
Offline TomInAustin

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Re: RET - The Single Biome Universe
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2018, 05:02:43 PM »
The next question for you to ponder would be: why is it, if RET truly is as strong and unshakeable as you insist, that you rely on lies to defend it?

Your pat answer is to call people liars. Not much of a debate tactic.  Every question you have asked can be answered with the earth has liquid water that shaped the landscape and that gravity pulled heavier material close to the sun and lighter material stayed out farther.  Hence rocky in, gas out.  Odds are that Mars once had many variations when it had more atmosphere and liquid water.  Millions of years of dry dust has covered that. 
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?


Offline markjo

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Re: RET - The Single Biome Universe
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2018, 07:35:28 PM »
We have observed a planet. Even if you were to strip it of all life, all water, all those things that make it 'special,' and then take a trip over it, you would see changes. You would see a multitude of colors, a multitude of layouts. This is a fact. This is what any sane person would expect to see.
JRowe, I realize this is probably a silly question, but when you say "observe a planet", are you referring to naked eye observation, telescope observation, space probe/orbiter observation or surface lander observation?  I ask because the space probe/orbiter observations do indeed show a great deal of colors and variation in each of the planets (and a number of the larger moons) that have been observed.
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