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Messages - Dr Van Nostrand

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Flat Earth Media / Some FE media coverage..
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:24:05 PM »

Flat Earth Theory / Re: FE Map project: observations
« on: October 05, 2018, 10:01:20 PM »
To me it's task #1 and shouldn't be too difficult.

Then, please, as a kind request, go out and map the world for us and tell us how it matches up with current models, without making any unproven assumptions about the world, since you have identified this as such a trivial matter.

This is an issue that has been mentioned before. How does one map the world using only personal empirical observations?

If the Zetetic Council had unlimited resources, what methodology would they use to map the world?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: What is beyond the ice wall?
« on: October 04, 2018, 04:44:01 PM »
we have no evidence OF the ice wall
No evidence of Antarctica? ??? That sounds a bit bizarre, even for a Round Earther...

I apologize I wasn't clearer. As iamcpc posted, I meant to say no evidence to suggest that Antarctica is a ring of ice instead of a continent.

I am bizarre as round earthers go but for different reasons.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: What is beyond the ice wall?
« on: October 04, 2018, 01:45:38 PM »
What is beyond the ice wall?

Because we have no evidence from beyond the ice wall (we have no evidence OF the ice wall,) what a person believes is really a reflection of them. It's like a Rorschach ink blot test. Some people see a dome, some see U.N Troops, some see were-penguins. It could be a psychoanalytical tool.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: FE Map project: observations
« on: October 03, 2018, 08:40:55 PM »
These can be expanded and generalized, for example:
* Antarctica is due south of South America.
* Antarctica is due south of Africa.
* Antarctica is due south of Australia.
* Antarctica is due south of New Zealand.
* Africa is due east of Brazil.
* ...And other continental type observations.

These continent type observations are easy to understand and non-contentious.  They may not be easy to verify.  Verification would require over-sea travel which can be contentious.  Rowbotham's AE style map has circumnavigation going due east or west but defined due east and west as curved lines, this is contentious.

Maybe intra-continent is all we can get to match the criteria.  Intra-continent locations and distances are very well documented.  GPS mapping software produces accurate distances, I haven't seen any arguments that these are incorrect.

When you start making overseas claims that's when many people will start questioning things. We have things like odometers and surveying equipment to corroborate land distances.

long distances overseas or in the air is where directions/distances will definitely have some nit picking. Many people adhere to some sort of model where the earth is a flat circle with the north pole in the center (even though it has the hardest time matching real world observations).


In fact, I'm wondering how Zetetic thinking would examine and document something larger that their personal ability to perceive. How can someone determine the size and shape of an ocean or continent through personal empirical observations.

I'm not trolling so please don't send me to the lower fora. It smells funny down there.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Requirements elements for a FE map
« on: October 02, 2018, 06:20:43 PM »
We could compare the astronomical predictions made by the flat earth model to those predictions made by the mainstream solar/lunar calculators. It would be the final test of which model is right. But there are two small problems with that plan....

1st.     We have no flat earth model that accurately predicts solar lunar events for us test.
2nd.    There's no such thing as a flat earth model that accurately predicts solar lunar events for us to test.

Otherwise, we could just check the data against observations and see which is more accurate.

We keep bringing the Sun and Moon into making a map. I really fail to understand it. When I look at a map of Minneapolis or Canada I don't see anything indicating predicted sun and moon positions on it.

I understand the stars/sun/moon being used for sea navigation.

When mapping a single city, sun and moon won't matter at all. When mapping a continent, time zones predict the movement of the sun over time which speaks to distances between points on the continent. If you're mapping a planet, the movement of the sun and moon speaks to the size and shape of the planet. If your map is physically wrong, it will fail to accurately predict astronomical events.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Requirements elements for a FE map
« on: October 01, 2018, 08:21:52 PM »
We could compare the astronomical predictions made by the flat earth model to those predictions made by the mainstream solar/lunar calculators. It would be the final test of which model is right. But there are two small problems with that plan....

1st.     We have no flat earth model that accurately predicts solar lunar events for us test.
2nd.    There's no such thing as a flat earth model that accurately predicts solar lunar events for us to test.

Otherwise, we could just check the data against observations and see which is more accurate.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Requirements elements for a FE map
« on: September 28, 2018, 02:54:17 PM »
The fact is Tom, you know you can't allow timeanddate or similar sites to be considered accurate or reliable for the information they provide. Because if they are, neither of the FESs models have a hope of being accurate due to the way the sun light on the Earth has to twist and bend in crazy ways over the year no matter how you setup the continents.

If I started a thread with the premise that the moon did something which showed that it was not a globe would you ask evidence for my assertion, or would you accept my claim at face value?

Guess what. You are going to ask for evidence.

No double standards. You need to provide evidence for all claims.

I would not take your claim at face value but if you started such a thread and linked to a mathematical model that gave accurate predictions of the world around us, we definitely would offer some deference to your claims. I come here looking for such info.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Requirements elements for a FE map
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:50:12 PM »
No. You need to show what observations, if any, that the calculator is based on. We have emailed timeanddate in the past and they refused to reveal their sources.
Don't need to show anything. Any day, any time, go out and perform an observation and compare it with timeanddate.

Have you done that? Have you any reason to believe what timeanddate (or Stellarium or any "calculator" we reference) is not accurate? If you don't, then the calculator IS documentation until you can prove it to be unreliable.

"Prove me wrong" is not a legitimate debate strategy and is instant disqualification. You need to prove your own self correct.

Respectfully, timeanddate dot com produces accurate predictions that can be observed in the world around us.  Tom does not.

Then you should be able to link us to documented observations that prove what the sun does on equinox or solstice.

Are you to say that there is a mountain of observations which were generated at great cost, without even a mention of those efforts on the calculator websites or in any other resoruce, and then such observations and reports were immediately then thrown away, leaving the data source for these calculators a complete mystery?

No. That is completely stupid. There was no world-wide sun fact finding excursion.

The calculators don't need piles documentation, they make accurate predictions that anyone can observe. Have you any documentation that their predictions were ever wrong?

How accurate are the predictions of the FET models?  What do the FET model calculators predict?

In fact, lets compare the accuracy of predictions generated by FET models to mainstream astronomical models. That would be interesting.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Requirements elements for a FE map
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:38:58 PM »
Those are calculators, not documented observations.

Up to you then to show where the calculator has failed to match an observation.

Or, if you can find counter documentation of a location on the Tropic of Cancer on June 21st other than that southern Egypt location where the sun was, in fact, directly overhead.

Good luck with that.

No. You need to show what observations, if any, that the calculator is based on. We have emailed timeanddate in the past and they refused to reveal their sources.

Did send agents to every point on earth to carefully document the activities and actions of the sun throughout the year?

Respectfully, timeanddate dot com produces accurate predictions that can be observed in the world around us.  Tom does not.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Object Density
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:27:46 PM »
Sorry so what you're saying is if we did this experiment;

I had a perfect ball of lead encased in say, a golf ball like capsule, then an exact same golf ball like capsule with no lead inside, you drop them from the same height at the same time. they should land at the same time because the air resistance would be the same? It wouldn't happen that way... the capsule with the lead inside it would drop faster and hit the ground before the empty capsule.

So the the proven theory of gravity is already more plausible than your 'theory' of air resistance and constant acceleration in this case. So how do you prove otherwise?

Dude, this was all settled and documented 5-6 centuries ago. It's an experiment anyone can do anywhere.

I'll post a link to youtube since it is accepted youtube as scientific evidence...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: What is beyond the ice wall?
« on: September 21, 2018, 04:00:12 PM »
I believe that beyond the ice wall there is vast amounts of alternate realities  ???

Based on your username, I am going to go ahead and assume you are being disingenuous.

Do me a favor and refrain from low-content posting in the upper fora. Warned.

Genuine Question....

Why is: "What I say is that beyond ice barrier is believed to be the outside of the dome."

ok to post, but the posting:

"I believe that beyond the ice wall there is vast amounts of alternate realities"

 is considered a low content posting. Is it about the username?

I was thinking posting some ideas about the wall but didn't want to jeopardize my perfect record of no warnings (only sent to lower foras once.)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: What is beyond the ice wall?
« on: September 19, 2018, 09:33:36 PM »

No. I adhere to an infinite repeating plane flat earth model which reconciles with measuring devices. I don't believe there are specific "round earth devices and systems" that are common with many other flat earth models.
For those who do not adhere to the infinite repeating plane model you will find some people who will say that yes, research facilities are established on Antarctica expressly to use devices that attempt to weaken some of the flat earth models.

in my infinite repeating plane flat earth model travel times, shipping times, navigation, surveying, and cartography all reconcile with the round earth model so I don't believe this.

Many other flat earth models have a hard time reconciling with known shipping/travel times, navigation, surveying and cartography.
Some of the followers of those specific flat earth models would say that yes, navigation devices were calibrated to alter the true distances.
Some claim that shipping/travel times, navigation paths which don't reconcile simply don't exist.

I've searched around the forums for more info on the infinite repeating planes model but haven't found a posting that sums it all up tightly.  Is this the model with the 'Pac Man Effect' where leaving one edge of the plane puts you on a corresponding point on the other side?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Flat?
« on: September 19, 2018, 01:52:53 PM »
The idea that the U.S. government could keep a secret of this magnitude is the most unbelievable part of flat earth ideology.

The U.S. Government's most top secret agency couldn't keep their most top secret program a secret even with no oversight and an unlimited budget (Snowden.) Administrations have fallen because they couldn't keep a secret.

If Obama was hiding a flat earth or flying saucers, Trump would have been all over exposing him.

People think the government is hiding bigfoot and UFOs when Bill Clinton couldn't even keep a girl hidden under his desk.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Is FET Dangerous?
« on: September 15, 2018, 12:47:23 PM »
As mentioned before in other posts, belief in the flat earth is not dangerous.

It is the process of arriving in that belief that is quite dangerous.  The flat earth brand of radicalized Zetetic thinking is about personal interpretations of personal observations.  It rationalizes anything you want to believe with no regard for testable reality.  Normally, this would only be a threat to the willfully ignorant.  (eg: I've smoked cigarettes for 20 years and there's nothing wrong with them.  The campaign against smoking is a leftist, liberal attack on hardworking tobacco farmers.) As a Libertarian, I've always believed a person should be allowed to willfully choose ignorance. In the Amish faith, education beyond 7th or 8th grade is considered going against God's plan. More power to them...

However, when this ideology goes beyond the world and is applied to people, personal interpretations of personal observations become justification for racism, religious prejudice, bigotry and hate.  It disregards actual quantifiable evidence just as flat earth people disregard evidence of a round earth.

When this ideology is applied to history, personal interpretations of personal observations lead to revisionism and propaganda.  A person can arbitrarily decide that the Crusades were real and the Holocaust was not.  An American president can deny thousands of fatalities in the Puerto Rican hurricane.

.. and when someone is called out for their beliefs, all you have to do is answer with insults.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« on: September 15, 2018, 12:17:35 PM »

Black people aren't talented.

Well dude, not everyone on the planet can be as talented as you. I bet you're a real Liza Minelli.

BTW: Thanks for the new sig line.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« on: September 14, 2018, 06:35:29 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

... and what race would the children of a Caucasian and an Asian be?


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Is God possible?
« on: September 13, 2018, 09:48:40 PM »
You should check out the Raelian believers. You get God and aliens all in one.

Rael dot org

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Flat earth and the space race
« on: September 11, 2018, 01:55:31 PM »
Don’t all FET roads lead directly back to the moon landing, i.e., human observed direct evidence that earth is a globe?
Absolutely not. There are plenty of FE'ers who fully accept the mainstream view on space travel. Others, like myself, remain cautiously undecided on the subject.

I am extremely interested in this. I've been reading FE media for quite a while(seen dozens of videos too) and have never encountered an FE believer that believes in space travel. The only FE ideologies I've seen that don't center on a space travel conspiracy are the full-matrix people who say that nothing we see is actually real. The astronauts, NASA and everybody is being deceived.

Generally, FE theory posits a conspiracy to cover the fact that space travel is a hoax. It is a foundational principle that the people perpetuating the hoax are evil (evil shills) and people believing the hoax are stupid (lamestream media sheeple.) In FE generally, RE people are either evil or stupid and the only smart, righteous people on the planet is the FE community.

I understand that I will be told that not all FE people believe the same thing and my generalizations come from the evil indoctrination I've been subjected to. But if you have an FE theory that doesn't involve a giant conspiracy of the evil over the stupid, I want to hear about it.

I can't ask Pete to discuss it because it is not his belief, but is there anyone who can tell me more about a flat earth model that allows for space travel. I might sign up for an idea where I'm not stupid or evil.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Just Saying...
« on: September 07, 2018, 04:51:09 PM »
I'd been reading this forum long before I joined and once in a great while I would see a 'moderation' that might have been quick or harsh but generally, I think they do a good job.

I appreciate that I'm allowed to post here despite being an RE. I specifically try to curtail the amount of posting I do because I don't want to see this forum overrun by RE people. RE people are everywhere, I don't come here for them.

Look, I'm a hardcore RE but if you can give me one split second of doubt, that is a great thing. I want to question my beliefs all the time. I want my beliefs tested. If I just wanted to take shots at FE people, I'd be trolling the matrix dwelling moonshrimpers on the 'other' forum.

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