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Messages - mtnman

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Who would benefit?
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:17:39 PM »

Pointing a dish at an area of the sky does not tell one what kind of technology is providing that signal.
No, but it does tell you that some technology is up there. And you can't explain geosynchronous satellites in a FE belief system.

I've seen plenty of comments from the FE faithful that satellites don't even exist. I was thinking of this on a road trip this past weekend when I passed a cable TV office in a fairly rural area. They had four or five large satellite dishes pointed up in towards the sky. Do you believe that small town cable TV company is part of the conspiracy?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Nine year old son?
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:10:56 PM »
...Don't rely on YouTube videos and forum posts. I have seen such nonsense posted on those kind of sources. Some of it so ridiculous that I really go back and forth on thinking people are ignorant or just playing a practical joke.
But if everything was allright with the world, there would be no reason to question earth's shap, and there would be no reason to talk about any conspiracy.
I think, some of the people who talk about flat earth are normal, sane and genuine in their concerns.
I don't think it's a valid argument to say the Earth might be flat because some people talk about it being flat. But rather than having that argument, I will share an example of the type of thing I am referring to. I was searching for videos on the solar eclipse in August. I was able to drive a couple of hours an see the totality, it was an awesome sight and I wanted to see some other views of it. In doing so I saw a video that claimed that the moon is 70 miles wide and this was proof of NASA lies, flat Earth, etc.

The basis of his claims about the moon's width was that something can cast a shadow bigger than itself, but not a smaller one due to the "laws of shadows". It only took a moment to understand where his thought processes were wrong. His main problem was that he was thinking that the area of totality is "the" shadow of the moon, and that he was thinking of the sun as a single point of light. Because the sun is large and round there are areas where the moon blocks some, but not all, of the sun. So you have areas of partial and areas of total eclipse (penumbra and umbra). So the true shadow of the moon includes all the areas of partial eclipse which was a path thousands of miles wide.

So this is the problem I have. He made a video over 20 minutes long. I will guess he spent at least a few hours gathering video clips and editing. He posted this and it has been viewed over 250k times with over 4k comments. All of this because he decided to make the conspiracy video rather than taking ten minutes to research the facts to understand why he was wrong. It's the same logic that I have seen over and over in these videos, comments and posts here: I see something that doesn't make sense to me, so it must mean I have found proof of the evil NASA conspiracy! What is wrong with having the thought process: I see something that doesn't make sense to me, so I should research and find an explanation to my understanding.

If Mr 70 mile wide moon had talked to someone with basic science knowledge and just asked how the moon's shadow could be so small, it would only take a few minutes to explain.

Or you could make an appointment with one science teacher today, with another two days after, and another next week, etc (within 1 month timespan); and then analyze what  most or everyone  of them agrees on(what's matching in their opinions) and what  most or everyone disagrees on.

I think it's effective technique(especially if you combine or balance with other related ones), but i could be wrong. At least, when i use it, it works for me.
I think that is an excellent suggestion!

Flat Earth Community / Re: Nine year old son?
« on: November 01, 2017, 01:05:59 AM »
One suggestion I would make is this. Make an appointment with a science teacher at your local grade school or high school and discuss this. Don't rely on YouTube videos and forum posts. I have seen such nonsense posted on those kind of sources. Some of it so ridiculous that I really go back and forth on thinking people are ignorant or just playing a practical joke.

There is often a lack of quality response in these settings that you would get in a personal conversation. I have seen many times where people post something, have it thoroughly debunked, but then the original poster disappears from the discussion thread.

I think a one on one conversation with you and a good science teacher with a whiteboard would make a huge difference. Please consider it.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Nine year old son?
« on: November 01, 2017, 12:48:47 AM »
Please give serious consideration to what you want to teach a child. I hear so many people throwing around the goal of having an "open mind", and on the surface that sounds all well and good. I certainly have no problem being open minded, and I consider myself to be open minded. But think about what this really means.

The way I see some people use the term, they wear it as a badge of honor, and in their some of their minds, being open minded means believing the opposite of most people, or of conventional thought. There is a difference in being open minded and being stubbornly contrary.

I am going to post some things here not for the sake of starting a debate thread, but to comment on being open minded.
Here are a few things that support RE (round Earth) belief:
Calculations of shadows in ancient Greece that determined the circumference of the Earth
Ship captains navigating the Earth for hundreds of years using a clock and the angle to the sun or north star to calculate their position on the Earth's surface
Pictures of Earth from space (NASA, ESA, private satellite launches, weather satellite pictures on TV news, etc.)
Satellite TV and radio
Solar and lunar eclipses
Constellations that are different in the northern and southern hemisphere

How does FE explain the things listed above? Lies, conspiracies, balloons, nothing at all?

You can find individual items discussed in threads and occasionally in the wiki. The explanations where they exist are shallow at best and often have an elaborate explanation for one attribute, which completely contradicts other attributes.

So I ask you to seriously consider, is believing that all the explanations we are commonly taught for all those basic attributes of the world are all lies and/or wrong. Is that really being open minded?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The burden of proof.
« on: October 31, 2017, 04:50:20 AM »

Please show us where anyone has demonstrated that the perspective lines will infinitely approach each other but never touch. If you cannot do that then the idea is little more than an unsupported hypothesis.

Curious Squirrel has given us an unsupported hypothesis and has asserted that it proves an empirical observation wrong.
Sure Tom, let's go measure something at infinite distance. Anyone see a problem with that?

I feel like using the term "star" is so misleading because it makes more sense in keeping with the fantasy definition of balls of bright energy spread all over the "universe". Really a new term should just be made for them as defined as bursts of cymatic light projected all along the firmament.
So.... where do you think these projectors are located and who do you think invented, installed, and maintains them?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Travel
« on: October 31, 2017, 04:40:40 AM »
     I know that the earth must be flat, but recently I went on a trip to china and something weird happened. Our trip was from New York to Berlin to Hong Kong, and returning to California then New York. I kept a compass with me and stayed awake to watch it so that I could prove my friends wrong, but it showed that we went in one general direction the whole time. What?!?!?

Did you ask any of your pilots if they thought the Earth was round or flat? Seems like they knew their way across or around it.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Some Questions
« on: October 30, 2017, 01:29:17 AM »
I’m not going to answer on the flat earth believers behalf, but you should expect some denial of the basis of your question since some of them don’t believe that satellites exist. Just fair warning.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Path of photons during sunset
« on: October 30, 2017, 01:25:17 AM »
“Electromagnetic Acceleration”? Is that different than universal acceleration?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 29, 2017, 03:32:19 AM »
Thanks for the detailed answer 3D, the Dire Straits video is a good example. I say that not just because I'm such a Mark Knopfler fan, but because I remember reading at the time that the rendering (did they call it that yet?) took a full day on a Cray super computer, one of the most powerful at the time.

I think sometimes the generations that have grown up with computers don't really understand the landscape that existed 30-40 years ago.  You know, they think the CGI can fake it now, so it must have always been that way, right? LOL

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Path of photons during sunset
« on: October 28, 2017, 10:22:20 PM »
But to get this back on track...

3D, I have seen your efforts to get a straight answer on photons and their path from the sun to us at sunset from Tom for a few weeks now I think. But I am wondering, this doesn't seem like a very complicated question. Wouldn't you think some of the other FE faithful should be able to answer it also?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 28, 2017, 10:19:26 PM »
Yes, been to the movies numerous times, don't think that proves anything. And have been watching space exploration since long before CGI existed. Maybe photoshop has been around for your whole life, but there was a time before it existed you know.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Path of photons during sunset
« on: October 28, 2017, 09:34:11 PM »
What path do photons take at sunset that allows the bottom of clouds to be illuminated? 3D has been asking this question in various threads and I felt it is critical to the whole sunset debate and needed it's own thread. If the Earth was flat and the Sun stayed at a constant altitude, direct sunlight would never be able to shine on the bottom of a cloud.
I've seen claims that this is due to perspective, but perspective can't cause this as it does not rearrange the position of objects. Think of railroad tracks appearing to draw closer to one another. At no point do the tracks appear to draw together more rapidly or shift position. The rate of change in perspective is linear, not exponential. The other option is reflection, but this doesn't hold because there is a period of time as the Sun sets where the light is coming from a roughly 90 degree angle which causes shadows to be cast from clouds that hang lower than others. If the light was reflected, the shadows couldn't form at that angle.

So, how do photons originating 3000 miles up reach the underside of a cloud?

Tom has AGAIN promised to start his own thread on this and to fully explain it.  We're about a month since the first promise and many days since the I wouldn't hold your breath.

I have a "thought experiment" that's interesting.

I predict a total failure of imagination.

3D, I'd have to say you got this one wrong. You predicted a total failure of imagination, and JMan responded with nothing but imagination.

It's really the anti-photons that cause this. Even though they both have the save characters the anti's get down and dirty so to speak. As the sun rotates downward on the dome the anti's begin to wobble just enough to cast light on the underside of heavenly clouds.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 28, 2017, 08:37:43 PM »

Example 1: I was at the beach a few weeks back. Used my DSLR zoom lens to take pictures of the most distant building I could along the coast. I took shots from the beach level and then from my 11th floor balcony. I forget the exact measurements (have them written down somewhere), the other building was about 12-14 miles away. The 8 inch/mile2 thing said that from the balcony I should have nothing obscured and from the beach level there should have been 20 or 30 feet obscured. The zoom wasn't strong enough to make out individual floors to get an exact count, but it was quite clear that the beach in front of the other building could be viewed from my balcony, but not from the beach view photo. I had intended to post the pictures, but kept seeing the noise about refraction along the water from similar pictures and didn't think it would be worth the bother. But it confirmed the curvature in my mind.

Example 2: Before the same trip I decided to test FE vs. That site allowed me to enter a location and date, it gave me the exact times and angles for sunset/rise, moonset/rise, etc. I posted a question here about how to calculate where (compass angle) the sun should set according to FE math. Got one response that gave me a formula that would work only if calculated for one of the equinox dates. Seems FE math isn't very advanced. But it worked out since my trip was only one week from the equinox, close enough for government work as they say. So I used my compass and atomic clock phone app and watched the sunset. It happened exactly where timeanddate said it would, which was about 25 degrees off from the FE prediction. I posted these results, and of course, none of the FE faithful had any comment. I will link to the thread if you want to review it.

So now that I've shared some of my work, let's hear about one of your experiments! I look forward to it.

Those aren't experiments. One is just you literally taking a picture of the horizon and the other is you googling times and doing "calculations" without actually explaining what those calculations consisted of. If this is your standard for experimentation, then it's no surprised that you believe the earth is a big ball.
They are experiments. Simple ones I grant you, but they are experiments. Really you just want to ignore them because you don't like the results.

#1 If the Earth was curved, I should be able to see more ground level detail from a higher altitude. I was.

#2 Forget about being exactly correct. The FE math given to me on this forum predicted the direction of sunset would be 56 degrees north of due west (316 degrees). It actually set at 275 degrees, close to due west. That is 41 degrees wrong. That is an experiment that FE failed miserably.

The way you guys flip on standard of proof is so funny. You can view a hundred hours of ISS footage, find one unexplained spec floating on the screen and that is iron clad proof that NASA lies and the Earth is flat. The prediction of how the sunset works (based on data verified by one of your believers) is wrong by 41 degrees and that doesn't prove anything. LOL

I'm still looking forward to you posting some of your experimental results.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 27, 2017, 03:56:48 AM »
Gravity doesn't exist. Just as the dudes at CERN disclosed Matter and antimatter should have cancelled one another out and the universe shouldn't exist. They proved that both are the same in every way and that there must be a God, breathing in and out doing remarkable things that makes no sense to the retards.

The earth is flat as a pancake. The only force is GOD......

"Riddle of matter remains unsolved: Proton and antiproton share fundamental properties"

"All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,"
Hey guys it doesn't, it a picture dome above your heads you retards. The bible has been telling you satanists for millenniums.
Love how you cherry pick something out of an article and claim it confirms your belief when it obviously doesn't. Do you think do one will actually read the article and just take you at your word? The article makes no reference to gravity. It comments that if protons/anti-protons cancel each other and were originally in symetry, then the universe shouldn't exist. That means we have more to learn since the universe obviously exists. We are both people that live in it.

I also liked the quote regarding the precision...
This is the equivalent of measuring the circumference of the earth to a precision of four centimeters.

These are scientists, they weren't talking about the circumference of your ice wall.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 26, 2017, 12:21:34 AM »
For the record, I didn't say anything about GPS formulas using relativity, someone else made that comment. I actually had not heard that before, but considering the orbital speed of the satellites and their altitude, I suppose that makes sense. What with speed and lessor gravitational fields having effects and all.

It's a sad little world you have chosen for yourself where no accomplishments can be appreciated or knowledge gained based on the experiences of others.

Did you hear that someone climbed to the summit of Mt Everest? But wait, I can't comment on that since I didn't do that myself, and you probably haven't been there. So I guess you don't believe in that either.

OK, that's enough for now. I'm going to go back to the baseball game I'm watching on my satellite TV, which I assume you don't believe in either.

There's a big difference between claiming you can climb a mountain versus saying the earth is a shape that it isn't.

I HATE this BS FEers try to pull. It is such a bogus line of hypocritical garbage and they know it. What experiments have YOU performed? You say the Earth is flat, prove it. Satellites don't exist - right... I blew Tom Bishop up on this a while back. Had him backed into such a corner that he started claiming there was a conspiracy after claiming there isn't one. Rushy, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you aren't even remotely qualified to perform anything more than very basic "backyard science" sort of experiments. If you can't test it, it can't be true. Sigh, willful ignorance is such a sad thing.

The Bedford Level experiment is really all you need. On a curved world the size that RET claims it to be, water would curve at about an 8 inch drop per mile, and yet this doesn't exist. I've done it, you can do it too, all you need is a large lake or river and a laser pointer. Simple stuff, I imagine even you could do it, but you're not going to. You'll just continue to sit here and insist I'm doing the same thing you are: nothing.

No, it's exactly the same thing. You are saying I can't claim any fact without having proven it myself.

I claim that the summit of Everest was reached by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. I could give you links to articles written about it, pictures from the expedition. If you were to consistently apply your FE standard of proof, you would claim that since I wasn't there I can't prove it happened. I can't prove that the articles and the pictures are not forgeries, therefore, you shouldn't believe it. Granted that it is a different scale of alleged deception, but the concept is exactly the same.

I could claim that the Dodgers won Word Series game 1 last night. But I can't prove it since I watched it by receiving a broadcast signal from a satellite, which you say doesn't exist.

So you've called me out by showing that I personally didn't measure the red shift of certain distant galaxies. Wow, you got me there. It's a convenient method you have to make yourself feel superior and comfortable in ignoring knowledge gained by talented people that have access to high levels of education and advanced tools. But you have to ignore all of astronomy because it conflicts with your belief system.

As far as doing anything myself...

Example 1: I was at the beach a few weeks back. Used my DSLR zoom lens to take pictures of the most distant building I could along the coast. I took shots from the beach level and then from my 11th floor balcony. I forget the exact measurements (have them written down somewhere), the other building was about 12-14 miles away. The 8 inch/mile2 thing said that from the balcony I should have nothing obscured and from the beach level there should have been 20 or 30 feet obscured. The zoom wasn't strong enough to make out individual floors to get an exact count, but it was quite clear that the beach in front of the other building could be viewed from my balcony, but not from the beach view photo. I had intended to post the pictures, but kept seeing the noise about refraction along the water from similar pictures and didn't think it would be worth the bother. But it confirmed the curvature in my mind.

Example 2: Before the same trip I decided to test FE vs. That site allowed me to enter a location and date, it gave me the exact times and angles for sunset/rise, moonset/rise, etc. I posted a question here about how to calculate where (compass angle) the sun should set according to FE math. Got one response that gave me a formula that would work only if calculated for one of the equinox dates. Seems FE math isn't very advanced. But it worked out since my trip was only one week from the equinox, close enough for government work as they say. So I used my compass and atomic clock phone app and watched the sunset. It happened exactly where timeanddate said it would, which was about 25 degrees off from the FE prediction. I posted these results, and of course, none of the FE faithful had any comment. I will link to the thread if you want to review it.

So now that I've shared some of my work, let's hear about one of your experiments! I look forward to it.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 25, 2017, 06:07:59 PM »
No magic in gravity. Mass attracts. Newton and Kepler figured it out a few hundred years ago.

If you believe in universal acceleration, please explain what is making the Earth accelerate. And why we observe star light shifted to the red end of the spectrum (things moving further away) rather than the opposite. If the Earth is accelerating, shouldn't you believe we are getting closer to the stars and other things we observe in the sky?

I think the claim is that those things (stars, etc) are responding to the same universal acceleration effect as the Flat Earth disk - that's presumably why it's called "universal".

Here is the reason I posed that question. If you assume that the Earth is flat, and being accelerated constantly, you can't be expected to know about the force pushing the Earth up, since it is below the flat Earth and not visible. But that is not the case for the stars "above" us. So if something is accelerating them, shouldn't we be able to see some evidence of whatever is causing that force? Just another attempt to get them to answer some logical questions, which I know they can't do.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 25, 2017, 04:20:03 AM »

I HATE this BS FEers try to pull. It is such a bogus line of hypocritical garbage and they know it. What experiments have YOU performed? You say the Earth is flat, prove it. Satellites don't exist - right... I blew Tom Bishop up on this a while back. Had him backed into such a corner that he started claiming there was a conspiracy after claiming there isn't one. Rushy, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you aren't even remotely qualified to perform anything more than very basic "backyard science" sort of experiments. If you can't test it, it can't be true. Sigh, willful ignorance is such a sad thing.
Yes, it's just sad.

In my limited time here, I've seen that excuse rolled out several times. But I can't think of any post that I've seen where one of the FE faithful have reported on their own experimental data. Other than, I looked at the horizon and it looked flat to me. Or that canal experiment from the 1800's.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 25, 2017, 02:56:37 AM »
So, not only are your claims unverified, but you yourself admit that you wouldn't be able to test them, even if you want to, and instead refer to things like GPS satellites using relativity, when satellites don't even exist! And then you have the audacity to claim I'm the copout. Quite the intriguing line of argument you've built.
For the record, I didn't say anything about GPS formulas using relativity, someone else made that comment. I actually had not heard that before, but considering the orbital speed of the satellites and their altitude, I suppose that makes sense. What with speed and lessor gravitational fields having effects and all.

It's a sad little world you have chosen for yourself where no accomplishments can be appreciated or knowledge gained based on the experiences of others.

Did you hear that someone climbed to the summit of Mt Everest? But wait, I can't comment on that since I didn't do that myself, and you probably haven't been there. So I guess you don't believe in that either.

OK, that's enough for now. I'm going to go back to the baseball game I'm watching on my satellite TV, which I assume you don't believe in either.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: October 25, 2017, 01:04:44 AM »
And of those listed links, how many of those have you performed yourself to verify their authenticity?
Quite the copout. No reasonable answer, so you pull that one out of the hat.

To answer you question, no I have not performed those experiments. I am not a scientist, but I do have the capability to read and understand their results. At least, much of the time. And if it's something I don't understand, I try to learn and don't automatically assume everyone is conspiring against me.

Have you personally proven that the publisher/authors of all those articles are lying, part of the vast round conspiracy?
Have you personally visited and mapped the ice wall in which you probably believe?

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