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Messages - supaluminus

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I was thinking that the management of NASA must be total idiots to fake a whole space program and then do it so poorly with them being accused of a terrible safety culture and pretending to kill 7 astronauts twice due to poor decisions at the top.  And then to scatter pieces of a fake shuttle all over Texas and get a whole bunch of people to walk the bushes looking for parts and getting confused with bicycle parts in the mix and then finding 1/3 of the shuttle making them look like fools.  Why not have a fake space program that makes management look like competent workers instead, since it is all fake anyway?  If I was doing a fraud to get money, I would try to make it look well run to make it easier to get funding, not the opposite.

Ah... the global conspiracy paradox.

They have the power, they pull the strings, they have their fingers in every pie...

... but for some reason, they can’t get all the bubbles out of the mock-up ISS spacewalk pool. Tis a mystery...

I just registered and am not sure if this is the correct place to post something.
My name is Gregory Wiseman and I was one of the crew on the 2014 NASA expedition to the ISS.  My daughter told me about this society earlier today and I am honeslty intrigued.   I am not sure if the members here are truly in the pursuit of knowledge or just having fun but if it is the former then I am happy to share my personal experiences. 
Having spent a little over three months in earths orbit I can tell you all that we live on a stunningly beautiful planet and the earth I can assure you is perfectly round.  So perfectly round that if you shrunk it to the size of a billiard ball, it would be infinitely smoother in your hand than an actual cue ball.  I've been fortunate to view the earth with my own eyes from the heavens of the ISS and our planet is no different than any other, it is round just like a globe.
I'd be happy to answer an questions if they are sincere and hope you all will continue a lifetime of learning.

Is there any way at all you can verify who you are? This kind of primary sourcing sounds too good to be true, if you’ll pardon my meaning.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: How Banning works
« on: January 16, 2018, 11:15:27 PM »
I suppose what I posted could be taken as a joke. It could also be taken as a serious response to concerns of a Round Earther worrying about expressing themselves in a Flat Earth group. It is really up to the reader to interpret what was meant by that assertion of not to worry about it.

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to incorporate some humor; just make sure that you are addressing the point of the topic and are providing content. I don't think the moderators would warn a poster for incorporating some level of humor if the majority of the post was on point.

'Course we could just ask you what was meant by that assertion, but then you'd have to surrender the interpretive "wiggle room," so to speak.

Is the majority of this post on point, or off point?

Well, to be fair - and I was the only one who said I would do this - the challenge was to demonstrate this fact without relying on government space agencies.
That takes five seconds!
Google "SpaceX"!

Eh... too easy. Let's assume we're limiting it to... non-corporate independents. At least, that's what I'm going to try.

My point is that you really don't need photographs to demonstrate the globe model and all of astronomy as accurate. It only requires that you understand the maths.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: How Banning works
« on: January 16, 2018, 07:45:03 PM »
And if you're going to make a rule like this, be consistent. Why wasn't Tom warned for this?

Tom wasn't warned, the person who responded to him was. Overall, I don't think either post warranted a warning.
I think you missed one post in this string. Supaluminous opens the off-topic exchange with his comment of

Should I be wary about being thrown out if people start getting irritated with me for making too much sense?

Perhaps Tom shouldn't have entertained his shitposting, but nobody's perfect. Supa, in this case, is very clearly the instigator.

That sounds reasonably fair to me. I'm glad you at least understood why that was a valid question to ask, rather than snubbing the question outright.


Except for Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Approximations or not, scientists claim these work.

I revised the OP.

Out of curiosity, are you aware the Kepler's laws were used to predict the existence and location of Neptune and the prediction of the location was accurate to within one degree in the sky?


By supe's own admission, science is not 100% exact. It is inherently 'uncertain.' Therefore no such prediction could have been successful."

This is what you have been saying, in so many words, over and over again, lackey. Please tell me that you understand A ) that this is the position you have been toting, and B ) that there is something inherently unreasonable about said position.

If you really think this is a straw man of your position, show me how, and I will admit fault and concede a more accurate representation of your position. If no such demonstration can be made, you need to check your logical maths and try again.

Edited for brevity.

Gonna maintain the current OP.

The model will need to start somewhere with just one orbit of one planet and it will also need to have Kepler in relation to the Earth/Moon system.

So, in keeping with the Kepler requirement, we can see how the model is further compiled, now adding Newton.

Repeating the OP:
"Damning evidence against the heliocentric model...
would be the lack of a CGI rendering of the complete model, along with a detailed release of all inputs used for creating the model.

Those inputs used for creating the model would need to minimally include Kepler's Laws of planetary motion and Newton's Laws of motion and universal gravitation and account for the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Does anyone have such a model, open for inspection?"

If you do not have a model for submission, then please refrain from posting.

No offense, but you've been moving the goal post every time someone posts a model.

You make objections like, "it's not exact," when the fact is that the math has never been exact, only an approximation.

Even if that approximation is accurate to .00000000-whatever nth of a percent, it's still TECHNICALLY an approximation, despite having such a small deviation. A small deviation like that means we have a high level of "CONFIDENCE" in how accurate this approximation is. That's a statistics term, "confidence," that I'm sure you remember from community college (that's not a dig, I did two years of local community college for my AA).

You ever drive a car or step on an airplane? The odds of you stepping out of either vehicle alive are WAY WORSE than the confidence we have in these approximations, but I don't see you advocating against the Department of Transportation the way you do NASA.

Please define your terms before you send people on another wild goose chase.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Occam's razor
« on: January 16, 2018, 02:35:25 AM »
What's supposed to be the problem with that picture? It's got two ways to calculate the same number - why is that a problem?

It grows exponentially inaccurate with distance due to the way it measures the angle (θ) between a given two radii. They forgot to convert degrees to radians.

Understanding what that means took me like 30-45 minutes of research, so if you don't understand it, just gimme time to put everything together.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Can't Send PMs
« on: January 16, 2018, 01:41:18 AM »
Do you have the "save a copy in my outbox" checkbox ticked when sending your PMs?

OHHHHHHH thanks <3

It is the correct forum. I received your PMs. I am not bothering to reply because a 5 year old can determine what low-content and shitposting means.

Well, see, it's not that I don't understand, it's just that I'm confused. By my reckoning, that would make Tom's post shitposting too.

So was it like the cop condom thing I described, orrrrrrr?

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Occam's razor
« on: January 16, 2018, 01:39:40 AM »
charts n’graphics n’trig n’shit

Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you yet.

The short answer is, they didn’t convert to radians.

The long answer involves a swan dive down the rabbit-hole and tells us some history about how the degree came to exist as a unit of measurement for angles, and why it isn’t an accurate unit of measurement for scales of this size. We goin' on a field trip to Babylon, dawg.

What I wanted to do is to provide some visual aids and a recording to walk you through them, because this shit is really obscure, easy to miss, and a little confusing at first. I didn’t know anything about what I found in the process of investigating this chart, so please don’t take this as condescension - it was hard for me to wrap my own head around at first.

Anyway, I’m at work right now, but I can get this done tonight when I get home. Then we can discard this chart for being... completely irrelevant, and finally move on to our conversation about the movements of the stars n’galaxies n’shit.
Thank you.

So, while I was going through some of the terms we're gonna need to go over, I realized we're gonna need to go over "cosine," "arcsin," and a few other things that are gonna take me some time. I'm gonna try to get it done tonight but I'm heading out to hang with friends, so it might not be until late. Bear with me, tiger.

No. What you could do is walk me through whatever gymnastics you just did in your head to go from, “science is not 100% certain” to “we can just throw out Kepler and Newton all together, we don’t need that bullshit.” I get lost between those two statements, help me out.
If that is not what you meant, then that is not what you meant.

That is why I wrote the question.

You wrote the question with either a circumstantial misunderstanding of what I meant or a willful misunderstanding of what I meant. I'm trying to figure out which. Did you just not understand what I meant, or were you trying to twist my words in order to straw-man?

Again, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but even if your question doesn't fully explain your intentions, what it does tell me is that you don't understand what I'm talking about... and conversely, what you're talking about.

Once more, with feeling this time. Walk me through how you got from MY words to YOURS. I’m not really seeing the equivalence. Help me see where you’re coming from.
You think you identified "where I am coming from..." ( as if that matters to the OP), as you relate in the following treatise, essentially telling me to "eat shit and die."

Again, please, climb down from the cross. I'm not attacking you personally, I'm telling you you're mistaken because of what you are saying not because of who you are as a person.

Remember that piece I put in spoiler text? I was trying to be real with you, dude. I'm not here to disparage or berate you, but I don't know what you want me to do; I'm trying to tell you that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Like Ricky Gervais to Karl Pilkington, "DON'T TALK SHIT."

I don't know how exactly you expect anyone to convey that to you, honestly, in a way that doesn't make you feel like you're being told to "eat shit and die," but maybe you should try and develop some emotional maturity and get over yourself, if that's how you take criticism.

I really don't give a Darwinian monkey's uncle about you or your personal life, I'm really just concerned about the amount of ignorant shit spewing out of your mouth like a blown spigot running out of Shit's Creek. I'm not telling you to eat shit and die, lackey, that would just make a bad situation worse. Rather, I'm trying to help you clean up what's already there. I'm concerned about your mental hygiene.

Stop making this about you and me, and me telling you to "eat shit and die."

No, it does not help the OP.

It merely gives you cause to begin your turn in the role of NdGT or Bill Nye as we shall see.

I'm flattered you think I begin to compare to them, but yes, it does help. It helps me and anyone else reading understand where you're coming from, which explains the willingness to ignore sound reasoning, appeal to a lack of contrary evidence, put forward circular arguments, and straw-man your opponent.

You aren't here to teach and be taught, you're here to dig in your heels and fight stubbornly until you retreat from the thread, or we do. At this point, I think I can say conclusively that this is a complete waste of everyone's time.

But still, I'ma humor you, because I don't want to believe that this is a waste of everyone's time. I want to believe that you're not as stubborn and unwilling to see reason as you seem... but even I can't deny what's in front of me, after enough squinting and peering and careful scrutinizing.

See, it’s pretty obvious you have a massive chip on your shoulder when it comes to scientists and how they engage with the public. I will concede to you that they haven’t always done a good job - Hell, I’ll go further, they done fucked up if THIS is the result we find ourselves with - but you clearly don’t understand that science IS agnostic.
No, science is not agnostic in my opinion.

And your statement is just as subjective as mine and your statement or views about science or scientists will always remain as just as subjective as mine.

Yeah, opinions are like assholes. Some are shittier than others.

And you've done everything you can to demonstrate that your opinion of science and scientists is based on more spectacle than substance.

Your confusion regarding the meaning and difference between scientific law and theory, your confusion regarding the difference between "uncertainty" and "LOL THEY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!1!11" and just your patent unwillingness to see how you're wrong shows your bald-faced ignorance and shit-talking nonsense for what it is.

But hey, we haven't found that darn "textbook" model yet, so there's still something for you to cling to for dear life.

I’m sorry. I know you have a charicature in your head of how scientists are and you make certain assumptions about how they do their work, but you’re just wrong.
And you have your caricature in your head... to which I will leave you at peace.

opinions ≈ assholes

And here, with this statement: "I will concede to you that they haven’t always done a good job...:" you acknowledge my caricature of science and how scientists behave is correct at times.

You really don't understand what it means to misrepresent, over-simplify, and/or straw-man your opponent's position, do you? I mean, like I said, I wanna believe it's just ignorance, but that's because I can't tell if you're doing this intentionally or not.

Either way, lemme break it down for you:

The "haven't always" part is what you're glossing over. Just because I acknowledge that scientists can make mistakes doesn't mean I'm agreeing with your characterization, which goes much further than mine.

False equivalency. Stop this squirming around and just have an honest dialog with me, for fuck's sake.

...with at least I explained how and why a few times now, but rather than address my objections, you ignore them, double down on the previous claim, and then show everyone here the underbelly of your victim complex.
Funny...I do not feel victimized.

Funny, you're sure behaving like one.

"Eat shit and die?" Jesus Christ, lackey, did I hurt your feelings? I'm really not trying to. Grow up. Again, I defer to what I said before about sugarcoating it. idk wtf you want me to say or how you want me to say it, but either way, climb down off your fucking cross and try to have a productive conversation for once.

Climb down off the cross and stop straw-manning me and the topic of science.
I will, just as soon as you promise to stop playing Freud, stick to the OP, and stop trying to bury this OP behind a wall of text.

I wouldn't have to "play Freud" if you weren't making such a fucking mess of this discussion with your constant fallacious false equivalencies, straw-men, begging the question, appeals to ignorance, and a HOST of other shit we've already talked about.

I can't have an honest conversation with you unless you agree to converse honestly. How the fuck are we supposed to talk about the OP at all when every other reply from you attempts to rephrase and simplify your opponent's words into a shape you can more easily dismiss? You aren't even replying to the same words at that event, so don't talk to me about "sticking to the OP." Stick to some intellectual honesty.

As I said in another thread, if you’re going to criticize scientists for how they do science, the least you could do is try to represent both subjects accurately. Anything less shows either a willingness to straw-man your opponent with incomplete, inaccurate representations of their position, or a complete lack of comprehension, or both. Your responses so far make you a strong candidate for the latter, by my reckoning.

Hi. Please point out where I misrepresented you, and I'll happily retract my words.

Otherwise you're talking shit, again.

Suggestions & Concerns / Can't Send PMs
« on: January 15, 2018, 11:14:44 PM »
Or at least, I can't view my sent PMs from my profile. I sent one to a moderator before, and now another. Neither one has ever appeared in my sent items.

Why don't it do?

EDIT: Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I didn't see anything for technical support.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Oregon FE meetup Sat 27 Jan
« on: January 15, 2018, 10:32:01 PM »
Should I be wary about being thrown out if people start getting irritated with me for making too much sense?

I don't think you have anything to worry about.

idk, if the internet is any indication, I might get banned for daring to insist on sound reason and evidence.

Willing to be proven wrong, but I don't think it's as unambiguous as you say.

Okay, am I to place you on record as writing something to the equivalent of: "It is not necessary to include the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Laws of planetary motion when rendering a CGI of the Solar System."?

No. What you could do is walk me through whatever gymnastics you just did in your head to go from, “science is not 100% certain” to “we can just throw out Kepler and Newton all together, we don’t need that bullshit.” I get lost between those two statements, help me out.

Granted, I'm not saying it's "unreliable," it just seems to me like you're describing it in terms we could call 100% concrete or 100% certain... which is simply not accurate.
Newton was wrong in his Laws of Thermodynamics?

Kepler's Laws of planetary motion are wrong?

Once more, with feeling this time. Walk me through how you got from MY words to YOURS. I’m not really seeing the equivalence. Help me see where you’re coming from.

Just like in the other thread when you claimed how scientists say they have "all the math" or "all the answers," as I deduced you meant, if you're using the same context here, I can say with 99.999999% "certainty" that you're mistaken... Get it?
I happen to agree that scientists do not know anything when it comes to something they  cannot actually put their hands on, but I am not the one preaching the gospel like NdGT or Bill Nye, nor am I the one stating textbooks are factual.

They are and they behave as if they are gods walking amongst insects.

And the most they generally have to offer, when hard pressed, is a condescending, "Take our word for it," or some other form of BS answer.

That is my opinion on that specific matter.


See, it’s pretty obvious you have a massive chip on your shoulder when it comes to scientists and how they engage with the public. I will concede to you that they haven’t always done a good job - Hell, I’ll go further, they done fucked up if THIS is the result we find ourselves with - but you clearly don’t understand that science IS agnostic.

I’m sorry. I know you have a charicature in your head of how scientists are and you make certain assumptions about how they do their work, but you’re just wrong. I explained how and why a few times now, but rather than address my objections, you ignore them, double down on the previous claim, and then show everyone here the underbelly of your victim complex.

Climb down off the cross and stop straw-manning me and the topic of science. As I said in another thread, if you’re going to criticize scientists for how they do science, the least you could do is try to represent both subjects accurately. Anything less shows either a willingness to straw-man your opponent with incomplete, inaccurate representations of their position, or a complete lack of comprehension, or both. Your responses so far make you a strong candidate for the latter, by my reckoning.

Not gonna argue with you any further on this point, just wanted to make it clear that you’ve got a bone to pick with science and it has totally skewed your perception to the point that you are haphazardly over-simplifying really important distinctions like the difference between “not 100% certain” and just winging it for shits and giggles.

I don’t expect my words alone to unravel your bald-faced bias and willingness to misunderstand or misrepresent the opponent position, but I felt it needed to be pointed out. Everyone has bias, but you’re really not trying to compensate for that, at all, if you’re gonna argue the way you have been.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Oregon FE meetup Sat 27 Jan
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:46:43 PM »
I'm seriously considering it. Are globe-tards like me welcome?

Yes, of course.  Just be civilised and fit right in. 

The main point of this meetup is not to convert people or vice-versa.  Most people coming to this already know the Earth is flat and the basic stuff. There will be some first timers for sure, but for a lot of us this meetup has two purposes:

1) put out some info (especially historical) that will fill in a lot of blanks for a lot of Flat Earth believers.

2) provide an opprtunity for the FE community in Oregon to meet together, network, etc.

Based on what Mark Sargent told me from his own experience, I’m expecting perhaps 50 people that will be enthusiastic about meeting with similar minded folks and definitely not looking to be judged (his words).

Should I be wary about being thrown out if people start getting irritated with me for making too much sense?

How are you defining "complete"? Just the sun and planets? Planets and moons?
Complete as in complete.

This is the problem; there is rarely any such thing in science. Tried really hard to convey this to you in another thread, with respect to the meaning of the term "uncertainty" in a scientific context, but maybe it didn't sink in.

We can only be as certain about our measurements as the tools we use to take those measurements. We don't have a tool with infinite precision, so there will always be some discrepancy, however small.

Just think of an inch ruler. Now go down to half inches. Now quarter. Eighth, one sixteenth, one thirty-second, one sixy-fourth, and so on. Just as the cosmos on a macro scale expands infinitely outward, so too do the micro cosmos shrink infinitely inward.

So again, you need to define your terms. How "complete" is "complete?" What level of discrepancy would you accept? At what point, from earth out into deep space, would you be satisfied to say, "Okay, we can stop here, this is accurate enough for us to call it samesies."
Newton found Kepler's work to be unambiguous and provided support.

Scientists today find both unambiguous and credit them when releasing information in textbooks and papers.

Seems accurate enough to me.

So, complete as in complete.

There are CGI representations a plenty out there.

None fit the bill when it comes to actually modeling the Sun's movement in terms of revolutions, with planets in tow, about the Milky Way.

So far, efforts to accurately model the movement are bupkus.

Don't blame me for pointing this out.

Willing to be proven wrong, but I don't think it's as unambiguous as you say.

Granted, I'm not saying it's "unreliable," it just seems to me like you're describing it in terms we could call 100% concrete or 100% certain... which is simply not accurate. Just like in the other thread when you claimed how scientists say they have "all the math" or "all the answers," as I deduced you meant, if you're using the same context here, I can say with 99.999999% "certainty" that you're mistaken... Get it?

Anyway, I'll get back to you tonight about the trig function and how it measures the earth's curvature inaccurately - not nearly as inaccurate as your claims about science, but that's another conversation - but we can hash out this claim about the mathematics behind the movements of celestial bodies afterwards.

How are you defining "complete"? Just the sun and planets? Planets and moons?
Complete as in complete.

This is the problem; there is rarely any such thing in science. Tried really hard to convey this to you in another thread, with respect to the meaning of the term "uncertainty" in a scientific context, but maybe it didn't sink in.

We can only be as certain about our measurements as the tools we use to take those measurements. We don't have a tool with infinite precision, so there will always be some discrepancy, however small.

Just think of an inch ruler. Now go down to half inches. Now quarter. Eighth, one sixteenth, one thirty-second, one sixy-fourth, and so on. Just as the cosmos on a macro scale expands infinitely outward, so too do the micro cosmos shrink infinitely inward.

So again, you need to define your terms. How "complete" is "complete?" What level of discrepancy would you accept? At what point, from earth out into deep space, would you be satisfied to say, "Okay, we can stop here, this is accurate enough for us to call it samesies."

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Occam's razor
« on: January 15, 2018, 06:40:42 PM »
charts n’graphics n’trig n’shit

Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you yet.

The short answer is, they didn’t convert to radians.

The long answer involves a swan dive down the rabbit-hole and tells us some history about how the degree came to exist as a unit of measurement for angles, and why it isn’t an accurate unit of measurement for scales of this size. We goin' on a field trip to Babylon, dawg.

What I wanted to do is to provide some visual aids and a recording to walk you through them, because this shit is really obscure, easy to miss, and a little confusing at first. I didn’t know anything about what I found in the process of investigating this chart, so please don’t take this as condescension - it was hard for me to wrap my own head around at first.

Anyway, I’m at work right now, but I can get this done tonight when I get home. Then we can discard this chart for being... completely irrelevant, and finally move on to our conversation about the movements of the stars n’galaxies n’shit.

Looking at the world does tell us that the earth is flat.
No, it doesn't. Simply repeating something false doesn't make it true.
Looking at a flat horizon, if you knew absolutely nothing about the world, may lead you to conclude that the earth is flat.

Right. The conclusion is that the earth is flat. So tell us something about the world that shows us otherwise.
If there is no collusion between (ie a conspiracy) all four of these
American, European, Russian and Japanese space agencies why are these photos not evidence of the Earth being a Globe!

Moon and Earth from EPIC on DSCOVR

MSG-3 captured its first image of the Earth

Russian Satellite Photo
around midday in Dec 2015

Himawari-8 20160705120000fd

Well, to be fair - and I was the only one who said I would do this - the challenge was to demonstrate this fact without relying on government space agencies, but only independent sources of media like that.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Oregon FE meetup Sat 27 Jan
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:31:47 AM »
Forgive me if this is not in the correct category. I thought it important to get the word out.

We’re having a Flat Earth meet-up at the Red Lion Hotel in Salem, Oregon (I-5, exit 256) on Saturday 27 January 2018 from 12 noon to 5pm.

We’ll be in the Jefferson Centre room #1 located by the rear parking lot. It’s their biggest room - carpeted with elegant round banquet tables. We’ll have free information packets with lady greeters at the door and free and unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks, and water for the first 50 folks from 12noon to 4pm.

The hotel is within walking distance of multiple places to eat and inexpensive lodging.

The hostess and organiser is Mrs. Carolyn, and I’ll be giving two talks on the history of the Flat Earth movement (ancient & modern). We have a projector, screen, sound system, and a cordless microphone. Tentatively, Chief Crow and the Flat Earthworms from Portland will be performing, and we’ll have time for passing the mic to everyone for introductions and plenty of time for questions, open discussion, and socialising.

And by the way, it’s free.

I'm seriously considering it. Are globe-tards like me welcome?

Mind you, we've never spoken, but I've adopted that term. Not trying to put words in your mouth or anything.

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