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Messages - feynman

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: PREM Model and intern structure of Earth
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:25:22 PM »
Why do you have to have a ball to have seismic waves?

Because there is a "shadow zone" with those waves and it can only be explained with a spherical earth. I'm sorry if all your theory is disprove by this but I can't really see how you can deny it (i'm studying geology by the way and i'm not part of any conspiracy)

Flat Earth Theory / PREM Model and intern structure of Earth
« on: January 26, 2015, 09:25:06 PM »
As far as i know, i didn't saw a lot of FE geologist here... Each time someone is evocating the subject, FE moderators reply "we don't know about sismic reflexion sorry. But the fact is that if you said that it's impossible to go to space, a good way to prove the shape of the Earth would be by studying the intern structure right ? And i'm sorry to say that it has been done decades ago... And yes subduction IS proved by seismic tomography (at least it is the translation my poor english found for the world "tomographie sismique" in French). As you can't deny seisms, you can't deny the fact that the waves (S and P mainly) are travelling IN the "globe".
What do you reply to this pleeease ? :)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: How many people really know the truth ?
« on: January 26, 2015, 09:11:50 PM »
If the sun is 32 miles away, how could you explain that in the North Pole there is a permanent day 6 months per year ?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: How many people really know the truth ?
« on: December 23, 2014, 10:36:35 AM »
OK about watergate  but... this not really the same scale !! I mean that if the Earth were really flat, many many people know about it right ?
And when i said "is based on the conspiracy", it was about the fact that one of your key argument is that there is a conspiracy (cf FAQ)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:20:57 PM »
Also, if Antarctica is surrounding a flat Earth, then, it must have a minimum ice thickness, so what about global warming ???
I, for one, disagree with the global warming denialists out here. The Ice Wall isn't literally all made of ice. It's a bunch of rocks thoroughly covered with ice. If the ice caps ever melt completely, we'll be left with a significantly smaller but equally effective stone wall.
Well, why not.......

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:11:00 PM »
No "plot" yelling involved. There are numerous resources online that give you the facts about global warming, and it all adds up to:  BS.

Don't believe everything you hear on the news.
So... what is the truth for you ? Hope i haven't been to rude, it's just that i'm a scientist and i like to have clear views and want to hear new arguments not just "scientists are liar, everybody's wrong". I'm ready to reconsider my point of view, only if you propose me an objective alternative.

Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout history. This is easily verified by a few simple Google searches. Global warming, the term and the science associated with it, is all pseudo-science and fear-mongering. Simply put, there has been no catastrophic warming recorded in recent times that hasn't been observed in the past. This is the natural way of things. Temp gradually decreases over time, then suddenly increases in bursts. This is mostly due to universal acceleration accelerating the Earth through different parts of space overtime. The notion that this 'warming' is caused by humanity is also equally absurd.

In fact no, changes are much much more faster now ! I advise you to watch this video :)

Flat Earth Theory / How many people really know the truth ?
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:03:30 PM »
The FET view is clearly based on a conspiracy. But how many people really know the truth ? I can't imagine that the thousands of people that work on satellite don't know that the things they are building doesn't exist...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:56:19 PM »
No "plot" yelling involved. There are numerous resources online that give you the facts about global warming, and it all adds up to:  BS.

Don't believe everything you hear on the news.
So... what is the truth for you ? Hope i haven't been to rude, it's just that i'm a scientist and i like to have clear views and want to hear new arguments not just "scientists are liar, everybody's wrong". I'm ready to reconsider my point of view, only if you propose me an objective alternative.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:23:18 PM »
Well..... Really ?? With all my respect, i'm not sure you have studied science a lot... I'm not particularly against Flat Earth theory (at least i can listen to your arguments) but... There is some scientific EVIDENCE that you cannot disprove, like gravity (and you found something pretty cool stuffs to explain it) and global warming is one of those things (maybe the name warming could be misunderstood, at least its pretty sure that ice is melting in Antarctica and North Pole). By yelling "plot!" everywhere, you're falling into paranoia and that's not a very scientific way to prove your theory... If you say that global warming is a myth, then prove it ! The goal of this forum is to discuss with objective arguments and i'm quite impressed about what has been done so far.
(Sorry for my approximate English, maybe some sentences are nonsense and i apologize for that  :) )

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Ask a Flat Earth Theorist Anything
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:28:04 PM »
well,subduction is proved... First of all, seismology has permit to compare the velocity of seismic waves into the globe and we can report some anomalies : this is the seismic tomography (a cold material is seen beneath the volcanoes). Secondly, the sea level is slightly higher (about 1 meter) near the continents, (i don't know the world in English for that but in French well call it "bombement avant fosse"). It's totally prove subduction

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Strong Evidence for Round Earth
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:11:32 PM »
What would be the thickness of your flat earth ? Do you disprove the experiments that show the intern structure of the Earth ? (Prem model)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:01:47 PM »
I have a problem with Antarctica... Let's assume that you're in Antarctica, that means that you can go all around the world without getting out of it right ? Well, in 1958, Antarctica has been crossed by foot without any problem...
Also, if Antarctica is surrounding a flat Earth, then, it must have a minimum ice thickness, so what about global warming ???

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