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Messages - mister bickles

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If you lack a devil in your home, invite a Jew in.

Whoever serves a Jew will not avoid disaster.

What God loves, a Jew discards.

A baptised Jew is like a tamed wolf.

A Jew boasts of things a gentile repents for.

Let a Jew into your house for a day and you won’t get rid of him in a year.

Wherever a Jew goes, misfortune brews.

A Jew’s hands love the labour of others.

Pandering to a Jew is no different from being a thief yourself.

A Jew is always ready to cross himself if he profits from it.

A Jew is nourished by mischief.

Where a Jew walks, men’s tears flow.

A Jew will say he was beaten, but will never say for what.

A Jew in business is like a leech on the skin.

A Jew’s love is worse than a hangman’s noose.

You want to ruin a Jew, don’t do business with him.

For a Jew, souls are cheaper than coins.

While you drink, a Jew steals your money.

A Jew doesn’t know what shame is.

A Jew will even swing a censer, as long as coin flows.

Run with Jews, wake up with sins.

Where a Jew goes, bribes follow.

First a Jew treats you to a drink, then he makes you a drunkard.

A Jew takes you not by force, but by temptation.

A Jew stinks as badly as he looks.

A Jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but he keeps squealing.

A house is only good until a Jew settles in it.

A Jew is honey-mouthed in poverty, insolent in equality and a fiend in power.

Call a Jew a brother and he will call himself your father.

A Jew swings his tongue while a man swings his hoe.

A Jew works only with his stomach.

Who buys from a Jew digs his own grave.

A Jew promising healing is like Death promising life.

What ends up in a Jew’s hands, disappears.

Avoid friendship with a Jew and you will avoid trouble in life.

Bow to a Jew and you break in half.

Jews are like rats – only strong in packs.

Jewish praise is worse than scolding.

Trust your eyes, not Jewish words.

Jews carry lies like fields carry wheat.

When a Jew tells the truth, the Devil will die.

A Jew sinks the truth with gold, but it always floats to the surface.

A Jew looks at you like a fox, yet stinks like a wolf.

When you weep with joy, a Jew weeps with envy.

Even a sated Jew looks around with hungry eyes.

A Jew stops sucking blood only when he tires of breathing.

Better to lose with a Christian than to find with a Jew.

A Jew trembles over every coin even with one foot in the grave.

Jews sow usury and reap misery.

Jews pave their way with money.

You may complete your service to God, but never your service to a Jew.

Around rich Jews, men wear rags.

Locusts might devour your crops, but a Jew will rip your skin off.

Who gives a Jew free will, sells himself into slavery.

A leech will gorge itself and fall off, a Jew won’t.

There are no good Jews, just like there are no good rats.

Punch a Jew in the face and he will accuse you of murder.

When a Jew appears in your village, tie your tongue and unleash your dogs.

If you want to live, drive away the Jew.

how true!
centuries of wisdom in those "proverbs"
ignore them @ yr extreme peril!  ☠ ☠

Apparently your nap was not of assistance to you, Bickles

yr going to have a "nap" soon, jew!
a permanent one!
most jews are going to visit their father the Devil and get their just desserts!
(oh.....and don't bother with a death bed confession/conversion to Jesus Christ....that hardly ever'll die as you lived!....and, most jews have lived as: liars,mass murderers, baby butchers, psychopaths, paedophiles and pornographers!)

here's a little taste of what's "in store" for most jews!

Christianity sucks too, so there.

yeh, right!
and....the current filthy state that this world is in is because of "christianity", right?
(i guess that "the Sermon on the Mount" and the Ten Commandments have got a lot to answer for, eh?)

wars are the jews' harvest!
"the modern world is a jewish disease!"  :(

Do you have any proof of said crimes, or just more of the batshit crazy self-hating Jew monk?

there's heaps of proof, jew!
any-one who watches the docco' and reads any relevant follow up material such as David Irving and James Bacque would find enough proof to satisfy any jury in the world "beyond reasonable doubt"
and...that's a lot more proof than exists for yr dirty, filthy "Holocaust" hoax!   >:(

damn jews! jews start all the wars! Mel Gibson

yeh....nice analysis, rebuttal and critique of the comprehensive and voluminous material @ "jewwatch";

Bickles can be explained as just one more of a long line of anti-Semitic drones that have littered the fields of history.... 

here's what a few of those "anti-semitic drones"   ::)  have said: ;

Surprisingly enough, there actually aren't that many Jews involved in banking. In fact, if you want to find a field wherein Jews ARE highly represented, I can point to three. One, psychiatry. Two, the law. Three, medicine. Even in Hollywood, there aren't near as many as people think there are, its just that the ones that there are tend to be highly visible.

just a filthy jew lie!
how do you know a jew is lieing?
its lips are moving!

jews controlling banking/media/medicine/Hollywood (indeed: most of the jewSA government) can be easily checked for those interested!

start here: ;

who's actually "running" this Forum?
the jew or the mods?

well...its not that hard to figure out who the real Australian "government" is!

apropos find out who rules over you, find out who you can't criticise!  :(

Flat Earth Media / Re: Book of Enoch and the flat Earth
« on: May 23, 2015, 10:25:37 AM »
Dead Sea Scrolls forgeries:

A Mysterious Metal

One of the best-kept secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been the discovery of metals in the black ink. That finding was buried in unpublished results, and wasn't unearthed until 1996. The presence of metals further points to the scrolls being of medieval origin.

Scientific testing of the scrolls in the early 1950s found silver, manganese, iron and other metals in the black ink used on the scrolls. Scholars tried to downplay the discovery of these metals by saying that some of them, like copper and lead, were byproducts of leaching from a bronze inkwell. Yet silver, manganese and iron are not components in the making of bronze. The 1990s tests also detected the presence of strontium and titanium but could not tell if they were pure. (In its purest form, neither element was isolated until the 1800s.)

first i heard of that.....
AFAIK, even liberal Bible scholars and agnostic archæologists accept the DSSs as genuinely from the first century CE and do not seriously dispute that they could be copies of much older texts;
also, of course, there exists other Biblical texts/Scripture from abt the same time or, even, much earlier....
(although not, AFAIK, any complete copies of the BoE)

"cannabis" is a harmless plant with many medicinal properties and many other uses (paper, cosmetics, rope, clothing &c).....
its a total outrage that its been criminalised and can only be attributed, like most other outrages, to an international criminal gang of a certain sinister ethnicity!   >:(

Flat Earth Media / Re: Book of Enoch and the flat Earth
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:44:21 AM »
The Book of Enoch includes many chapters which have been added later, so one has to be careful, to correctly deduce which passages are the original ones

the BoE was found amongst the Dead Sea scrolls;
that would date it to, @ least, 1st century CE;
how-ever, it would be more than reasonable to pre-date that by @ least a century or two considering that the Essene community had been there for some not inconsiderable time;
that means the BoE is, very conservatively, @ least 2200 yrs old...and.....quite possibly, much older! would seem to be more a translation issue than OTW....
as such: i consider "the Sacred Texts" translation to be reliable, all things being equal   :(

Flat Earth Media / Book of Enoch and the flat Earth
« on: May 23, 2015, 07:23:27 AM »
does the semi-apocraphyl Book of Enoch contain the most accurate and detailed description of the flat Earth in Scripture....or....any-where else for that matter    ???  ......... 

short review of flat Earth claims in BoE here
("scroll" down the page apprxmtly ½-way)

(from the abv site....the flat Earth as pictured in the BoE)

should the jews suffer a real Holocaust to pay for their filthy crimes?


i suggest you get a copy of this book and read it!

oh....BTW....can you cite any example of information or machinery being produced without intelligent intervention?!?  ::)


some of you people on must have some sort of brain disease or some-thing....Encephalitis or some-thing!

UN-believable!   ::)

Complex systems are certainly possible in evolution, especially when one understands how things like protein facilitators and enzymes work.
You still have nothing to directly point to a designer

yr reply is all mixed up with mine.....but...i'll address this because its probably the most relevant and pertinent;

irreducibly complex, machine-like systems are not possible in evolution;
certainly not in "evolution" as its commonly understood and certainly not without Intelligent intervention;
the Second Law of Thermodynamics mitigates heavily against it and, also, the fact that information cannot originate from any naturalistic-type process;
information required intelligence;
that is a clear deduction using the same sort of methodology that cryptographers, forensic scientists and archaeologists employ!
more-over, the irreducibly complex systems we see in Nature would have to have been all put in place instantaneously and simultaneously for life to survive (you can't have, for instance, a ½-completed blood clotting system) has to all be working perfectly from the word "GO!";
the close similarity of biological systems also indicates not many but a single, Omnipotent Designer;
this book goes into that argument in detail;
see, in particular, the sections on "Haldane's Dilemma" and "Nested Hierarchy"


You are joking right?
Your 3 points that you brought up neither confirm nor deny intelligent design.

perhaps you could explain how information and complex nano-type machinery could arise w/out the intervention of an intelligent this case.....a super-Intelligent Agent!  ???

"how could *such and such complex thing* occur naturally?"

and the fact that complex, self-reproducing molecular machinery and information-driven and controlled recursive sub-sytems could not have originated naturally (since no known laws of Physics could produce such systems), ipso facto, defaults to the only viable explanation.....(super)-Intelligent Design  :o

The fact that most of the ludicrous questions have already been answered only means they have to bring up another

not really!
none of Behe's original assertions (contained in his first book, "Darwin's Black Box") have been answered;
in fact: they haven't even been satisfactorily addressed;
he 'touches' on this in the Blogging Heads 'interview' and goes into it in more depth in his most recent book "The Edge of Evolution"

The trouble with this line of defense is that finding a question that someone doesn't have an answer to, in no way proves one side or the other

there is an "answer" and a very good one....its called Intelligent Design!

That is the difference between science and fanaticism. Scientists will admit when they don't know something. That's why there is still research going on - if we knew everything, what would we need to research for? Fanatics on the other hand already have an idea and will use gaps in knowledge to fit their fanatic ideas into. In reality, their arguments show a severe lack in logic

well....sorry!....but the real fanatics are the "scientists falsely so called" because they automatically pre-exclude any non-naturalistic explanation....its automatically ruled "out of court";
i can, in fact, cite you just such a quote from John Maddox, the (former) editor of Nature;
their "fanatical" religion is called methodological, atheistic naturalism;
here's a good little picture of it!

No such thing as Darwinism.
And Evolution is far from dead - it is actually a scientific fact.

get with it!
Darwinism died a long time ago.....well....neo-Darwinism....or the neo-Darwinian theory.....the current paradigm!
the people spruiking this nonsense are going to be made to look increasingly stoopid!
the results of the ENCODE project have pretty much nailed them to the wall!
wake up to the 21st century......Intelligent Design is the paradigm!  8)

what does it mean to be "jewish" ?

(a "religion" based on a disclaimer is a gutter religion  >:(  )

the jew's rant is a pack of lies from start-to-finish;

no-one can even 'guesstimate' a 'ballpark figure' as to how many of these Ultra Orthodox jews there are in the US....there could well be over six million of them alone!

and....there are atheist jews who are eligible to 'return' to the Talmudic gangster statelet of Isn'tReal;

if yr mother wasn't jewish, then you're not accepted as being a least, not by any jew 'authorities' that matter!

oh...BTW....let's invent a term to describe the absolutely rabid hatred of jews for non-jews....especially European, Christian-type people.....

how about....."loxism"   ::)

i agree on this though.....'jew' isn't a race;
neither is it a religion;
rather: it is a cabal of international, psychopathic gangsters!  >:(

the Chekist.....jew terror in the raw!

this is coming to a neighbourhood near you....soon!
stock-pile guns;
stock-pile ammo';
stock-pile food;
stock-pile fuel;
stock-pile water;
stock-pile med' kits and drugs;
have emergency power generation equipment;

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