose to live by the principle that says the following: rather than dying for my country or ideals or whatever, I should prefer to make the other poor bastard die for his.
The Torah, and the entire Jewish Bible, takes account for punishing murder, and also for defending the House of Israel in war. And yes, Jews everywhere are, or should be, at war with ISIS and EVERYTHING they represent. And guess what: Picking up a fucking weapon, and being prepared to use it, may become necessary to defend yourself and all you hold dear whether you are a Jew, a Christian, an Israeli, or an American. These ISIS bastards want all of us paying Jizya, converted, or dead. I choose none of the three.
Actually, no, DAVE. I'm merely suggesting that your a pompous, blowhard, asshole. Get over yourself.