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Messages - Excelsior John

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:06:18 AM »
This is an interesting topic to discuss, but it's no fun when EJ and Yaakov keep swinging it back to race. That's not what this thread is about.
Well you can thank yakoov for making it that way ::)
Except that the ancient Egyptians, or their descendents the Copts of today, were not and are not black.
First of all African American not "black." And only excep they were. The egyptiens were AFRICAN ... so ... you do the math

well whatever else they were I can guarantee you they weren't African American.
I just told you they were African American

And I just told you, you're wrong.
Prove that im wrong

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:01:38 AM »
Except that the ancient Egyptians, or their descendents the Copts of today, were not and are not black.
First of all African American not "black." And only excep they were. The egyptiens were AFRICAN ... so ... you do the math

well whatever else they were I can guarantee you they weren't African American.
I just told you they were African American

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:00:09 AM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

A link to what? A private book which isn't on the internet?

Or a link to one of the many news articles about it which you'll denounce as lies about him?
Ether. And I wont just say there lies you moron

Well first of all the last one was obvousley a white sapremist site and the picture was absolute lies. And the first three were just stating lies about Mandela that were populer in the rascist 80s. Prove that he did these things. Nay give me video proof
Why are you replying to him?
Because I am an intelectuel :)
Why are you replying to him?

I reply to scepti on his terms.

Why not reply to Ej up until he screams "LIES" at me again.

Plus every time he insults me a magic fairy gets to push the report button, can you think of a better reason to engage him in conversation?
I dont screm "lies!" and your trying to get me baned? Obz troll

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:45:35 PM »
11 orthographic errors. I don't know. I figure, pot seems alot safer than alcohol & Tobacco, both of which are legal. I love my weekly cigar. I used to get high on pot, but my fiancee asked me to stop. I don't drink since I can't seem to behave when I do. But @ least pot, legalise it, regulate it, & tax it!
*sigh* Pot kills you to!! It is a drug like the rest of them and will get you adikted and ruin your life!!!!!!!!! Plus youll get canser and overdose MILIONS of people die evereyday cuz of drugs!!! And by the way I also beleive alchahol and smoking should be ilegel to alchahol is the devils drink and smoking KILLS you. If I were you I would stop smoking right away or enter rehab!!!
Pot, and all the other drugs.
Oh grete idea (sarcasim). Not only legelise pot but also legelise other drugs like marajuana cocane crack crack cocane weed herone yeah...great idea there buddey ::)
I can try. The meth addicts I've known have nearly destroyed their lives w/ it. It became their whole reason to exist. One stole over $4000 from her employer. I've heard of other girls whoring for the money. I personally knew a crack whore. I just think that legalising such drugs, the addictive power of which is so great, is basically the State saying to people, 'Fuck you, your life isn't worth anything.' & EJ is right in that many drugs do indeed kill & maim people for life. For the State to accept that as a fait accompli just seems cold.
Of corse im right as usuel. Thats the hole nature of drugs: to KILL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:34:36 PM »
"Brilient man?" Are you flippin kiding me his is a SEXIST and a MISGOGINIST he killed 8 of his wives!!!!!!!! The onley good thing he ever did was split from the Pagen Catholic Church

All 8  wives hey?

Out of 6 women he married.

That's some going.
What are you talking about he maried 8 woman

Name them  (I'll give you a clue, 3 Catherines, 2 Annes and a Jane).

Unless you think they were all called Mary after he maried them. I mean he's the king, maybe he could do that.

Link or it's lies  :P
He married 6 & executed 2.
Prove her maried 8

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:33:51 PM »
Except that the ancient Egyptians, or their descendents the Copts of today, were not and are not black.
First of all African American not "black." And only excep they were. The egyptiens were AFRICAN ... so ... you do the math

This is the question put forward by this video.  Have a watch and tell me what you think:

(Except Yaakov, we know you hate Muslims)
Islam is defianteley a radicel religion and is extremeley sexist and hatful. Plus its all just kiling and bombs. The people in englend are all saying they dont want the moslems and I agree I dont want them in my countrey ether all they do is kill. GET THEM OUT!!!

Keep this act in AR please. It's more bigoted than Yaakov.
How is it more bigoted than yakoov he called African Americans SAVAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not touching this w/ a 10 metre cattle prod. Finding myself in agreement w/ the Troll may be shock enough to give me a 2nd heart attack. & 2 before age 40...
This just proves that im not a troll I have views that any comon man can agree with
Very hatful the muslims.

Lots of hats in that room.
What the heck are you talking about?
The hats...what do you think he's talking about?   You made the observation that they're hatfull.  Yes, they do like their hats, or more accurately known as the 'taqiyah' which is worn by men, and the 'hijab', worn by women.   
I ment to spel hateful moron
I just don't understand why you're so incredulous when you said that all Islams should be escorted out of America and Israel at gunpoint. Just about no one would argue that's an extremist viewpoint. I'm not saying you should apologize, but you should at least acknowledge the fact that your views are unusual and not seek out to offend/piss off as many people as possible. At that point you're just stooping to EJ's level.
What do you mean "stooping to EJs level?" Im not the one whos being rascist here yakoov is
Very hatful the muslims.

Lots of hats in that room.
What the heck are you talking about?

The Hatful muslims.

They certainly are a group with decidedly millinery predilections.

Very hatful the muslims.

Lots of hats in that room.
What the heck are you talking about?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:52:03 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

A link to what? A private book which isn't on the internet?

Or a link to one of the many news articles about it which you'll denounce as lies about him?
Ether. And I wont just say there lies you moron

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:51:16 PM »
"Brilient man?" Are you flippin kiding me his is a SEXIST and a MISGOGINIST he killed 8 of his wives!!!!!!!! The onley good thing he ever did was split from the Pagen Catholic Church

All 8  wives hey?

Out of 6 women he married.

That's some going.
What are you talking about he maried 8 woman

This is the question put forward by this video.  Have a watch and tell me what you think:

(Except Yaakov, we know you hate Muslims)
Islam is defianteley a radicel religion and is extremeley sexist and hatful. Plus its all just kiling and bombs. The people in englend are all saying they dont want the moslems and I agree I dont want them in my countrey ether all they do is kill. GET THEM OUT!!!

Friday last, the DPRK (North Korea) executed Jang Song Thaek, Kim Jong Un's uncle by marriage, & 2nd most powerful man in the country. Having been purged twice before (once in the 70's & again in the early 2000's), he was executed for attempting to overthrow the government. It is believed that Kim Il Sung, Jong Un's grandfather & architect of the N. Korean state, may have disapproved of Jang's marriage into the family (hence the purge in the 70's). So, what do you think? Does this radical move portend some great change in the DPRK? What were the real reasons? What about Jang's wife, Kim Jong Un's aunt by blood? Will she be next, or did she aid in Jang's ouster? Any thoughts?
Kim Jong Un is a terible and horible man how could you KILL YOU OWN FLIPPIN UNCLE???!!! Just another reson for why comunism is evil and doesnt work

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Yet another one
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:44:04 PM »

When will America start to realise their attitude to guns and their gun culture needs tackling?
Ikr it is completeley idiotic that guns are legel all guns should be ilegel all guns do is KILL people. I blame the conservastupit rascists for these deaths

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:41:44 PM »
I'm currently listening to a song, 'The Ballad of Queen Jane'. The 3rd wife of Henry VIII, she gave him his son, & died to do it. But the song leads me to reflect on the reign of Henry. I know the man well. My MA thesis was on Henry & the Royal Supremacy. I would like to follow it up w/ another book, this to explain the truth of the man, rather than the half-truths & outright slander that we are taught in school. There's no doubt Henry had faults. But overall, he was 1 of the most brilliant monarchs England has had. I intend to write in order to change people's minds & make this much misunderstood man who gave so much to his country a level of humanity that most books on him lack, due either to ignorance, or because the author has an axe to grind. Thoughts, anyone?
"Brilient man?" Are you flippin kiding me his is a SEXIST and a MISGOGINIST he killed 8 of his wives!!!!!!!! The onley good thing he ever did was split from the Pagen Catholic Church

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:39:07 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:38:12 PM »
This conversation has been had on the other site, but it's always fun. Anyway, adults shouldn't be prohibited from using recreational drugs.
Reley?!! Are you kiding me??!!! Why he heck should drugs be legel they KILL you and cause canser and stuff!!! Also how could you posibley in any way be a good parent and be a horible drug adik at the same time its just full of inconsistencys and is a stupit idea in generel!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:29:33 PM »
3 orthographic errors. I don't have to prove anything more than I have. I have given you 6 sources now, & explained thoroughly. Since all Jews consider themselves an ethnic group, anyone who disagrees is duty-bound to prove us wrong. Its that simple.
Well maybe those 6 people hapen to be morons!!!
John, why is it all right to call Europeans and Americans white, but not all right to call Africans black?
Uhh, what people are you meeting that don't like the term "black"?
EJ doesn't, so that's why I asked him.

John, why is it all right to call Europeans and Americans white, but not all right to call Africans and African Americans black?
Well African Americans have had to deal with rascism for years
Most people who uses the term "black" doesn't use it with any intention to be racist. If they truly are racists, they would more likely use the N word.
Well it is rascist and us African Americans take vary grete ofence to it
& EJ, that ethnic group you don't believe exists? Remember that while your ancestors (white & black) were savaging each other in endless blood feuds, & were still hunter-gatherers, mine were Priests in the Temple of Solomon. Don't try to lecture me, you little piss-ant. If you're so proud of being Black, & want to deny my ethnic Jewishness, you should go to DR Congo & savage it out in their brutal civil war. Or Hell, why not just go to South Central LA & savage it out in the gang wars, along w/ all the other Black males age 15-24 that die due to other Black males age 15-24 (the single largest cause of death for Black American males of that age group)?
YOU RASCIST BASTERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the flip is wrong with you never have I seen such horible flipppin rascism screw you my ancesters are intelectuels ANCIENT FLIPPIN EGYPT so flip the flip off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& EJ, that ethnic group you don't believe exists? Remember that while your ancestors (white & black) were savaging each other in endless blood feuds, & were still hunter-gatherers, mine were Priests in the Temple of Solomon.

Effectively making his ancestors smarter than yours. They weren't dumb enough to waste time worshipping an invisible man in the sky.

Don't try to lecture me, you little piss-ant. If you're so proud of being Black, & want to deny my ethnic Jewishness, you should go to DR Congo & savage it out in their brutal civil war. Or Hell, why not just go to South Central LA & savage it out in the gang wars, along w/ all the other Black males age 15-24 that die due to other Black males age 15-24 (the single largest cause of death for Black American males of that age group)?

Hah, total racist meltdown.

EJ doesn't, so that's why I asked him.

Oh, EJ isn't people, silly.
Thank you for defending me during by absense cvs :) Also ikr he had a totel rascist meltdown ;D
Meltdown yes. Racist, no. Its not racist when its true. Re: the atheist dig, you can bet that his primitive ancestors did believe in gods. Atheism is a new concept, & hasn't taken the Earth by storm. As to the intelligence of atheism, the only response is that someone who believes that the universe just came about by accident is not the sharpest knife in the rack.
So you admit its true that my ancesters are savages?!! You make yourself come off as nothing more than an idiot and a rascist. And im not athiest but that us vary ofencive to athiests!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:19:07 PM »
5 orthographic errors. & given that I'm a Jew, I hardly think that Stormfront would welcome me.
Well it will still ether way
What a load of BS no moron gonna actuley beleive that crud and this obvz based off rascist views (hmm...who might that be?)

Have a week off to cool down some.
:'( ::)
Well, @ least I'm through counting orthographic errors for awhile. It was fun, though, in a nasty way, to feed the troll, & watch him try to write in Eglish.
Well gues what im not a troll so quit being blinded by your ignorence ::)
I dont beleive that. Prove it! He loved evereyone. And once again trying to give the white man credit for it when it was Nelson mandelas actions ::)
for one read his book and for the other how do you think he got power if it wasn't given by the White government and it wasn't seized violently?

They spent years negotiating the end to apartheid and even had a whites only vote on it which passed.
Once again you didnt prove it ::) And Nelson was the man behind it all he daserves full credit evereyone else were rascist idiots

I don't need to prove it.

So what if I quoted sections of his book? You could say I was lying or taking them out of context, If i could find internet links you'd simply say they were false or others lying.

I've explained reality and I'm happy to leave it there. That's the beauty of reality, just because you can't see it doesn't change it one jot.
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff
Spank, thank you!
Oh plese

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity vs. Universal Acceleration
« on: December 17, 2013, 03:00:23 AM »
What is your proof of UA?
Go stand on a chair, and then jump off of it.
Its called gravitey

And that wouldnt make sense for other planets to have gravitation while earth doesnt.
And that wouldn't make sense for only Earth to have life on it, but all the evidence thus far indicates it is.
That is because earth is the only known celestel bodey having the nesesarey conditions to suport life. Evidance seems to suport gravitey

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