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Messages - h0dgep0dge

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: Could satellite tracking prove the Earth is a globe?
« on: September 11, 2017, 12:45:52 PM »

Doesn't understand buoyancy? Either trolling, or too stupid to be worth talking to, save yourself the headache friend.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Could satellite tracking prove the Earth is a globe?
« on: September 11, 2017, 04:49:37 AM »
I will look at them and give you my conclusion.

Honestly I'm just wondering why no FE person has done these kinds of experiments. You don't get to ask me for evidence disproving your position, that's not how science works. You're totally free to find some pro-globe forum and ask them why they're not conducting experiments like this, the only problem with that is that you'd look like a moron, because they are. At the end of the day, the FE position is largely predicated on a distrust of external sources of information (conspiracy theories and the like), so why would you trust me? What you need to do is seek out original research from sources you do trust, and when you don't find it, ask yourself why no one has conducted a simple experiment like this and proved flat earth.

really expensive shit

Wouldn't cost much. As we've been talking about in this thread, satellites are quite easily visible in the sky with no special equipment, and could be measured with centuries old navigation technology. Make yourself a cardboard sextant and buy some dollar store binoculars, you're ready to go.

Spend countless hours

lol yeah, that science stuff sure is hard work, let's just make shit up instead

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Could satellite tracking prove the Earth is a globe?
« on: September 10, 2017, 06:37:57 AM »
Why not just track the sun?

If I'm not wrong, there's some nonsense about a distant object over a curved earth looks the same as a near object over a flat surface, but I don't know. The satellites thing is what I thought of, that's why I posted about that instead of the sun.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Could satellite tracking prove the Earth is a globe?
« on: September 10, 2017, 03:27:30 AM »
see it move across the sky" part comes into play.

I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying, I'd assumed you meant watch it on the app. How exactly would you watch it? I didn't know they were visible in the sky, I've only ever heard of being able to see satellites while they're transiting the moon or the sun.

Besides, being able to see some object move across the sky wouldn't prove anything either, the only evidence you have that it is in a polar object around a globe is the fact that an app tells you so. Even making observations simultaneously on both sides of the south pole wouldn't prove an orbit, it could just be 2 objects choreographed to appear that they're the same. Additionally, if you felt like making a trip to the south pole, you could just try to find the ice wall and that would be just as good.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Could satellite tracking prove the Earth is a globe?
« on: September 10, 2017, 02:02:07 AM »
satellite tracking app

The purpose of the experiment is to get this information first hand, if one is already convinced of a global conspiracy it's not much of a leap to disbelieve the information coming from some app.

Flat Earth Theory / Could satellite tracking prove the Earth is a globe?
« on: September 09, 2017, 10:30:24 PM »
I've been pondering an experiment to prove the Earth is a globe, and I want to know what y'all think. Set up 2 stations a certain distance apart, both with a directional antenna and some kind of radio equipment to detect a GPS satellite. Could be as simple as power meter (I happen to have one of these, they're not hard to come by), or even something with the smarts to decode the signal and tell you about the specific satellite you're looking at, such as with an inexpensive SDR. Both stations can track a single satellite across the sky, and using the angles from both locations and the locations themselves you may triangulate the position of the satellite in the sky over time. If the satellite is flying on a straight path over a flat earth you'll see a straight path, and if the satellite is orbiting a globe earth you'll see a curved path. Additionally, if these measurements were taken on a globe earth the satellite would be at the horizon at one station, but could still be measured overhead relatively nearby. On a flat earth it would need to be very far away in order to appear to be at the horizon. Thoughts?

One of the marks of a good theory or hypothesis is being able to come up with experimental results that would prove you wrong. Do you know of an experiment that would prove the Earth is a globe? If so, what is it?

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