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Messages - Round fact

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So why does this happen, other than the [hypothetical assumption] that the Earth is round?
Electromagnetic acceleration.

Electromagnet acceleration makes stars invisible?

You're going to need to explain that is more detail, because just saying it is XXXXXXX does not make it so. The rest of math disagrees.

Okay. Polaris is "about" 3,000 miles above the FE North Pole.

This then means at that furtherest spot FROM the North Pole, Polaris is 7 degrees about the horizon at all time and can be seen. But for some reason in FET it becomes invisible below the Equator.

So why does this happen, other than the most obvious reason backed by the math, that the Earth is round?

The entire FET is fuzzy. Its like trying to grasp hold of ice cube just out of reach on freshly cleaned ice rink. Just when you touch it, it slides away further out of reach.

And so far as I can find there is not one bit of math that makes it work

There is no answer FE can give that will NOT make Polaris visible at night form any place on a FE.

The existence of day and night is a proof that not all celestial bodies can be seen at all times.

Seriously? Word games?

It is responses like this, that tend to prove to everyone, that even the "True Believers," don't really believe deep down where it counts. No instead, a deliberate misunderstanding is created in order to dodge the issue.

The original question logically assumes the conditions of viewing require that the observer look for Polaris at night.

So... inorder to remove the bogus ambiguity in the question, I'll re-phrase; Durning the NIGHT, why can't Polaris not be seen from the coast of Antartica?

Is polaris everytime 60 degrees angle to North Pole?
No, it is presently inclined at +89° 15′ 50.8″

Which means that on a FE it should be seen from all locations at night barring cloud cover.
Yes in the southern hemisphere I've never seen it?!?

Thats my point and the reason for my question.

I am asking so I can work the math out.

IF FE says the stars are 3k miles up, then Polaris is at a minimum 7.13 degrees above the FE as viewed form the Antarctic "Ice Wall"

At the Equator it would be 14.04 degrees.

If we double the hight we double the angles. And we make it easier to see.

There is no answer FE can give that will NOT make Polaris visible at night form any place on a FE.

In other words not even Wiki can help here. I see  this as a major hole in the "theory" The nigh sky is basic. Polaris' altitude is important. But no one in FET can or so far has bothered to address the question.
And why do you think that is?

Because this "theory" is not well thought out. And what is posted is, well fantasy

In other words not even Wiki can help here. I see  this as a major hole in the "theory" The nigh sky is basic. Polaris' altitude is important. But no one in FET can or so far has bothered to address the question.

Flat Earth Theory / What is the altitude of the stars above the FE?
« on: May 04, 2016, 10:53:45 PM »
Wiki says the sun is about 3,000 miles above the FE model. But I can find no answer to how far the the stars and planets are thought to be above the FE.

So can someone please tell me?

Is polaris everytime 60 degrees angle to North Pole?
No, it is presently inclined at +89° 15′ 50.8″

Which means that on a FE it should be seen from all locations at night barring cloud cover.

That's strange, because if I took a picture of the sky I see, the north star is pretty much the only one I can see a lot of nights. I live in a major metro area full of light pollution and could only dream to see the stars as you incredible astronomers that live in the boondocks.

You should be able to see the Dog Stars chasing Orion in the evening. In mid August Orion rises around 4 am with Dog Stars right behind it. Google Star Charts. I'll bet you can find one for your specific location what will give you times and directions for where to look

Is earth continuesly turning, spinning and moving with sun? The angle must continuesly changin.  Why does'nt this happen?

This is disprove of the earth spinnig, rotating and moving. It is impossible to see the polaris as same place if everything is moving.

Now that you've said this same thing twice, I'm sure I understand you and will reply.  As you say, we claim the earth is continuously turning, spinning, rotating, yes.  And for everything else in the sky, it is true that they will not be in the same place, and the angle would change.  Polaris happens to be located in a unique position, however: the rotational axis of the earth points at the spot in the sky occupied by Polaris.  This is why its angle never changes, and it appears to spin in place (in actual fact, it is slightly off-axis, a little less than 45 arc-minutes, or 3/4 of a degree.  This means it does actually describe a very small apparent circle in the sky, but very tiny) and the whole northern hemisphere sky appears to rotate around it.

Consider an analogy: place a video camera on a record player's turntable, pointing at a wall.  If you film the room while turning the record, everything in the image will be moving.  Point the camera upwards at a 45 degree angle, same result.  But if you point the camera along the spin axis (at the ceiling) and run the test, you will find a spot on the ceiling that does not move within the image, but turns in place.  THAT'S where Polaris would be.

Lucky thing it just so happens to be the brightest star in the sky. Also good thing that the stars are so so far away that their relative positions never ever change during our 530 million mile elliptical orbit. That certainly made navigation for 99% of human history a heck of a lot easier.

Polaris is a 1.98 magnatude star. There are, not counting the sun at -26.74 mag, 47 stars that brighter than Polaris.

If the Earth is flat why can't someone standing on the coast of Antartica see Polaris at night?

Polaris would be 13.09 degrees above the horizon and being a less than 2 magnitude star, easy to see.

If the Earth is globe and "spinning, turning" why can't someone standing on the coast of Antartica see Polaris at night?
Simply because Polaris would be more than 60° below the horizon!

I replied to Round fact mister! What's it to you? You're doing what you criticize. Shame on you mister, shame on you shameless man!

It is not impartant what the angel between Polaris and earth. Is earth continuesly turning, spinning and moving with sun? The angle must continuesly changin.  Why does'nt this happen?

Polaris IS well below the horizon on globe. Only on a FE could it AND WOULD it be seen from points south of the equator. But the FACT is, Polaris is NOT seen from south of the equator. Proof of a globe earth.

This also applies to the sun, see my thread on that subject.

If the Earth is flat why can't someone standing on the coast of Antartica see Polaris at night?
Does this "someone" have a name, or does he only exist in your imagination?
If he only exists in your imagination, I suggest he cannot "see" anything, including the sun, moon, and any stars.

You'll do well here with the rest of shallow FE minds incapable of grasping a simple question. Welcome to the site.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« on: April 28, 2016, 01:11:56 PM »
The government to not spend a penny on anything NOT specific to Article 1 Section 8...Get rid of the FBI (Article 1 Section 8)

Constitutional amendments have expanded the powers of the federal government far beyond what was originally enumerated in Section 8.  Also, the Commerce Clause provides the constitutional justification for a huge amount of what the FBI does.

The Commerce Clause is and excuse. The Framers and those that debated each clause disagreed with a broad interpretation of said clause and said so many times. The same holds to the General Welfare Clause.

I'd start with the repeal of the 17th Amendment. A lot os people would be tossed by their state's legislatures  for their actions against the State' they are supposed to represent. Harry Reid comes to mind. He backed Obama against the best interests of Nevada.
Unless I'm mistaken, the founding fathers originally had the Articles of Confederation which was too weak to keep a federal government intact or useful.  So pardon me for not giving 18th century people fresh from revolution absolute faith in their ability to plan for 200 years in the future.

You need to go back and do some research on the reason for the Constitution. The Articles of Confederation were indeed weak. They allowed the States to do things to each other that would over time have destroyed the United States and the reason the Senate and House were elected by TWO different election processes. The CA  also did not protect the citizens form the government. The Constitution does, or did, until people started saying it said things it doesn't and ignoring what the writers said it meant.

Then there is the cherry picking of what  to support and why. The out of context of Jefferson's "Separation of Church and State," quoted by the anti-religious. Far to many people believe the phrase is actually part of the Constitution and specifically the 1st Amendment. But if you quote Jefferson on the Right to bear arms, those same leftist will scream he was a racist slave owner and his words are from Satan himself.  And God help anyone that points out Jefferson attempted to end slavery with 2nd Continental Congress, and later in Va House of Burgess and as POTUS. On that the left says ALL the history books are wrong.

The real problem is we don't, and have not for a long time, teach our own history. We spend our time examining their warts, instead of what they accomplished, then use those warts to mangle our laws into something we want.

God made humans have hunger and need food.
God gave humans fear and predators and disease.
God gave us Greed.

We are what God made us to be.  We fight because we fear death.  We steal because we are hungry or greedy. 

Humans, if made by God, are so flawed in design it makes you wonder how an all knowing, perfect creator could fail so hard.

God gave is free choice and WE screwed it up.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« on: April 27, 2016, 09:49:37 PM »
The government to not spend a penny on anything NOT specific to Article 1 Section 8...Get rid of the FBI (Article 1 Section 8)

Constitutional amendments have expanded the powers of the federal government far beyond what was originally enumerated in Section 8.  Also, the Commerce Clause provides the constitutional justification for a huge amount of what the FBI does.

The Commerce Clause is and excuse. The Framers and those that debated each clause disagreed with a broad interpretation of said clause and said so many time. The same holds to the General Welfare Clause.

I'd start with the repeal of the 17th Amendment. A lot os people would be tossed by their state's legislatures  for their actions against the State' they are supposed to represent. Harry Reid comes to mind. He backed Obama against the best interests of Nevada.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« on: April 27, 2016, 05:07:14 PM »
It is very easy to discern which secret societies are behind Cruz or Trump: look at their hand signs, and also decipher the following quotes:

Tonight Iowa has proclaimed to the world: morning is coming

T. Cruz

Donald is not going to make America great, he's going to make America orange

M. Rubio

They're better off playing nice with Trump so he's more controllable and picks a conservative SCOTUS if elected.

What you are implying is that the GOP had no way to control Trump, or to predict what was going to happen, and that Cruz is running a false campaign.

Or that they will accept the potential loss of both the Senate and the House in November, just to play nice to Trump.

Or that they do not know that nine out of ten hispanics view Trump unfavorably.

Trump's promises/foreign policy run contrary to everything the GOP has stood for in the past twenty years or so.

This is the reason why I think something else is going on, an unfolding of events which will become clearer the closer we get to November.

The rank and file GOP got fed up and start the Tea Party. The GOP instead of embracing the movement, which was what het GOP was in the beginning, moved further left and enlisted the help the Dim, er ha Dems and stomped the Tea Party flat.

Well, along comes Trump with is own money, owing no one in power in the GOP. He is not Tea Party but enough so that he is being taken seriously. The GOP has no one to blame but themselves.

The voters don't want Dim lite, they want a strict Constitutional Republican form of government.

I want a closed boarder, lower taxes, the government out of my health care (BummerCare as cost me a 1,238% increase in costs). The government to not spend a penny on anything NOT specific to Article 1 Section 8. I want draconian term limits, as it 12 years in Congress PERIOD and if you want to go from the House to the Senate you MUST resign the office you hold. If you lose the election that is it you're done. You just term limited yourself out FOREVER. I want clean bills with not riders. You can't attach a bill for FBI funding on a Defense Bill. Get rid of the FBI (Article 1 Section 8) No more Executive Orders. Article 1Section 1 Clause 1. No more signing of bills saying what  will be enforced or not. A law is a law is a law. Otherwise veto it and get a bill you want. That is just for starters

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« on: April 27, 2016, 03:39:47 PM »

Cruz has behind him a very powerful secret society, which could have helped him to have performed much better in the NE, but chose not to

How can Cruz have a "secret society" behind him if you know and post about it?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« on: April 27, 2016, 10:14:40 AM »
Trump vs a congenital liar or vs a complete math failure? Who would not take Trump?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« on: April 26, 2016, 02:46:48 PM »
Math is hard.

Which is why FE supporters avoid it like rabies.

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