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Messages - timterroo

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Here's another article about the ThinkPad laptops dating in 2016. According to this article they use Lenovo T61P laptops which are equipped with either a 5400 RPM HDD or 7200 RPM HDD - this means they are using magnetic hard drives with movable parts as late as 2016.

A quick google search (yes a google search) lead me to this website:

Evidently Thinkpads are the only laptops certified for use on the ISS, and have been in use on the ISS since 1998. Thinkpads in general have been used on every NASA shuttle space flight since 1995 - there they used the ThinkPad 755. The ThinkPad 755 looks to have been equipped with a 540 MB drive... not quite sure if they are talking about the hard drive because they did not distinguish between HDDs and SSDs in the 90s since they were all HDDs. They would be using a newer model currently though, which possibly contain SSDs; however, since they have been using Thinkpads since the late 90s, they would have been HDDs at least then, if not now.

We have solid state drives.  No magnets, no disks, no motors, no moving parts.  The computer I am typing this on uses SSD.  The whole computer actually has no moving parts.  Amazing.

I have rewatched that video several times to try to determine the model of the laptops used on ISS. Although I have not been able to determine the model, I can pretty reliably guess that it is an older laptop that is not equipped with an SSD. Notice the size and thickness of the laptops, and sometimes you can get a glimps of all the little ports and switches on the sides (these are all indicative of older models). Newer laptop models are slimmer and with fewer accessories and ports on the sides.

If I were a betting man, I'd say those laptops have HDDs.

Flat Earth Community / Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« on: August 10, 2018, 03:44:26 AM »
One day someone came to me and said, "Dude, there are still people who believe the earth is flat!" I said, "No way, that's ridiculous!" Only illiterate fools would believe the earth is flat. He said, "Oh no! They have theories and explanations for all of it! They are actually smart, thoughtful people."

So, I started researching it to find out how it is possible someone could actually believe the earth is flat, and I stumbled onto this site. I've been learning about all kinds of ideas that I've never discussed before, so that has been really great. I am a bit addicted to this site for the time being, but I'm sure it will fizz out after some time. I am starting to notice some disturbing trends in these forums. I would like to see more topics started by FEers, so we can all hopefully have some new/fresh topics to discuss.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The rotation of the sun
« on: August 10, 2018, 02:44:58 AM »
If all of this were proof that the earth is flat, then a blind man is proof the earth does not exist AT ALL - he sees nothing, therefore there is nothing.....
Oh man, I'm going to steal that, sorry. Mind if I use it as a signature?

Not at all.

Another bit to note about hard drives is that they actually have relatively powerful magnets inside of them, so right off the bat you know it will take a very powerful magnet to effect them. It is no surprise the magnet used in the video was not strong enough.

totallackey may be correct. It is questionable whether a static magnetic field will even destroy a hard drive.

While I do not know how a magnet or hard drive will move inside the bore of an electromagnet; it seems that a static magnetic field alone may not be able to wipe a drive.

Look at this link:


The researchers describe that they also tried rubbing the magnet across the hard drive, and express doubt that the concept of erasing hard drives by passing a magnet over it is even real at all or whether it is just a myth. Commercial degaussing machines work by producing a strong alternating magnetic field, and this is what may be necessary.

Hi Tom, you left out the last bit of that article:


Please note that this article describes our investigation about using magnets to completely erase data on a hard drive.  It completely ignores the question of whether a strong magnet can DAMAGE a hard drive.  These strong magnets certainly can damage a hard drive if brought close enough.  Keep neodymium magnets away from good hard drives!"

I believe that it's talking about how a magnet can hit the hard drive hard enough that it damages it physically. Its not talking about the magnetic field destroying the data.

This relates to the bit about I don't know how a magnet or hard drive would move inside the bore of an electromagnet.

That is your interpretation I guess. As an IT specialist, I often work with "damaged" hard drives that have been damaged in the sense of lost data bits due to corruption, this is different than a complete hard drive wipe, but it doesn't mean the hard drive's mechanics are damaged.

Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)

Try 1:09 to 4:09. He's floating about, the ipad is floating about. It goes on beyond that, but that's 3 solid minutes of observable weightlessness. The vomcom is a max of around 30 seconds or so.

I don't think you have a point.
Yeah, I have a point.

This type of footage is made available without the need for any spacecraft. Period.
After watching these videos, and thinking about diamagnetic levitation, I suddenly realized a certain phenomenon that is experienced with electronic devices and magnets. In particular, what happens to magnetic storage devices like hard drives when a powerful magnet is introduced to it?


Hard drives like the ones in that Lenovo Thinkpad in the ISS video are susceptible to this. If you introduced a high-powered magnet, such as one in an MRI or perhaps one that could levitate a human, to the laptop, it would surely crash! That laptop looked fully functional in the video.

It seems like you can rule out diamagnetic levitation as an explanation for their apparent weightlessness.
Oh, so you can not use a laptop on a maglev train, uh?

Are the magnets directed at he laptop? If so, then no, you cannot.
Why would the magnets on a maglev or any other craft using magnets to levitate be directed at a laptop?

That is my point, the magnets would NOT be directed at the laptop (as it would if you diamagnetically levitated one), therefore the answer to your question is, yes, you can still use a laptop on a maglev train.

totallackey may be correct. It is questionable whether a static magnetic field will even destroy a hard drive.

While I do not know how a magnet or hard drive will move inside the bore of an electromagnet; it seems that a static magnetic field alone may not be able to wipe a drive.

Look at this link:


The Results

Two DX0X8 magnets spaced on either side of a hard drive's platters

With the hard drive running, we were not able to disrupt the contents of the drive at all.  100% of the files were completely intact and accurate.  This result completely surprised us!

We were definitely getting some magnetic influence inside the drive.  When strong magnets like our RY04Y0DIA were held close, we could hear mechanical rubbing sounds from the drive, likely the result of deflection of the platters.  We didn't go much larger with the drive running, for fear of rendering the drive inoperable by mechanically bending parts inside.

The simulation picture at right shows our pair of DX0X8 magnets on either side of the disc platters.  This pair was chosen based on some studies of what arrangements would produce the strongest field within the drive.  We hoped that we might be able to at least affect the outermost platters, even if the inner ones might be shielded by them.

Most of the instructions we've seen say to rub the magnet several times across the face of the drive.  With our arrangement, the drive is actually spinning at 7,200 RPM.  We're pretty sure it's passing over the drive multiple times!

We also rubbed some very large magnets, like our 3" diameter DZ0X8-N52, across the hard drive with the drive turned off.  We figured we could use these large magnets without causing mechanical damage when it wasn't running.  When re-checked, the drive still showed no errors!  None of the data was changed at all.
Why didn't this work?  Surely these incredible magnets are strong enough!

Some older types of magnetic storage media can be erased with neodymium magnets.  The magnetic stripe on your credit card is one example.  Audio cassettes and VHS video tapes are another.  The material's coercivity, or resistance to being demagnetized, is lower than the field made by the magnet.  You can look up the coercivity numbers for these materials, all of which are usually in the 500-1000 Oersted range.

The more we researched the topic, the more we found conflicting data on the coercivity of hard drive materials.  One source said 1,250 Oe, another said 2,500 Oe.  It seems that, in the race to make hard drives of greater storage capacities, hard drive manufacturers keep finding higher coercivity materials for the hard drive platters.  The later the manufacturing date of your hard drive, probably the higher the drive's coercivity will be.

We searched for hard drive erasing services, figuring we could learn something by finding out what such companies provide.  Most companies either use strong degaussing machines that produce a strong an alternating magnetic field with an electromagnet, or shredders to physically destroy the drive.  As hard drive coercivity improves, physical destruction is becoming the more popular method.
But what if...

We didn't try every possible combination of magnet and erasure method.  Since our methods failed to alter a single character of a single file, though, we wouldn't trust it to delete ALL the data.  Our results make us doubt that neodymium magnets are sure to erase all the data.  When folks rub a magnet across a hard drive, the goal is 100% data erasure.  If you have a proven method that works for you, we'd love to hear about it.

The researchers describe that they also tried rubbing the magnet across the hard drive, and express doubt that the concept of erasing hard drives by passing a magnet over it is even real at all or whether it is just a myth. Commercial degaussing machines work by producing a strong alternating magnetic field, and this is what may be necessary.

Hi Tom, you left out the last bit of that article:


Please note that this article describes our investigation about using magnets to completely erase data on a hard drive.  It completely ignores the question of whether a strong magnet can DAMAGE a hard drive.  These strong magnets certainly can damage a hard drive if brought close enough.  Keep neodymium magnets away from good hard drives!"

Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)

Try 1:09 to 4:09. He's floating about, the ipad is floating about. It goes on beyond that, but that's 3 solid minutes of observable weightlessness. The vomcom is a max of around 30 seconds or so.

I don't think you have a point.
Yeah, I have a point.

This type of footage is made available without the need for any spacecraft. Period.
After watching these videos, and thinking about diamagnetic levitation, I suddenly realized a certain phenomenon that is experienced with electronic devices and magnets. In particular, what happens to magnetic storage devices like hard drives when a powerful magnet is introduced to it?


Hard drives like the ones in that Lenovo Thinkpad in the ISS video are susceptible to this. If you introduced a high-powered magnet, such as one in an MRI or perhaps one that could levitate a human, to the laptop, it would surely crash! That laptop looked fully functional in the video.

It seems like you can rule out diamagnetic levitation as an explanation for their apparent weightlessness.
Oh, so you can not use a laptop on a maglev train, uh?

Are the magnets directed at he laptop? If so, then no, you cannot.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Quoting
« on: August 09, 2018, 03:18:53 AM »
Ok, perhaps put something in the wiki or rules of engagement to help encourage users to moderate their quotes? Or don't, it really won't make a huge difference either way. Just a suggestion, not a debate fellas.

After watching these videos, and thinking about diamagnetic levitation, I suddenly realized a certain phenomenon that is experienced with electronic devices and magnets. In particular, what happens to magnetic storage devices like hard drives when a powerful magnet is introduced to it?


Hard drives like the ones in that Lenovo Thinkpad in the ISS video are susceptible to this. If you introduced a high-powered magnet, such as one in an MRI or perhaps one that could levitate a human, to the laptop, it would surely crash! That laptop looked fully functional in the video.

It seems like you can rule out diamagnetic levitation as an explanation for their apparent weightlessness.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Quoting
« on: August 09, 2018, 02:02:53 AM »
OK, except that I have no control over what others quote. It's a minor annoyance, yes, but not one deserving of your childish remarks.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Quoting
« on: August 09, 2018, 01:47:49 AM »
Man are you serious?

Suggestions & Concerns / Quoting
« on: August 08, 2018, 10:04:56 PM »
It would be nice to have a limit to how many quotes can be requoted in a single quote. When 5 people quote a previous post who quoted a previous post and so on, it gets repetitive and unreadable.

Maybe quotes should be limited to just the previous post or two?

Belief in God and flat earth was offered as a reason for the government hiding flat earth, so it is still on topic, but the creationist verse evolutionist perspective related to the shape of earth could easily be expanded in another topic.

maybe it might be because the next step would be to realise that Government is an adversary of God, therefore the Hebrew word for adversary would be applied, the act of worship is simply keeping the commandments, is everybody a happy worshipper of Government? [following their commandments?]
only fair that I mention the Hebrew word for adversary, it happens to be 'Satan'

If we were created and live in a completed domed space, with everything we need to survive, then this would basically prove a creator or God. If we are just animals on a spinning ball then there is no God and it is all by chance so do whatever you want. That is why I think they have hidden it.

Belief in a round earth does not make you an atheist.

In fact, if you believe that God made earth round, I would argue that you have stronger faith in God because a round earth leaves open the possibility that earth and all of life evolved - thus you have to make a conscious decision to believe in God. To believe in a flat earth and a dome leaves no other choice but to believe in a creator.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The rotation of the sun
« on: August 08, 2018, 06:14:44 PM »
If we are going to rely on our senses to tell us what is true or false, we are in some serious trouble.... This from a cognitive psychologist.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The rotation of the sun
« on: August 08, 2018, 05:56:53 PM »
I believe it is flat because that is what I can prove with all of my senses, without outside influence. You believe it is round because you were told it was.

My senses tell me it is a globe. Two people can see the same thing two different ways. This is called perception. Much of what we are debating is perspective and whether or not we can believe a picture, a statement, a mathematical equation, or a theory. Perspective does not make you correct. If you are moving at nearly the speed of light, even a globe would appear flat - this is how photons perceive things (if they had a brain). Does that make it less of a globe?

Stating that "the globe is also just a theory" implies that everyone who has ever been part of a space mission, NASA, or any of these private companies that are launching things into space are ALL telling us lies, and they are all collaborating to keep the lie consistent. Otherwise, if they are truths, they are absolute proof the earth is round.

To deny FET, you do not have to call anyone a liar because there are no supposed pictures of flat earth from space. There are no mathematical proofs to deny, no first-hand experiences to listen to, nothing but people discussing an idea. The only support for this idea is based on others being liars. FET is dependent on everyone else being a liar.

It is a theory born out of disbelief, scorn, spite, and conspiracy. Not proof. There is no evidence the earth is flat. Looking out at the ground and saying, "It just looks flat!" is the furthest thing from evidence. Explaining away space flight, and zero-G as conspiracy is not proof the earth is flat. Saying there is no such thing as gravity is not proof the earth is flat. Saying that the horizon did or did not appear or disappear at a particular vantage point is not proof the earth is flat. If all of this were proof that the earth is flat, then a blind man is proof the earth does not exist AT ALL - he sees nothing, therefore there is nothing.....

Flat Earth Theory / Re: vsauce on flat earth
« on: August 07, 2018, 06:50:23 PM »
Yes, but what ABOUT 3.20 ... ?

My apologies for not clarifying here.....

At 3 minutes and 20 seconds, he talks about a bridge. It was designed to account for the earth's curvature. How is it that the foundation of the bridge is laid perpendicular to the ground, but is further apart at the top than at the base?

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