I would point out that at best all this shows is that Newtonian gravitation doesn't work to explain celestial motion.
No it certainly does not, not in it's or René's wildest dreams.
Others have pointed out the impossibility of Heliocentric motions in other ways:
Ralph René is a well known nutbag, moon mission denier, conspiracy theorist and school drop-out.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Ren%C3%A9And for some reason you take his word over folks like Newton, Einstein, Neil Degrasse Tyson. Of course you do!
Yeah, I also agree with René’s calculation of the forces on the moon from the earth and the sun. He got that grade school math right, however his interpretation was hilarious. What he forgets/misses/bumbles, and apparently you missed it too a, is that
the moon is also orbiting the sun as it orbits the earth which completely satisfies the force on it from the sun.
Tom, you’re reading the wrong stuff, putting your lot in with the wrong people and you don’t have the math and/or physics skills to see how they are leading you astray, and you are also doing it willfully. Why?
You made a claim about the simulator I provided: I took a look at this one. It appears to merely be creating 2-body orbits around a static sun. It does not appear to be a three-body or n-body problem simulator.
I respectfully request that either you justify this baseless claim by reference to my code, or that you retract it here.