It's funny how replacing the word "White" with "Jewish" changes things. Isn't it?
Is it context?
Yeah context matters for sure. Something you seem tone deaf to. I don’t like what Don Lemon said, but I also have enough critical faculty to see that the crux of the matter is to determine what is meant by “radicalized”. Is it anyone who thinks it’s ok to be white, like you and I? If so, then yeah Don Lemon is putting out some scary propaganda. If he means people like the skinheads in Charlottesville, then it’s a different thing. I’d still disagree with him because I think radicals, full stop, are dangerous and that singling our white people would take a lot more justification.
Going full Godwin’s law on me doesn’t make you look smart of insightful though. At least not to me and probably not to many others other than those who already agree with you. If that’s all you care about, then bully for you, but if you want to make the world better you should care about more than high-giving Boots.