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Messages - Hoppy

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None are legitimate.

You can resolve those specks of light into circles with discernible features with equipment cheaper than $100.
Yes, I have done this before. It does not prove what size the lights are. It only proves the planets are larger lights than stars.

Technology & Information / Re: Cars
« on: April 05, 2015, 08:38:40 PM »
i drive my moms old car. 2001 Dodge Caravan.
Have you got laid in it? If so stop complaining.

Does anyone? Anyone? Have proof that these other planets are more than specks of light in the sky? If the specks of light are not actually other worlds, it seems pointless to argue they hold life forms on them.

I stopped watching the video five seconds in, when I realized I had been linked to a whining MRA screed.  I'm sure the performance itself is very stupid, but not quite as stupid as the sexually-frustrated loser who creates a YouTube channel devoted to ranting about how bitches won't have sex with him.

Here is the original, for you and anybody else who might be triggered by the sound of a male's voice. I really, really recommend you watch it all the way through.
This video is truly a work o fart.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Eric Dubay shot us down
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:55:01 PM »
ITT: Thork is surprised that a TV network selects its programming.
You prick.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Eric Dubay shot us down
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:08:05 AM »
At least Daniel didn't merge first and then give away the forum.

Technology & Information / Re: Cars
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:59:02 PM »
2000 Acura TL, it's old but I love it. 6 cylinder get about 25-26 mpg.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Eric Dubay shot us down
« on: March 25, 2015, 10:43:46 PM »
Asenci, you came here and judged this place pretty quickly. I came here a roundy and was persuaded of flatness. Despite the ridiculous trolls and shills here, there are genuine FE'ers here who are spreading FET. I hope Dubay's strategy of banning any desension will work over the long term, although I have my doubts. Try to relax and have some fun while you learn. Nobody knows it all, if you or anybody else believes something that isn't true, maybe they will learn the truth over time. To label them a shill and ban them, helps no one.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Flat earth society poll on the Christ
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:23:06 PM »
ì voted for the option "Son of God", born of a virgin;

actually.....i take issue with the options;

the fact that Jesus Christ walked the Earth is indisputable and irrefutable....i know of no serious historian(s) who question that!

so, it gets back to the question Jesus Himself asked of His disciples:
whom do you say I am?

as per C S Lewis, that really only leaves three viable options: Lord, liar or lunatic!

if you accept the veracity of the New Testament and all the auxiliary evidence supporting it, then, "liar" and "lunatic" are out of the question....

so: that only leaves "Lord";

the next question is: do you accept Him or reject Him?  ???

that's your choice.....

the hardest thing, for me, is not believing the Bible but living a Christian life!
(this flat Earth stuff pretty much 'clinches' the veracity of Scripture....or....rather...leaves you with no real option except to be a theist of some sort....that would mean either Christianity, Islam or, maybe, @ a pinch, Hinduism)

as some here may have noticed, i have a bit of an anger problem.....i lose my temper easily.....  :(

that can make it difficult to live a proper Christian life....

but....with God's help.....

Even Jesus became angry, it is not necessarily a sin.

Flat Earth Media / Re: Zhib Rhan
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:16:44 PM »

I'm so confused, he even used the standard definition of "years old" here:

People just have it wrong. When you say that "I am 25 and 1/2 today," how does that make sense if you have, in truth, lived 26 and 1/2 years?

How the hell is he equating having lived 26 years with living during the 26th year?

Maybe Tom is 99 years old and needs to be checked for alzheimers.

Huh ? Wha? Damn.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The Holy Bible
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:32:33 AM »
Please do, and while  you're at him, let him know the roman catholic church is the antichrist  :D
Funny. I thought that was me.
beardo is a catholic?? ;)

Flat Earth Community / Re: No Transmission Delays to the Moon
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:24:50 PM »
No explanation is needed, NASA can not tell a lie.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: The Led Zeppelin discography listen-through
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:48:21 PM »
Yeah, and atheism is a religion.

Flat Earth Community / Re: No Transmission Delays to the Moon
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:33:15 PM »
As a former RE'er, I never considered this or any other (facts)  about space travel. I just assumed NASA was a scientific agency, and was telling the truth. This fact of voice transmissions should at the very least raise questions of moonlandings in RET ways of thinking. How can an impossible feat be explained away, yet again?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Need some answers?
« on: February 21, 2015, 01:17:16 AM »
I am a FE'er, as you all know, but sometimes I am presented wth questions that I do not know the answer to.

I would like this thread to address some of those questions. Basically, if you are presented with a question that is difficult to answer... post it here and you can get some help formulating an appropriate response. This is mostly geared toward FE'ers trying to expand their knowledge. I do not want this thread to turn into RE'ers posting asinine questions over and over again. If this thread needs to be moved to avoid that, then go ahead and move it.

My first question:

How does the Sun rise/set over the opposite horizon?

Someone on the .org site asked this questions

"This is something I did while vacationing in california for my honeymoon. My wife and I sat on the beach and watched the sun set over Monterey bay from the beach in front of our hotel, the Seascape something or rather in Aptos, CA. Afterwards, we went to our hotel room to get changed for a wonderful dinner in Santa Cruz. As we looked out our window, we got to see the sun set again! It was quite wonderful. Now, I won't pretend to be a scholarly person, but wouldn't that very interaction make the case for a spherical earth?"

Is he lying? Or do we have an explanation for this phenomenon? I do not believe it is addressed in the wiki. Here is another example of the "Sun setting twice".

I refer a lot of noobs here. Surise and sunsets.

Technology & Information / Re: I finally caved
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:03:08 PM »
That was quality Thork babbling I just read.

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